Injured rider recovering
NZPA London The young English speedway rider, .Kenny Carter, the protege of New Zealand’s six-time world champion, Ivan Mauger, now expects to be fit for the world speedway final in Los Angeles on August 28. Carter was admitted to the intensive care unit of Ipswich Hospital last Thursday when he suffered a bruised lung and chest injuries in a collision with the
i Danish rider, Preben Erik- - sen. i Carter, who under > Mauger’s management is re- , garded as Britain’s big hope > for the world final, was told r yesterday that he would be i released from hospital within the next few days. > For the first time in many 1 years, New Zealand will not have a representative at the i finals as both Mauger and Larry Ross were eliminated ; in qualifying rounds.
General forecast: i With pressures rising over New Zealand as the high in the Tasman Sea moves closer, the weather should be fine in most places. District forecasts: Canterbury: Fog areas night and morning; light winds, but moderate north-easter-
lies about the coast this afternoon, frosts. Marlborough: Mainly fine; light winds; mild inland. Nelson: Fine; light winds; mild inland in the afternoon. Buller: Mainly fine and cool. Westland: Mainly fine; light winds; cold at night Outlook: Mainly fine.
Observations taken at the Meteorological Office. Christchurch Airport, yesterday. Barometer: 6 p.m. 11 p.m. Millibars • 1018.8 1020.5 Temperature: deg. Maximum (to 6 p.m.) 11 Rainfall: mm. 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.. trace To date this month. . 1 To date this year. . ... 204 To date last year 327 Average to date 406 Average for August ... 55 Wettest August (1975) . . 149 Driest August (1948) . 5 Sunshine: hrs Yesterday 1 hr, 0 min ■ To date this month. .. . 58 To date this year 1285 Ta date last year. . . .1124 Average for August .. . 146 Humidity: ’ Per cent at’noon ..... 75 Per cent at 6 p.m. . . . . 82 Temperatures and rainfall (or the 24 hours' : to 9 a.m. yesterday: Maximum 17 deg. minimum 7 deg, grass 4 deg, rainfall trace. SUN. MOON, AND* TIDES Sun - Today: Rises, 7.30 a.m.; sets, 5.39 p.m. Tomorrow; Rises, 7.28 a.m.; sets, 5.40 p.m. Moon - Today: Rises, 12.08 a.m.; sets, 11.09 a.m. Tomorrow: Rises, 1.19 a.m.; sets, 1142 a.m.'--' ’ J High tide at Lyttelton —Today: 10.06 a.m. and 10.28 . p.m. Tomorrow: 10.58 a.m. and 11.22 p.m. (Lake Forsyth, subtract 60min; Akaroa, sub- . tract 45min. Port Levy, subtract 30min; Ashburton and Rakaia, subtract 25min; Kaikoura, add 17min; Kaiapoi and Sumner, add 30min.) Phases of Moon Last quarter: Today, 11 p.m. New moon: August 19, 3 p.m.
First quarter: August 26,10 a.m. Full moon: September 4, midnight. NOON WEATHER Auckland: 15deg., showers, N.W., 13 knots. Wellington: lOdeg., cloudy, S., 16 knots. Christchurch: 9deg., cloudy, S., 8 knots. Dunedin: no report. WORLD WEATHER Minimum and maximum temperatures in the main Australian cities' yesterday were:— Adelaide 10, 14; Brisbane 14, 20; Canberra 5,18; Darwin 20, 31; Hobart 6, 14: Melbourne JO, 20; Perth 11,17 (noon); Sydney 10, 22. Minimum and maximum term' peratures in the main cities of the world in the last 24 hours were:— Amsterdam, 16. 22; Bahrain, 31, 37; Bangkok, 28, 31; Barbados, 23, 30; Beirut, 22. 28; Belgrade,, 18, 28; Berlin, 17, 26; Bogota, 5, 19; Brussels, 13,24; Buenos Aires, ’4, 20; Cairo, 22, 34; Caracas, 20, 29; Chicago, 15, 24: Copenhagen, . 14, 22; Dublin, 15, 21; Frankfurt, ;■ 17,24; Geneva, 16.24; Havana, 24, • 28; Helsinki, 18, 23; Hong Kong, 27, 32; Honolulu, 22, 32; Jakarta, 23, 32; Jerusalem, 19, 29; Johannesburg, 6.18; Kiev, 15.28; Kuala Lumpur, 23. 32; Lima, 14, 19; Lisbon, 24. 36; London, 16,34; Los Angeles, 20, 31; Madrid,’ 15, 32; Manila, 24, 31; Mexico City, 13, 26; Miajni, 29, 32; Montevideo, 2, 16; Montreal, 19, 27; Moscow, 14, 22; Nassau, 24, 32; New Delhi, 26, 36; New York, 24,31; Nicosia, 23, 37;'0510, 15. 28; Paris, 15, 22; Peking; 24,33; Rio 'de Janeiro, 16, 34; Rome, 17, 30; San Francisco, 13,17: San Juan,’2s, 33; Santiago, 3, 21; Sao Paulo, 15, 27; Seoul. 24, 33; Singapore, 24, 31; Stockholm, 18, 25: Taipei, 25, 29; Tel Aviv, 24, 31; Tokyo. 25. 32; Toronto, 19, 27;; Vancouver, 13,20; Vienna, 18,26.