Church Notices i ANGLICAN | ST JOHN’S MISSION CHURCH LATIMER SQUARE i AU welcome at all services i 8 a.m.: HOLY COMMUNION. i 10 a.m.: FAMILY SERVICE. i 7 p.m : MISSION SERVICE. WITH COMMUNION. J Preacher at ail services i PETER COUGHLAN. ■ ANGLICAN ST MICHAEL’S Sunday in Octave of Michaelmas 9 a.m. Procession. High Mass and Sermon Breakfast after this service. 11 a.m. Holy Communion. I Hymns and Sermon. : Preacher 9 and 11: The Vicar. 7 p.m. Solemn Evensong. Sermon and Procession. Preacher: Fr Peter Shields. PHILIP BAKER Vicar
ANGLICAN ST PAUL’S ANGLICANCHURCH. LEITHFIELD 125th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS NOVEMBER 6 and 7 FOR further details and registration write to: I Mrs K. COULBECK P.O. Box 9 AMBERLEY BAPTIST SPREYDON BAPTIST CHURCH Cnr. Lyttelton and Cobham Streets 10.30 a.m. Morning Worship and children's programme. 7 p.m. Evening Worship. MURRAY ROBERTSON, Pastor BAPTIST Oxford Ibrrace BAPTIST Cl WCH 9.45 a.m.:. All Ages SundaySchool. II a.m.: Morning Worship. Preacher- Rev. Alan Hodges 7 p.m.: Evening Service. Preacher Rev. Angus MacLeod. Royal School of Music will participate. (Cnr Oxford Terrace and Madras Street.)
CHARISMATIC NORTHCOTE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP NORTHCOTE SCHOOL HALL TUCKERS ROAD (off Main North Rd) SUNDAY: 10.15.a.m.: Praise and Worship Service. Speaker: Pastor Warren Duncan (Creche provided). 7 p.m.: Evening Service Speaker: Mr Tony Hawkins -Creation" ’ TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY: • Fellowship Groups All visitors welcome Enquiries Phone 528-991. CHRISTADELPHIAN - APORBS Christadelphian - Sunday -7 p.m. SPEAKING IN TONGUES as revealed in. the Bible COME and learn the real way to spiritual enlightenment. The teaching of the Bible can change your life and make you acceptable to Christ al his return. Lodge Hall. 9 Shirley Road. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 63 Worcester Street SUNDAY SERVICE 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL (up to 20 years) 10 a.m. A Nursery is available. WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING - 7.30 P.M. This meeting includes testimonies of Christian science healing. Visitors are very welcome. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM 70 Lichfield Street Phone 62-544. Open Monday-Friday from 10 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. Our Reading Room is for all to use and enjoy. ■ STC CHURCH OF GOD OF JERUSALEM ARE YOU A BORN TWICE FOLLOWER OF CHRIST? Inquire or come and fellowship with us (family of God) on the Lord's Sabbath Saturday. 2 p.m. Chamber of Commerce Hall, corner Oxford Terrace and Worcester Street. Scriptural and prophetic literature available from Jerusalem. Inquiries Phone 7197. Hanmer. ALL WELCOME. GOSPEL HALL ARMAGH STREE’T GOSPEL HALL 109 Armagh Street Sunday 7 p in.: Gospel Meeting Speaker: Dr G. Stedman A warm welcome to all to hear God's Way of Salvation. GOSPEL HALL RICHMOND MISSION North Avon Road SUNDAY 11 a.m. The King is Coming. 4.30 p.m. I am a Jealous God. GOSPEL RUTLAND ST CHAPEL SUNDAY 10.15 a.m.: Bible Teaching, followed by Communion. Speaker. Dr D. Given. 7 p.m.: Evening • Service. Speaker Mr R. Rammer. ).. TUESDAY 9.45 a an.: Ladies Craft Group: ■ WEDNESDAY 7 30 p in.: House Groups. VISITORS WELCOME.
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Press, 2 October 1982, Page 61
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