Livestock APPALOOSA stallion at stud Nevada Sundancer ■ (imported Aust) reg. Ap. H.A.N.Z. Leopard 15.3 h.h. Proven colour producer and sire of winners at halter, endurance. western and english riding and show jumping. Inspection welcomed. For further details ph. 432 Woodend ATTRACTIVE child’s pony, grey mare. 12.2 h.h.. free moving, well mannered, suitable all P.C. activities especially games and jumping, reasonable price to good home. Ph. 495-110. evenings. ATTRACTIVE 13.2hh grey filly. 7 years, free moving, good jumping potential. Reasonable offer. Ph. Rga 7857. AVAILABLE now, kerry blue terrier puppies, attractive Irish breed, bred from champion imported stock. Easily groomed, soft wavey coat that does not. shed hair. $2OO with papers. See the adult dogs and pups at Wigzall Kennels. Phone Rangiora 7133. BABY goats sell, wee pets. Ph. 659 Ohoka. BACKING dog. 4 years, strong and under good command. $9OO. Phone 478-749. BARK chips, large truck loads. Ph. 478-980. ’ MWS BAY gelding for sale, 16hh.
quiet to catch, shoe and float. $250. Ph. 23-8939. BAY mare 8 year old, 15.2 h.h. sell with cover and halter for 5275. Phone 384-031. BAY standard bred gelding. 14.3 hh, 12 yrs old. easy to catch and handle but needs capable rider as has been turned out for a year, has done P.C. work, complete with bridle, halter and cover, to experienced home only, $lOO. Also near new 17ins GP Glover saddle, fully mounted with blanket. $4OO. Ph. BEL, 8999. BAY S.B. gelding for sale, 15.2hh. 7 yrs old. has done P. work, suit experienced rider, halter and cover, $350. ■ Ph. 887-023. BEAUTIFUL mare. 12.1 'j h.h. prize winner. Excellent breeding. Needs capable rider. Quiet, willing to lease or sell. Offers considered. Ph. 24128 Oxford. BEEHIVES depth and hobbyist honey extracting gear wanted. Phone 688 Dobson 710 p.m. BEEHIVES full depth Supers and frames, new cond. Also 3-frame nucleus boxes. Ph. 517-581. BEEHIVES wanted to buy! Must be good order. Ph. 890-190. BEEHIVES wanted to buy, ph. 325-811. BITS for dble bridle, pony size sell. $25. Ph. 596-702.. BLACK ewe lamb wanted for child's pet. Ph. Woodend 789 collect. BOBBY Calf Rearing Field Day organised by Smallfarmers Assn, this Saturday morning. 9.30 a.m.. on the property of Mr Roy Stewart. 119 Lower Styx Rd, Spencerville. $1 non-inembers. Come along. BRIDLE halter and lead rope sell. $2O the lot, Ph. 238-208. BROODMARE grey, 12 yrs, 14.1 h.h. regist, P.B. Arab by Silver Sparkle, excel, progeny. regretfully for sale. Ph. Amberley 48-155 evenings. BROOD mare, progeny may be seen, genuine sale, Ph. Southbridge 787. BUY, snaffle show bridle, fit small hack. Ph. 584-375. CHAFF for sale, $5.50 bag. plus exchange bag. Ph. 669 Tai Tapu. CHAFF good clean oats drawchaff. $8 per bag, plus exchange bar. Ph. 849-330 WS CHESTNUT gelding, 370. Make . nice hack. $lOO. Ph. Ohoka. . 866. CLOSING down sale at Broken Spur. Open all week until Sunday. Bridles from $lO. saddles from $lOO/ horses , from- $5O to $'150.-All horses and" tack priced for rapid sale/Also second garage sale, alt items not sold last week have had huge price reductions. Ph. 855-055, or call 480 ; Hills Rd. COLOURED fleeces sell, shades ■ of grey to black. Ph. 495-110. evngs. CONCESSION service avail, to imported thoroughbred Stallion. Ph. 852-334. ■.■ ■ ■ COVER wanted, approx. 4ft. any cond. considered. Ph. Belfast 8939. COW for sale, Freisian-Short-horn, excel, cottage cow, 3rd calver, near profit. Phone 830-346. DARK bay gelding for sale, 5 yrs . old, 139.5 cm. by Aladdins Legend, has excel, show potential and jumping ability. Has won his maiden class, needs experienced rider. Ph. Tai Tapu' 789, or Chch 478-561. DARK bay mare, 3 years old. 13.1 h.h., quiet, easy to catch, nice mover, $125. Ph. 256-764. DARK, brown 15 to 15.2 h.h. thoroughbred gelding, free moving, but sensible, good snaffle mouth. 10 years, going nicely on flat, and willing jumper. Phone 558-220 or 66-985. DELIGHTFUL 11.2 h.h. mare sell or loan, ideal leading rein or harness ponv. Ph. Woodend 780. DOG motel for sale, as new. $9O o. Ph. 24480 Oxford after 6 p. Sat. DOUBLE float, tandam. excel, cond. reg. and w.0.f., $lOOO. Ph. 497-809. . DOUBLE, horse- float, tandem wheels, fully enclosed, new, $2575. Phone 842-580. DRESSAGE girth, 26in. sell $3O. Ph. 596-702. ENGLISH, snaffle bridle, pony size, with egg butt bit for sale; excell. show quality, also small poriy.size snaffle bridle with tom thumb bits. Phone 44-755. EWES (6 tooth) with Booroola/ Coopworth lambs at foot. $l2 all counted. Ph. 595-440. FARRIER available, prompt service. Ph. before B'oclock, mornings. Ph. 389-753. FORGE, small portable, with blower. Ph. 852-803. FOR Sale: Attractive dark bay gelding, white markings, 152cms. Winner numerous championships and dressage. Natural jumper, superb nature. Also 2 year-old filly. Dam champion brood mare and saddle pony. Reg. N.Z.S.B. Excel, mover. Successfuly shown in hand. Write Stade, Wildmans Rd. Motueka or ph. 87-992 M.U. FOR sale dog kennel plus wire cage and run, $B5 0.n.0. Ph. 729 Woodend. FOR sale, ladies riding boots, ankle length. Size 5. $25. Underblanket for, saddle, blue with red edging. $l2. Ph. 523FOR sale, Palamino mare/i3.3 h.h. loves jumping, has done Pony Club work, second pony ■ for child. Will only sell to good home. Ph. 384-430. FOR sale, possibly lease, rising 2 yr std bred, good blood lines: Ph. 27-763 Timaru. FOR sale registered pedigree Saanens buck kid, sire Haumia Ranger, dam Wairere Jingles. 6 litres daily average. A2 classified, 4 year old doe Q. 8 litres daily, cross classified, Marlborough Champ Doe 1980. Doe kid Sire Haumia Ranger. Dam Omana Minuet. $6OO each. Phone 1065 A Picton. FOR sale: 1 huntaway dog. 18 months old, good in yards and paddock; $2OO. 1 handy bitch, 12 months old. very keen, just starting to run; $lOO. 1 huntaway dog pup. 3 months old. very keen; $5O. Ph. 7701 Ashburton. FOR sale, 14 h.h. bay 8 year old . gelding. Done P.O. work O.D.E. and show jumping. Good to shoe,' float, traffic proof, no vices, needs conn- ■ dehl rider. $350 0.n.0. Ph. 897 Maklklhi. FOR sale, 2 pr long black English leather riding’boots. size . 7 and 8. Ph. 6157 Kalapor. - GIG saddle sell. Ph. 852-521.