Tradesmen UPHOLSTERY repairs, recover work. Prompt service. Lowest charges. Kirner's Upholstery Service. 259 Woodham Rd. ph. 896-778. Late A. J. White's tradesman. STC UPHOLSTERY. Recover that shabby lounge suite and dining chairs al our competitive prices. 10 per cent off all work undertaken. Free quotes, pick and delivery. Prompt service. Open Saturday mornings. Ph. Bob 892266.282 Ferry Road. Ash. 7888. VINYL repairs and recolouring ' for domestic; vehicles and offices etc. Special T process. Chch and North Canty. Ph. Chch 583-250 and Rang. 6335. WASHING machine repairs. To all makes, prompt and reasonable charges. Ph. 598-B<,. any time. WASHING machine repairs undertaken by qualified servicemen. Prompt, efficient service, ali repairs guaranteed. Carlyle Warehouse. Please phone 790-706. D WATER blast cleaning weather boards, stucco, concrete walls and paths, iron and Poilite roofs cleaned for painting. Spider proof, moss kill, siliconing. Free quotes. No obligation. Doyle Services. Ltd. Phone 39-758. D WATER blasting-pre painting, farm sheds, boat hulls, swimming pools etc. Chch and North Canty areas. Ph. Chch 583-250. or Rang. 6335. WATERBLASTING. Specialising in cleaning iron roofs, swimming pools, roughcast and block walls, weatherboards. concrete. Prompt attention. Phone Richard Severin. 66-985. or 558-220 a.ti. WATERBLAST techniques, roofing. walls, driveways, drain clearing, etc. Free quotes, no obligation. Phone 790-575 any time. D WELDER with experience requires work in or around Chch. Ph. 558-268. WELDING all metals. Damaged engine castings and machinery parts repaired. Ph. Trickyweld. 63-537. WS WELL drilling, house supplying, stock water or irrigation wells. Telephone 496-536 or 497-917 a.h. J. R. and’ I. G. Smith. 34 Tosswill Road. Prebbleton. STC WINDOW repair service. Rotted sashes, frames, and sash cords renewed. New windows installed by qualified tradesman. Ph. Wilson 34-555. STC WROUGHT Iron back door, glass screens, gales and all types of ornamental iron work.' Free quotes, personal attention. Dunn's Wrought Iron. Ltd. 106 Hazeldean Rd. Phone 63-529. a.h. 228-075. •327-155. 383-037. WSM WROUGHT, Iron gates, etc. many designs. Phone 389-453.
Wanted to Purchase A competitive quote for all your modern or good used furniture from Smiths City Market's Trade-in Centre. Kindly telephone. 798-100. ext. 867 for our buyer to call. Houseloads a specialty. MTWHS ALL saleable items accepted at Smiths City Market Auction Department. Market your surplus goods in New Zealand's . largest Auction Rooms. Up to four specialised Room Sales weekly. Ph. 798-100. or call for advice about cartage. Smiths City Market. Ltd, Auction Department, 88 Montreal St. MTWS ANTIQUE and old style furniture. glass, china, etc. buy for cash. Ph. 382-098 any time.WS ANTIQUES, old style furniture, brass, copperware, wall rugs, old china, vases, plates, ornaments, or anything curious. We pay cash on the spot. Ph. . 65-952 any time. THS AUTOMATIC washers or twin tubs. We offer highest cash prices. M.W. Trading Store. Ph. 60-904. STC BANJO-UKELELE. tn reasonable condition. Ph. 238-153. BAR stools, 5. any style considered. Ph. 384-974. BATTERIES, batteries. Scrap batteries wanted. Dominion Trading Co.. Ltd. 69 Falsgrave St (next to gasworks) Ph. 63-287. MFS BEEHIVES depth and hobbyist honey extracting gear wanted. Phone 688 Dobson 710 p.m. BLACK and white TVs wanted, smaller set preferred. Ph. 897-876. - WS BMX bike, fridge with freezer below. Wetsuits, mans size 6. childs 8 to 12 years. Phone 596-233. BODY waders, size 9-10. Phone Bel. 8135. BOTTLES, bottles, wine jars, spirit bottles, flagons. Al! metals, batteries, baths. Recycle yard. Licensed dealer. Prompt home collection. Yard, 32 Shortland St. Hours 9 a.m.-l p.m. Seven days. Ph. 892-692, any time. MWS BOY’S 16in. to 20in. bike wanted. Ph. 859-548. BRICKS wanted suitable for path. Ph. 61-862. BRICKS. Bricks with crocodile pattern required. Will clean if necessary. Require up to 2000 but will accept small quantities. Please Ph. 584-400. BUNKS, wooden, in good cond. Ph. 41-013. BUY galvanised flat iron 8 x 4ft in fair cond. Ph. 857-147. BUY pram-buggy. Tasman 3 way. navy. Converts to McLaren buggy. Ph. Kaiapoi 7032. BUY. M.W. Trading Store buy for cash or trade-in all good furniture, radios, refrigerators, washing machines. Complete housefuls or sundry lots. Ph. 60-904. D CAMPING gear. Ph. 883-929. CANE chairs, two, good order, ph. 325-059. CARPET good modern, second hand carpets wanted. Top prices paid. Ph. 65-500. Casswood. 348 Tuam St. Open Sat. 9-12.30. DTC CARPETS used carpets wtd. Roses Carpets. Ph 795-730. D CARVING tools wanted, any cond. Ph. 555-923. CASH in the hand for tidy TVs, all sizes required. Ph. 897-876. SW CHILDREN’S playhouse wanted. Would the lady from Aranui please phone again 525-047 or 897-685. CHILDS bike with learner wheels. Ph. 523-164. CHILDS car seat buy. ph. 34-598. CHILD’S playhouse and outdoor furniture. Ph. 427-981. CHILD'S swing, pref, dble and climbing frame. Reasonable cond. Ph. 588-558. DOLLS house, ph. 524-789.
Page 27 Advertisements Column 6
Press, 2 October 1982, Page 27
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