The Great New Zealand Cheer! h IBh I«et's hear it for everyone who gave 'em a Thste of Kiwi... /VzF^*' s 7 w What a brilliant summer it’s been for New m Ai- > Zealand sports fans! V II If only the sun had shone as brightly as our V --• y.-.-.- JUL ' international sportsmen and sportswomen X 5 ’ over ie P ast f ew mont hs, everything would have been absolutely perfect. W\ yy OW But, sunshine or no sunshine, isn't it great to H bask in the reflected glory of such shining -i, . examples of Kiwi guts, skill and determination L JMy|F, as our cricketers, softballers, Davis Cup tennis W-J **3' players, World Cup soccer squad. j f* record-breaking relay runners, Vance and / <M McGinty... /| You could fill this page with all the (\ / ? . U glittering Kiwi performances, but you’d be '" ■ \Jy~J tv< ~~ bound to leave someone out. X. J So, let’s just give’em all a Great New Noh # Zealand Cheer as our thanks to all the '■ ( winners, triers — and supporters — who’ve ! given us so much pleasure and pride in being / Kiwis. »*X ( If s going to be another great year for The V . . Great New Zealand Cheer! The Great New Zealand Beer B LION 1 I": Z^-s Z - *** - ' 1 .■ * i 4.C JT. / ' . s ; r .z f ■ ' ; >y ; "■ . ‘ , . y g i A message of continuing support for New Zealand ! .... Copyright-Lion Breweries Limited. New Zealand. 1983. |1 SpOFt frOITI LiOO Limited. X 1
Page 20 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 17 March 1983, Page 20
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