Machinery Sell POWER Pony now available with 12 or 16 h.p. motors. Attachments available. 38in and 57in mowers, rotary hoe. dozer blade, and front end loader. For further information or demonstration phone 63-924. Hobdavs Lawnmowers. 1036 Colombo St. sole Canterbury stockists. THS STIHL Dolrner and Husquavna chain saws. Sales, spares and service. Foster Chainsaws. 288 Lincoln Rd. ph. 381-521.THS TRANSPLANTERS from $1264. single row 1985. 2 row. Noble Adams Machinery, Ltd. HaNworth Ave, Hornbv. Phone 497-862. a.h. 499-581." FOR SALE GARLOCK GLAND PACKING AND SHEET JOINTINGS ENQUIRE now from your national distributor:PAYKEL BROS LTD Phone NN 82-214, or Wellington 842-328. Or write P.O. Box 206, Nelson. Machinery Buy WANTED POTATO GRADER STANDARD or jumbo Linton or similar type. Phone Ross Wensley. 395-750 Invercargill collect. Fruit, Plants, Produce ALOUETTE Nursery, open each Friday (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.) Saturday (9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.) until mid May. Alpine plants in variety; Rhododendrons from $4 each: choice newer introductions also available. J. LeComte (Dro-tnore-Methven Rd.) No. 2 R.D. Ashburton. Ph. Winchmore 797. APPLES, Coxs Orange. Kidds Orange, Lord Wolseley, open Weekdays, 12.30 to 5 p.m. and all day Saturday and Sun. Peter Sisson, 384 Saywers Arms Rd, Papanui. MGF APPLES: Cox’s Orange. Gala and Kid’s Orange. Glengarlff Orchard, Wards Rd, Tai Tapu (off Tai Tapu/Llncoln Rd). Open 9 a.m.-5.30 p.m. daily. DTC APPLES, good quality, Cox’s or Red Delicious, big 10kg family bag $3.95, also cheaper grades. Redberries Orchard, Main South Rd, Weedons. APPLES, Royal Gala, Coxs Orange, Bon Chretien, Bartlett Pears. Shenley Orchards, 656 Wairakel Rd. back of Russley Golf Course. (Closed Sunday). DTC APPLES. Cox’s Orange, Wolseleys, available at last year’s prices, also plenty of cheap fruit, due to hail damage. Potatoes. W. G. Freeman, 49 Tuckers Rd, Papanui. .APPLES. Pick your own or avail, in shop, Coxs Orange and Kidds Orange, glasshouse grapes, creamed and liquid honey, fresh vegetables. Open 7 days. Brookvale Orchard, 626 Marshland Rd. APPLES. Red Delicious. Golden Delicious, Spartan, Gala and Russet, also sweet corn. Low prices for hall damage. Please bring containers. Pippin Grove, Marshs Road, Prebbleton, Thurs., Frl., Sat., Sun., 12 to 5 p.m. CHAAF exc. bright top quality chaaf, heavy with big fatblack oats, very best for sale at only $ll per bag, corner Main West and Buchanans Rd, Yaldhurst, ph. 429-711. CHAFF, oaten, top quality, $8.50. Also straw chaff $5.50. Sacks extra. Ph. 478-071. CHAFF. Top quality, $lO, bag extra. Oats, $l5, bag extra. Bush, Shands Rd, phone 496-924. FUCHSIAS, buy from Canterbury Fuchsia Centre, South Islands largest selection of quality fuchsias. For all varieties ’at best prices, where satisfaction is our motto. Catalogue $1 plus postage. 91 River Rd, Chch 1. FUCHSIAS, excel, selection, upright and hanging varieties, 95c each. Nursery Propagators, 406 A Barrington St. GREEN barley, hall damaged, suitable for silage, at Ohoka. Ph. Oxford 24-581 evenings. LUCERNE chaff, freshly cut, large sacks $9, small $7, sacks extra. Ph. 584-223. RASPBERRIES, strawberries, blackberries and boysenberries. Fresh dessert, free flow dessert and jam. Harrows Berryfields, 161 Gardiners Rd, Harewood. Ph. 595-630. SPECIALS, trees and shrubs, 75c each, flowering, climbing, fragrant, ground covers, natives, herbs, conifers, bonsais, farm shelter, pink silk tree, boronlas, smoke bush, honey locust, etc. also at 95c fuchsias, magnolias, wistaria, orange blossom, clematis, aralia, wintersweet, ericas, viburnum, 'pink pampas etc. Many others, Nursery Propagators, 406 a Barrington St. STRAWBERRIES now available Blue Gum Berry Farm. Fresh blackberries, plus frozen raspberries and boysenberrles for jam. Open 7 days. 448 Sawyers Arms Rd. Ph. 598-941. STRAWBERRIES Jam and dessert pick your own, plenty of fruit, $l.BO k.g. bring containers, picked fruit available, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. 609 Avonhead Rd, opp. Airport. STRAWBERRIES, beautiful berries for jam, dessert, or pick your own, $l.BO kg, also raspberries, fresh blackberries, boysenberries and loganberries. black and red currants, gooseberries, Jam, free flow dessert packs. Harrows Redwood Gardens, 434 Sawyers Arms Rd. Ph. 596435. DTC APPLES RED DELICIOUS GALA SPARTAN REDWOOD ORCHARD, 45 HAWKINS ROAD (off Prestons Rd). Open 9.30-5 dally. Phone 853-762 CHEAPEST IN TOWN APRICOTS FROM $5.55 CASE • PEACHES from $6.95 case • PLUMS from $4.95 case / • NECTARINES, $13.95 case • TOMATOES, $4.95 case • PEARS, $8.95 case • BOYSENBERRIES,S6.9S 3kg • POTATOES, $4.25 S.b. • FRESH VEGES DAILY 9 a.m. to 6, Mon. to Sat. Late nights: Thurs. and Frl,