Wanted to Lease TO LEASE PROMINENT CORNER SITE 76 VICTORIA STREET (FORMERLY T. COCKS AND SON) 9000 sq ft on 2 floors. RETAlLoffice or storage space. Can be subdivided into areas to suit tenants. Further particulars from; Sole leasing agents PHONE; 556-102 A.G. OETER RIMES 558-810. .WAREHOUSE WAREHOUSE 8643 sq ft (790 sq in). Opposite Coker's at 49 Manchester St. Upstairs floor consisting of pillarless concrete floored room containing quantity of partitioned rooms, ablution areas, walk-in Chubb sate. etc. Access by two internal stairwavs (one’ via outside door) and one 40 cwt goods service lift. $1.90 per sq ft per week ($315.80 p.w.. $16,421 per annum) includes four parking places. ■' Apply to Manchester Fiat. 47 Manchester Street. Phone 799-470. STC LEASE available, attractive shop, bridge end City Mall. 1300 sq ft. Phone 66-690 a.h. 69-366. ■ ■ ■ ■ LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Waterloo Road adjacent Carmen Rd. Hornby, opp. Hornby high school. (3000 sq ft) 279 sq m unit in modern complex with wide sealed accessway from two streets, high stud and 15ft 6in high roller door, slab foor and precast walls. 5 year lease and r.o.r. Rental $2.08 sq fl plus rates and insurance (current total $6240 year). Immediate occupancy. David Bolstad 50-772 a.h. 882-930 Bolstad Realty. MREINZ. ■ H ■ B NEW prestige, factory warehouse to lease. Close to central city. Excellent office and staff facilities which could be designed to your requirements. Reasonable rental. Phone sole agents. M. B. , Cook and Co. MREINZ. Ph. sole agents. M. B. Cook and Co, MREINZ. Ph. 68-334 or a.h. 558-278 (Roger Bridge). NORTH of Christchurch, property suitable for training : horses required. Phone 858— 095 before 7.30 a.m. OFFICE required. 150 to 200 sq. ft reception area with good public access, plus attached office of 300-400 sq. ft. Phone 849-735 OFFICE space, 1600 and 425 sq ft. Central city, low rental. Ph. 495-472. OFFICE space, 3545 sq ft. Commercial 3 area, and 3660 sq ft central city. Phone .62-123. bus houurs. TS ONE to five acres of stoney or light land, Addington. Halswell. Hornby or Islington area. For storing firewood. Phone 228-612 or 499-839 anytime. PRESTIGE office aceommoda- ■ tion. Impeccable suite. ap ; . prox. 2700 sq. ft. Inner city fringe, situation in prime mod. building, with partitioned (demountable)' officers, quality floor coverings. Completely sep. entrances. off-street parking. Rental $5.50 sq. ft. Phs share. . rates and insurance. David ' Bolstad 50-772, Bolstad , Realty, MREINZ, Commercial Property Specialists. SHOP available until Christmas 4,500 sq. ft. key foot traffic area, central City. Cash in on Christmas sales. Ph. 486-' .753 a.h. 516-145. SHOP, centre city, prime location, high foot count, wide frontage, no key money (not suitable food). Ph. M. B. Cook and Co., MREINZ, ph. Birss 68-334 or a.h. 558-278. SHOP for rent or lease. South' Brighton, on main road, available. Good trading position in block of four. Vacant tenancy. Ph. 227-414 for further details. SHOWROOM glass fronted Durham Street, opposite Cooper Hendersons. Suitable any business or shop. Reasonable rental. 1200 sq ft divisible. Ph. 68-112 bus or 858-444 a.h. SHOWROOM. Ground floor, 3229 sq ft. carpeted with parking available in Commercial 3, plus 3545 sq ft office space. Ist floor, phone 62-123, bus. hours. ' TS SOCKBURN, new factory. 4000 sq ft, tilt slab, concrete attractive styling, available early August, Ph. W. K. MacDonald, 519-073. SW VACANT industrial land, $BOO per acre p.a. Ph. 238-009 or a.h. 517-836. Warehouse, plus car park. 61 Tuam Street, cnr Montreal and Oxford Terrace. Older 2 storey brick building zoned Comm 3. Approximately 5600 sq ft for only p.a. plus outgoings. Simes and Company Ltd, MREINZ 790-604. WORKSHOP storage etc, 3300 sq fl for , lease in Hornby. Ph. Geoff Taylor 496-323, a.h. 427-977. Eggs, Poultry, etc. ANDERLUSION fertile eggs 30 cents each. Ph. 497-227. BANTAM rooster wanted to buy. Ph. 296-690. GEESE buy, must be young flappers, suitable for fattening. Christensen, phone Burnham 727. INSULATION. Expanded polystyrene offcut sheets, 12ft x 4ft, approx. Sin uneven thickness. Special offer, singles $2.30, 20-100 $1.70, 100 or more. $1.50 each. Rudnev N.Z.. Ltd, 51 Buchanans Rd. WANTED buy 3 hens ph. 227220, Financial INVESTMENT or syndication . opportunity offered on prime industrial complex. Planning for income complete. For further details phone 39-875. MONEY lent on'Suitable security. Westende Loan, Licensed pawnbrokers. MS $5OOO, required on 2nd Mortgage for one year at 24 per cent with good security, Pll 892-085.
Page 26 Advertisements Column 8
Press, 2 October 1982, Page 26
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