For Sale : HOUSEHOLD items, compacI turn (Maple), solid mahog- ‘ any study desk'with Formica top. Bookcase. Lawnmaster I I6in motor mower. 2 dining 1 room chairs, all as new. Phone 516-672. HOUSEHOLD sale, drawleaf table and 4 chairs. 4 pee oak bedroom suite. Ige fridg.. oak duchess and tallboy, large chest of drawers, lots of china, etc., phone 792-698. HOUSIE. Motor driven numbers machine for Housie caller. Suit Club. Hotel etc. For further information ph. 685 Woodend. H.M.V. auto, washing machine $l5O. oak standard lamp with shade S4O. coffee table S2O. Hoover 407 vacuum cleaner (as new) S4O. quantity carpet, offers. 28 O'Leary St. after 12 noon, or phone 384-465. IMPORTED briar blocks, approx. 1 iin x 3 . in x 2in. ideal for wood carving, pipes, etc. $5 each. Ph. 790-957. INCINERATOR Atlas wet back with chimney ready to install. Reasonable offer. Plus cage bird stand. Ph. 383-507. ■ ■ ■ ■ INDOOR plants, cheap healthy plants, sale, prices. Green Scene. 64 North Avon Rd. phone 890-306. INNER spr.ung single mattress for sale, good cond. $3O. Please Ph. 43-823. INSTANT concrete. all materials in the bag. just add water. For your nearest stockist phone Farrier Waimak, Ltd, Belfast (23)8179. WS INSULATION. Expanded polystyrene offeut sheets. 12ft x 4ft. approx. iin uneven thickness. Special offer, singles $2.30, 20-100 $1.70. 100 or more $1.50 each. Rudnev N.Z. Ltd. 51 Buchanans Rd. INTERIOR slide door, plain glass with brown stained wood halfway. Ph. 894-923. JUNO wetback, good cond.. $250. Ph. 385-277. LA-Z-BOY $lOO ■ TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE (on any old chair) i SAVE $ $ $ HUGE selection of styles and coverings to match every furnishing scheme. Offer on cash sales only. Furniture w 103 STANMORE ROAD PHONE 891-907 LARGER PAY THIS WEEK Invest it in a New Car Hi-Fi System at < " toyota I THE BEST RANGE AND PRICES IN TOWN 285 CASHEL ST PH. 798-530. JUST ' ARRIVED PIONEER CAR STEREO SPEAKERS ELEVEN DIFFERENT STYLES Prices from around $90.00 pair BE QUICK AS THEY NEVER LAST LONG | toyota " 285 CASHEL ST Ph. 798-530.
Page 45 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 2 October 1982, Page 45
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