Sporting Fixtures PLAY GGLFMarshland* Rd If you wish to join the Everglades Golf Club, ring 238-641 for information. except: - Tuesday mornings, Saturday afternoons, 7 or the last • Sunday of • each month. / / Green fees: / 'sr ' • $2.50 ■ / weekdays, / | $3.00 / weekends. ’— 15 RANGI-RURU OLD GIRLS' GOLF MONDAY. OCTOBER 4. 1982 HAREWOOD GOLF COURSE NO. I TEE MESDAMES: 9.30 a.m.: M. Christie. H. Shirlaw, P. Moffat. 9.35: B. Webb. N. Mulholland. A. Moore. 9.40: A. Ward. B. Turner. H. Elstob. 9.45: M. Gower. J. Tait, L. Cuddon. 9.50: D. Graham. N. Sudlow. L. Cater. 9.55: P. Sanders, B. Baxter. F. Barclay. 10.0: M. Nutt. M. Lough. S. Atkinson. 10.05: J. Bartkevies. J. Simpson. A. McMaster. No. 3 TEE: 9.30 a.m.: A. Gardiner. A. McLean. P. Webb. 9.35: L. Wyles. J. Clark. L. Taylor. 9.40: A. Pidgeon. J. Marshall. J. Collins. No. 9 TEE: 9.30 D. McMillan. B. Murray. A. McLachlan. 9.35: E.Ritchie. A. King. D. Kelland. 9.40: M. Foster. J. de Bruck. R. Bright. 9.45: P. Kingston, P. Harper. M. Hobbs. 9.50: E. Clark. M. Shackel, B. Broome. 9.55: C. Armitage, G. Edwardes. J. Neville. 10.0: S. Ridgen, H. Bull, J. Maginess. 10.05: G. Southgate. G. Felton. J. Myers. 10.10: J. Atkinson, J. Davidson. R. Sheppard. Post entries accepted. Cancellations 3ZB 8 a.m. SCARGILL LADIES' GOLF TOURNAMENT TUESDAY. OCTOBER 5 10 a.m.: Mesdames D. Tallott, V. Barnett. A. Rutherford, j. Henderson. R. Taggart. Oates, L. Roberts. B. Byrch. I 0.06: Mesdames J. Doak. B. Harris. Judson. U. Stewart, J. McClung, M. Henderson, B. Nicholls, Lady Wright. 10.12: Mesdames J. Hobson. V. Thomson. B. Simmons, E. Brooker. M. Peers, N. Wilde. B. Mehrtens, L. Todd. 10.18: Mesdames B. Bignell, H. Martin. Murphie. J. Leslie, J. Inksbn. M. Stewart, M. Murchison, J. Mercer. 10.24: Mesdames M. Leach. J. McLean, L. Williams. Weir. H. Skurr. J. Bush. G. Gardner. Gray. 10.30: Mesdames L. Mehrtens, J. Bowker. M: Leathwjck, D. Monro, H. Newton, B. Ryan, M. Andrews, J. Quigley, Moreland, P. Inkson, G. Palmer. 10.36: Mesdames Cooper, R. McNaughton. M. Holliday, K. Ellis. R. Johnston, G. Pinfold. E.Murray, A. Monk. D. Hide, Paterson. G. Johnson.
WAI-TE-WAI SOCIETY MEN’S AND LADIES’ 18-HOLE ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT WEEDONS COUNTRY CLUB. SUNDAY OCTOBER 24. FEE:SI2 (includes meal, top trophies, good prizes). All proceeds to Nga-Hau-E-Wha Marae 1 Project. Entries close October 18. Draw in Christchurch Press, October 20. Phone: Dann 478-298, P. Webster 68-384. Vic Wallace 523-038.
Tailoring SUIT doctor, alterations, ladies, gents clothing, bag repairs, 167 A Cashel St, near Manchester St, Phone 60-640. MWS Fruit, Plants, Produce APPLES, Crisp and juicy Oregon, Red Delicious (dark • red). Stunner. Shenley Orchard, 656 Wairakei Rd, back of Russley Golf Course, closed Sunday. HSTTC APPLES, Sturmer. and frozen raspberries. 9-5 dally.'Townshends. Landsdowne Valley, Halswell. APPLES. Richared. Red Delicious. Ames, Wolseley, fresh eggs. Coldstream Orchard. North side Rangiora Golf Course. Open 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Closed Sundays and Mondays. ASPARAGUS, rhubarb, seed potatoes, loganberries, boysenberry , and blueberry plants. Tree tomatoes, gooseberry and currant bushes and fruit trees. Nursery Propagators, 406 A Barrington St. Open 7 days. A. Cox and Son Nurseryman, bedding vegetable and indoor plant growers. 15 Wychbury St. Spreydon. off Lyttelton St, open Mon. to Fri. and Sat. morning. STC BARLEY straw, shed stored. Prebbleton. Ph. 499-874. BARLEY wanted. Ph. Irwell 605. BEDDING and tomato plants. Closed Sundays. 89 Jerrold St. STF BEDDING plants, sell, vege plants 80c a pack, flower plants SI a pack, pot plants. 410 Cashmere Rd. BEDDING plants. Nemesia. Petunias. Dwarf Phlox. Carnations. Dianthus. Violas. Gazanias, Antirrihinuni. Iceland Poppies. Hollyhock. Giant Pacific Polyanthus, etc. Vegetable and tomato plants, shrubs, etc. Open 7 days. Emmitt's Nursery, 179 Weston Rd. BEDDING vege. tomato, pepper and cucumber plants. 37 Cornwall St. (not Sunday). BUY, good quality Oats. Ph. Kirwee 758 collect. CARROTS, washed, seconds. 18-20 kg bag 52.75. Grovelea : Orchard. 545 Main North Rd. Belfast. CARROTS 52.50 case, caulis. cabbages, potatoes, lust weekend. Bring containers. 95 Greys Rd, off Avonhead Rd.
HGH COST OF LIVING — . ™ lll - lO ™ E .SJ v I E I i -2J E /!L T ’ , OF,: ''* E I OWN VEGETABLES . . vr and more nutritious. wim 3 - . s / led from your own soil. AH jouoir..' lianl ruflled m mixed colou's and pin: l, c • J# ■ smies indt''me in a coloui selection ol ted. yeiio.';. , Lettuce. Sdvferbeet, dan bmf -ignt due. light salmon, dark salmon, pint. .Sv ~ ! r. Celery, Beetroot. while and a qranc mixture of colours. ' .. . " ’ ts of 12 $1.20 Boxos of 40 $4.80 (Plus 50c box deposit) > ants • Supertoms • Packs 01 1011.50 • Pumpkins • Peppers • Doubles. Boxes of 30 s4.BojPtus 50c box deposit) ers® Star Seeds. Packs of 8 $1.50 . ’7 OTTAWA RD, WAINONI. Phone 897-855 W Open Monday to Friday Bam tc 5.30 pm — Saturday Bam to spm w i