■KIIIR*™ | W SAVOYONE I 1 I I —— THIS IS LAST 7 DAYS Phone 68-510 I phone 64-412 DEFINITE TODAY 2.15 and 8.15 pm THE LAST DAY OF , I FINALLY TODAY ■ act 7nA VC FRI-SAT 2.15, 5.15, 8.15 2pm, Bpm T.-intv -u an erotic fantasy ■'A l n VIlUf, V 1 fftf JI I TODAY 2.15,8.15 p.m. ABOUT » ***> THE ANIMAL IN US ALL J The true confession of II u.m. — 8 p.m. ftl a child prostitute i EXHIBmON/ KI IKgMma Proof of age may be required ; SBHHKESSSI I &15 ixnr. ■ ■ i ] J[’i > r“! 1 f . i Jfl m ift ■». JtJI ■ I n rawm'c wit EVERYMAN FOR ■l' I jIkUM BMWWMj I '’putting out fireHIMSELF p: m NATJA BRUWCK HORST "Rl6| I „ RlB (Franca) RlB | thomashaustein . | „ I Fvemno Reserves at Theatre A brilliant new comedy from Jean I DAVIDBOtVIE. | Evening Reserves qLll!f9l££— A— Luc Godard. I n ■■■■mb— 1 TOMORROW 2,5.15,8 p.m. , . PUBERTY ★ ★ ★ X M BLUES M 3 Evening Reserves at Theatre
SOMEWHERE IN THE DARKEST REACHES OF THE UNIVERSE, A BATTLE IS ABOUT TO BEGIN. FOR SOME IT Will BE THEIR FIRST MISSION, FOR OTHERS IT WILL DE THE LAST. ■ if' ... , <• s ■■■ s’ HO ’ y , ■.u.yadßigS ctiAQwWßlflM UiP DISTRIBUIED BY UNITED INIERNATIONAL PICTURES .. v ."’; .. .. ’ . mighty SCHOOL HOL'DAY ATTRACTION — Starts iki-;i: TICKETS evi:kv i>av at TOMORROW ■ I Every day during The sd oul holidays’, | (Aug. 23 — Sept. 12 inclusive) 2 I R 1 I. M~Mywwyr| 2, 5.15, Bpm ! family passes* lo the movie will be i elven auav al cvvrv . I’iz/a Hui wj| . riMCPAMA ! restaurant.’Be there for the lucky wllwEllMilwlrl i draws. (* 2 adults and 2 children)
A Taste of Theatre a riot of after dinner cosmopolitan wit and reparlee On stage in. the Restaurant ' Buffet Dinner and Show $25 per person ' August 24-28 '8 pm book now at the W TOWN HALL J See Alannah O'Sullivan on Beauty and the Beast August 23-27 A JB Promotion Properties Wanted MT PLEASANT to Scarborough. Recently I have had requests for all types of property in this area. As requirements vary immensely; I’m sure I have a buyer for your home. If you are thinking of selling please phone 794-784 any time. Patricia Vander Bent, Stephens Real Estate,' MREINZ.' OWNERSHIP flat. Avonside Drive area. Retired buyer is looking for nice flat with outlook over park or river. Prefer shop handy. If you are selling, please contact Peter Berrv, N.Z. Farmers’ Co-op Assn. Ltd, MREINZ, 795-040 a.h. 498-712. PAPANUI, St Albans to Shirley, A spacious home of 3-4 bdrms required by Govt ser'vant on transfer. Finance gauranteed to $55,000. Redecoration no problem. Possession is flexible. Can you help? Ph. Gavin Topp. of Dunbar Topp Ltd, Merivale. 556-082, a.h. 556-965, MREINZ. REDCLIFFS, Summer. Retired client requires small retirement home in this general area and would prefer home with outlook. Will look at ownership flat or house. If you are selling, please contact- Peter Berry. N.Z. Farmers’ Co-op Assn. Ltd, MREINZ. Phone 795-040. a.h. 898-712. RICCARTON to 11am areas. Lady buyer living in Riccarton. with $65,000 cast# requires a front unit in above area. Prefer something under 10 vears if possible. Can give a longish possession. Ph. in confidence Dunbar Topp Ltd. 556-082. a.h. 556-965, Gavin Topp, ’’■MREINZ. SPENCERVILLE, Kaiapoi, Broadlands, cash buyer to $36,000 seeks freehold. 3 bdrm home, prompt attention assured. Call D. Irvine 67-095 a.h. 327-072 M.D. Giera and Co. MREINZ. WANTED: House or flat to lease with purchase option. Phone 559-646 (evenings). D
Page 36 Advertisements Column 8
Press, 12 August 1982, Page 36
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