Auctions Auctions CAR ' PRELIMINARY NOTICE j AUCTION NEXT WEEK'S Wednesdays AUCTIONS 15', E p.nt TURNERS . and elif-i’ts. Home appliances. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 6 , 12 n»>n. 50 lawn mowers. < building supplies. plant and J JL jIMJIV machinery. . FRIDAY. OCTOBER 8 j CNR LICHFIELD AND 12 noon. Bicycles, fouls and I MADRAS STREETS handymens equipment. I PHONF 61-807 1230 p.m. Qualilv furniture I , . , , ~ ■ < , a L, 1 I. censed Auctioneers end effects. home appliances. ; WHS ' SMITHS CITY MARKET. LTD. ’ 88 Montreal St. I ART FOR AUCTION OCTOBER 27 PETER WEBB GALLERIES, exclusively auctioneers ■ of the Fine Arts, is holding a major sale of New : Zealand and European Historical and Contenipor- ; ary Paintings. Drawings, Prints and Photographs I on October 27 next at 6.30 p.m. Peter Webb is visiting Christchurch from Monday next, until Wednesday, October 6 a,nd he will be pleased to consider further entries for this sale. He would also like to see important pieces of jewellery and silver for a sale on November 24. He may be contacted at the Latimer Motor Lodge, telephone 796-760. PETER WEBB GALLERIES announce the following sales ■ THURSDAY. OCTOBER 28 at 6.30 p.m. ! Antiques, silver, jewellery, porcelain, rugs. ' furniture and works of art. : THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 11 at 5.30 p.m. ' Lavender and Old Lace. The delightful collection of Tim and Sue Hoggard, of Christchurch: i ' over 400 items includes rare antique dolls, a rare collection of lace bobbins and silver thimbles, and antique linen and costumes and antique toys and attractive collectables of all kinds. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 24 at 2.00 p.m. Important violins and other musical instruments. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 at 6.30 p.m. Antique jewellery, silver, porcelain, rugs, furniture and works of art. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8 at 6.30 p.m. Antique porcelain, silver, jewellery, clocks, watches, rugs and collectors' items.
Catalogues for all sales available 54.00, post free upon publication. PETER WEBB GALLERIES. T. and G. Building. Cnr Elliott and Wellesley Sts. AUCKLAND. : . P.O. Box 7008, AUCKLAND. Telephony 734-404. i ’ CLEARING SALE CONTRACTORS’ MACHINERY AND PLANT MITSUBISHI BD2E dozer, Massey 400 C dozer, Mobile Crane D4D Caterpillar and Transporter, Case 350 loader dozer, Bedford trucks, tractors, trailers, transporters, Bedford self contained mobile caravan, cars, G.M. spares and host of motor, spares, as new, work huts, hydraulic equipment, sundry contractors’ equipment. BY AUCTION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, Commencing 10 a.m. On the Property G. WEBSTER, MADDISONS ROAD, ROLLESTON ACCOUNT OF CONTRACTORS who are winding down operations we are privileged to offer the following machinery, plant and large selection of contractors’ equipment and sundries. MACHINERY: 1978 MITSUBISHI model BD2E dozer with all weather cab and parallel rippers. Approx. 3400 hours with track gear completely overhauled, less than 300 hours ago. 1974 MASSEY 400 C dozer with all weather cab and parallel rippers, approx. 5000 hours, track gear, sound. 1977 CASE 350 Trac loader dozer with 4 in 1 bucket. 1969 TSC Commer 6 yard tip truck with ring feeder. 1974 D4D CATERPILLAR (Trac Gear recently overhauled), with 1975 Ford Dl3/14 Turbo Charged Transporter. With goose neck trailer. (To be offered as complete rig.) 1974 MASSEY FERGUSON 450 S Excavator. 1970 CATERPILLAR 955 H Front-end Loader. 1966 FORD TRANSIT 15cwt Steel Flat Deck Trailer. 1942 T.K. BEDFORD Tip Truck, Transporter and Cab Arid Chassis 10-TOft LORAIN MC 414 Stent Boom Mobile Crane Chassis powered by Perkins 654 Diesel with 5 x 2 speed gearboxes. Upper unit powered by Commer 6 cyl. Petrol Engine. ATLAS COPCO PR 600 Air Compressor with Deutz Vl2 Diesel. E5O Carco hydraulic winch free spooling. T. K. Bedford flat deck, HP Bedford flat deck, IH model F2O tractor, David Brown crop master tractor, IH McCormack Farmall tractor, Bedford 330 diesel fully self contained mobile caravan complete with own generator, TV, bathroom, toilet, 2 bedrooms, hot and cold pressure water, gas oven, 3 way fridge, 1965 Volkswagen Vaja with new motor and upholstery, mag wheels, 1966 Chevrolet Impala (no motor). 1953 Plymouth Sedan. Vauxhall Velox. Morris Ten. PLANT AND EQUIPMENT: Twin horse float. 10 ton tandem axle transporting trailer, mobile 250 gal. diesel tank with pump. 500 gal. overhead diesel tank. 99 gal. overhead petrol tank, petrol motors and pumps, Tait mini phone. 2 way radio base set plus 2 field sets,-Poulan Micro XXV chain saw, water pumps and motors, transfer pumps, sack barrow, Villier petrol motors. Elec, motors, 8 x 4 car trailer, part set harrows, 2 dray wheels, mobile work hut. 2 work huts, hydraulic equipment including hoses and couplings, vices. 3 phase arid 1 phase Welders, assorted socket Sets, spanners and sundry hand tools, quantity 44 gal. and 12 gal. drums, truck deck, rolls barb wire, MOTOR PARTS: Large selection of as new G.M. spares, reduction boxes, gear boxes, cliffs, hub caps, clutch plates, pressure plates, starter motors, axles, tyres, wheels, plus many others too numerous to mention. INSPECTION: Tuesday October 12,9 a.m. to 4 p.m TERMS: Cash on day of sale or by arrangement with Auctioneers. Alt enquiries strictly to: M. B. COOK AND CO., MGAANZ' , 153 Hereford St. I Phone 68-334 I • Auctioneers r- Valuers