I Situations Vacant ! j UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY TECHNICIAN (COMPUTER) APPLICATIONS are invited from experienced electronic technicians for the position of hardware Technician based in the University’s Computer Centre.’ Tlie appointee will be responsible for the maintenance of microcomputers, ter- ' minals and printers connected j to a campus-wide network. ( Experience in digital elec- j ironies and qualifications to Radio-Electronic Servicemen , Registration level are required. . The salary range for Technician Grade lis $11,351 to $14,537 . per annum: commencing sal- * ary according to qualifications and experience. , Applications dose on Octo- . ber 15. 1982. | Conditions of Appointment ( may be obtained from W. Han- ; sen. Registrar. University of ’ Canterbury. Private Bag. - Christchurch. , UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY TECHNICIAN (ELECTRONIC) APPLICATIONS are invited for the above position in the Department of Electrical and ( Electronic Engineering. . A young person is sought s who is interested in work:."" _ with staff and postgraduate K students on electronically c orientated research projects r and prepared to participate in r the routine maintenance and J, servicing of departmental elecironic equipment. Considera- • tion will be given to persons having had experience in one or more of the lollowing- , fields:- Optics. Photography. Graphics. Computers. Instrumentation. and Electronic servicing. The successful applicant will be expected to undertake study towards an appropriate New Zealand Certificate in Engineering or Science. The salary range for Technician Grade I is SI 1.351 to $14,537 per annum; commencing salary according to qualifications and experience. Applications close on October 19. 1982. Conditions of Appointment . may be obtained from: W. Han- | sen, Registrar, University of Canterbury. Private Bag, Christchurch. t! t! e s ■ THE MARLBOROUGH a HOSPITAL BOARD 1( WAIRAU HOSPITAL AFTERNOON CHARGE f . NURSE p APPLICATIONS are invited from Registered Nurses for the ■ position of Afternoon Charge „ Nurse. Responsibilities include u the management and' co-ordi-nation of innovative and progressive nutsing practice on the afternoon shift. Qualifications: Applications must be a Registered General, General and Obstetric or Comprehensive Nurse. Further relevant qualifications are desirable. Salary and Conditions, of employment according to the Hospital Service Determinations DG 48 and DG 21. Appli- - cations close on October 22. 1982, with the Chief Nurse, Marlborough Hospital Board. P.O. Box 46. Blenheim, from whom further particulars may ~ be-obtained. i
Page 58 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 2 October 1982, Page 58
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