Public Notices LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTICE EVIDENCE of the loss of Certificate of title (Canterbury Registry) described in the schedule having been lodged with me together with application for the issue of new Certificate of Title, notice is hereby given of my Intention to issue the same upon the expiration of fourteen davs from the date of the Gazette containing this notice. Certificate of Title No. 359/ 51 for 506 square metres in Christchurch being Lot 4 Deposited Plan 6485 in the name Of MAURICE GRAEME SMITH. Clerk and URSULA BETTINE SMITH his wife. Application No. 424386'5. W. B. GREIG District Land Registrar LYTTELTON HARBOUR BOARD CONTAINER TERMINAL Containers Unpacked AOTEA V 1355 MOLU 5731852 MOLU 5751078 OCLU 2920038 OCLU 2921076 JLAU 261032 NZCU 5620602 Storage charges commence March 22. 1983. NOTICE UNDER THE SALE OF LIQUOR ACT. 1962 AND ITS AMENDMENTS DYMAND STEAKHOUSE LIMITED, a duly incorporated company having its registered office at Christchurch has made application to the Licensing Control Commission for amendments to Its Food and Entertainment Licence in respect of the premises situated at 666 Colombo St, Christchurch and known as Dymands Restaurant. for the purposes and during the hours following.— PURPOSE: To dine. HOURS: Monday to Thursday. 11.30 a.m. to 1 a.m. the following morning. Friday and Saturday, 11.30 a.m. to 2.00 a.m. the following morning. Sunday 5.00 p.m. to 12 midnight. Entertainment by way of piped music may be provided as ancillary to the main purpose. Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the grant of the application may. not later than 14 days from the date of first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of his objection and of the grounds thereof with the Secretary of the Licensing Control Commission at Wellington. This is the second publication of this notice, the first publication having been advertised on Thursday, March 10. 1983. | RETURMEOSERYICES | SUMNER-REDCLIFFS R.S.A. VOTING FOR EXECUTIVE WILL all association members please note that ten only Is the maximum number required for election to the executive and not twelve as stated on the ballot paper. C. R. L. SMITH. Secretry-Treasurer. Tradesmen ADDITIONS, alterations and home repairs. Ph. 370-047. DTC ALL painting and papering, buildings, offices, houses. Master painter. Ph 488-377. D ALL plans and specifications drawn, for new homes, units, additions at competative rates for prompt service and advice ph. 63-892. ALTERATIONS and new work by builder with many years experience In the trade. For a competitive quote ph. 66-802, a.h. 515-358. D ALTERATIONS, renovations, home repairs, work guaranteed. Immediate service. Phone 66-925, day or night. BATH resurfacing, a new look for your old bath. Choice of colours, written guarantee. Ph. Tony Waller, Kaiapoi (27) 6460 any time. BRICK paving and landscape services. For all paving, drives, paths, patios, etc. phone 66-689 for prompt service. MGF BUILDER avail, for all types of work, immed. start, free quotes. Phone 325-265. CAR painting, and panelbeating. Cheapest prices. Prompt service. Free quotes and pick up. Ph. 841-212 or 882-237. CARPENTER available, additions, alterations, repairs, wardrobes, rooms relined etc., no job too small. Phone 559-497. D CARPET Cleaner, Ascot Carpet cleaning special, lounge dining hall, $29. One week only. All areas. Ph. 882-928 anytime. CARPET cleaning with steam master for best rates, free quotes and prompt service. Ph. 894-815. CARPET remaking, laying repairs. Ph. 61-699, ah. 43-316. CARPET shampooing, steam extraction. Lounge, dining, hall $3O and $7 per bedroom thereafter. For best rate and results, phone Errol 382-893. 24 hour, 7 day service, all areas. D CARPET shampooing, stain treatment. Phone 61-699, a.h. 43-316. CHOOSE cobblestone by Dimcan Grey. Ltd, Ph. 496-085. D COBBLESTONE and all concrete work by Tudor Concrete, Ltd. Phone Kevin Duggan 497-994 or a.h. Barry Kotoul, phone 7614 Kaiapoi. TOST COBBLESTONE by the Cobblestone Paving Co., Ltd, see the dlslay at Duncan Grey, Ltd, 28 Waterloo Rd. Ph. 496-085, Timaru 86-321, Rangiora 6988, Greymouth 5241, Methven 28-555. D DRAINAGE. For all your drainage requirements, phone M. G. Glubb, 44-882. D DRAIN clearing, sewer and storm. Water cleared with high water pressure. No digging required. Ph. 790-575 any time. DTC DRAINLAYER, free quotes, blocked drains a specialty, 24 hour service. Phone B. J. Saunders 527-939. DRAINLAYERS available for all types of work. Electric drain cleaning machine for efficient clearing of blocked sewers. Walton Plumbing Co.. Ltd. Ph. 60-306 or 794-127. D ELECTRICIAN D. Lee, phone 60-659, 12 hr domestic $ discount. Free quote. MTWHS TIIDE infuNor I UDE cuttengths Round or Square 3/8" to T and Rectangular 78 Byron Street, Phone 88-829 TUBE TUBE
Page 23 Advertisements Column 8
Press, 17 March 1983, Page 23
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