Public Notices CHIROPRACTOR J. W. Duggan. D.C., 17 Maxwell St, Riccarton. Ph. 482-794. TTHS RESTAURATEURS! Is your business doing as well as it could be? Advertise with "The Press" Restaurant Guide every Thursday. Phone 790-940. ext 897. “THE Press" Chch street maps available now. Wall, pocket and sectional maps. December 1982 editions. Chch Press offices, Gloucester St and Cathedral Square. D WE’RE highly optimistic about our Classified ads. Shop our columns and you'll see why!D $21,000 close to city, compact. 2 bdrm home on small section. ideal for handyman, renovator, first buyer, who doesn’t mind work. Phone 887-077. a.h. 849-704. New Brighton Estate Agency. MREINZ. ANDREW COATES EXHIBITION EXTENSION Because of public interest and demand the Exhibition has been extended to Wednesday March 23. CHRISTCHURCH TOWN HALL FOYER. 3uilda jetter bundation I The National Heart Foundation L I needs your help in fighting ' | N.Z.'s number one health I I hazard, heart and blood vessel I I disease. Funds are urgently i | needed for continuing research | ■ and public education. . Please send your tax deductj ible contribution to: Box 696, I Christchurch j ® New Zealand Forest Service CANCELLATION OF PROHIBITED FIRE SEASON WAIMEA AND GOLDEN BAY COUNTIES AND N.Z. FOREST SERVICE THE orders advertised under Section 21 of The Forest and Rural Fires Act 1977 prohibiting fires in the open air and restricting access into forests and valleys in the Waimea Division of the Waimea County and Golden Bay County is cancelled as from Friday, March 11, 1983. A restricted fire season is now In force. Permits for lighting fires in the open are now obtainable from fire officers. On behalf of the Fire Authorities for the area. I. A. BLACK, Principal Rural Fire Officer, NELSON. | RETURREDSERVICES I CHRISTCHURCH NOTICE is hereby given that the 67th Annual General Meeting of the Christchurch Returned Services Association will be held In the clubrooms. 74 Armagh St on Wednesday, March 30, 1983, at 7.45 p.m. BUSINESS: 1. Minutes of the 66th Annual General Meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. Matters arising from Minutes. 3. Adoption of the Annual Report and Statements of Accounts for year ending December 31, 1982. 4. Election of Executive Committee and other officials for the year 1983. 5. Notices of Motion — As published in the Annual Report. 6. General Business. J. GREEN, Secretary Manager. Christchurch. ELLESMERE A CRITICAL AREA COASTAL RESOURCE INVESTIGATION THE Commissioner of Crown Lands for the Canterbury Land District is convening a public meeting to consider the Department of Lands and Survey’s study, “Ellesmere — A Critical Area: Coastal Resource Investigation.” The meeting Is to foster discussion and to help promote the development of a public consensus of future action as outlined in the study. The meeting Is to be held on March 27, 1983, at 7.30 p.m. In the Oak Room at Lincoln College (Student Union Building). Copies of the study may be obtained from the Department of Lands and Survey, Worcester Street, Christchurch, ph. 799-760, Ext. 833. GOLFERS GOLF World computerised indoor driving range, now open. Professional tuition now available. Full range of golf equipment at: GOLF WORLD, 96 Gloucester St (Opp. Library). Phone 798-750. OPEN SAT. MORNINGS LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL PAST PUPILS’ ASSN ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING March 30, 1983, at 7.30 Lincoln High School Staff Room RICCARTON BOROUGH COUNCIL SPECIAL ORDER ADOPTION OF REFUSE DISPOSAL BY LAW NOTICE is hereby given that at an Ordinary Meeting of the Riccarton Borough Council held on Monday, February 28, 1983, a resolution was passed by way of Special Order. The intention of the Special Order Is to adopt a By Law for the Disposal of Refuse as recommended to the constituent Councils by the Christchurch Metropolitan Refuse Disposal Committee. NOTICE is further given that the Special Order, which Is available for Inspection at the Bqrough Office during normal office hours, will be submitted for confirmation at an ordinary meeting of the Council to be held on Monday, March 28,1983, at 7.30 p.m. in the Counc' 1 Room. . SKINNER. Town Clerk. 199 Clarence Street, Riccarton.
Page 23 Advertisements Column 6
Press, 17 March 1983, Page 23
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