Fruit, Plants, Produce SHELTER tree's, fast growing rust resistant.. Flevo poplars. 3ft to 4ft grade. $l5 per 100. 5 to 6ft s3o’ per 100. Ph. Red Berries. 478-648. TOMATO plants, eurocross, bellevue. potentate, moneymaker etc. Paks, maxi's, peat pots or boxes. Cox’s Nurseries. the tomato specialists. GINGER GINGER FRESH matured A Grade Ginger for sale. Very reasonable price. New Zealand currency $3 per kilo. Freight and general expenses included. Quality guaranteed. any amount. Looking for buyer in New Zealand. Write to WESTERN GINGER SUPPLY. P.O. Box 6541. NASINU, SUVA, FIJI. PINUS RADIATA WE have 5000 one and a half year old plants arriving this Friday. PHONE 384-628. . Gardening Aids MUSHROOM compost, fill your own standard car trailer $6. Truck loads by arrangement. Phone 499-310. D PAVING slabs, largest variety, compare quality and prices. Sydenham Concrete. 72 Bryon St, Phone 66-815. D POWDERED sheep manure. Kinpack, the soil conditioner, Canterbury's No. 1 natural fertiliser. Kinpacks available at garden centres, hardware and feed shops. WTHF POWDERED sheep manure. 130 kilo bags, $lO delivered. Ph. 856-337, or 899-313. D SAWDUST. Excellent for gardens. etc. Also clean, untreated shavings. Call Timber Bye-Products, Ltd, 63- a.h. 497-280. D SOIL. Good quality top soil. Delivered. C.O.D. W. and H. Motors Ltd. Ph. 597-452 anytime. A.l CONTRACTORS TOP quality garden soil delivered. Screened or unscreened. C.O.D. Mini-truck available for difficult access jobs. We deliver pre-mix, fill. etc. PHONE 523-445 Livestock AA Dougal Petrie buys all unwanted horses, cattle and pigs. Cash deal. Phone Chch 228-724. If no reply Phone 227-124. D FOR sale, thoroughbred, unraced. 7 yr stud pook, bay mare, hunted one season, out Of winning Beilborough mare. Ph. 228-568. ■ HORSE float, professional built Zenith, double, tandem wheeled, not aluminium, rear and front loading, removeable centre partition, sprung rear door, brakes, excellent condition. View 11 Orontes St. ph. 855-516. RABBIT, an excellent range of rabbits, cages and feeders. Ph.. 886-438. Cats, Dogs, Pets ALL pets appreciate our fresh daily supplies. 20 variations to choose from. Liver 75c kg, hearts and kidney $1.95 kg, bulk cat food 16kg $19.50, big 3kg meaty dog rolls, (six flavours) $2.50 each. All inquiries welcome. Phone Super Pet Meats, 383-198, 263 Lincoln Rd. ’ WHS BEST pet mince, only $1.89 kg. (or 4'i kg for $6.90); heart and kidney mince, $1.95 kg; mutton skirts, $2.49 kg; pet’s liver, $1.49 kg.; chicken mince, 99 cents kg.; large pet rolls only $1.99 each. Canterbury Bulk Meats, 414 Colombo St, Sydenham. Ph. 68-053. MALE Golden Retriever, give away, 2 years old, owner going overseas. Ph. Kurow ■ 657 after 5 pan. Sporting Goods FREE tickets to the first 5 customers, for the first rugby , test, to. be given - away on Thursday, August 12, 1982, plus free gift and 20 per cent discount, offered only at Sports Enterprises, 188 St Asaph St, opposite Prince of Wales Hotel. We are open on ■ weekdays from 8 a.m., late night Fridays, and also open Saturday, mornings. GOLF Clubs-PGF Nagels, 3 woods, 9 ironsJeft and right . hand, save $lOO, our price only $425. Golfers Shop, 646 . Colombo Street, Phone 64662. GOLF clubs Spalding caravelle right hand, 4 woods, 9 irons, ■ putter only $260 set. Hutchinson Whites, 81 Riccarton Rd. GOLF gloves-PGF, all leather, sizes ML. L, and XL, mens only, $7.99. Golfers Shop, 646 Colombo Street, phone 64662. GOLF shoes-ladies Monarch leather with welted sole, all sizes, just $49.95. Golfers Shop, 646 Colombo St, phone 64SQUASH racket Dunlop bargain $35. Hutchinson Whites, 81 Riccarton Rd. Boats, Buy and Sell B B B B APPLICATIONS to join building programme for Sunbursts. Optomists, 125's, Dinghies, sailboards and canoes, now being accepted by Kitcraft Ltd, 139 Radley St. Phone 892-758. D BUY trailer vacht 20-24 ft, cash to $15,000. Phone 7079 Rangiora day, 7968 Rangiora evenings. COLERADO jet impellor, course type reqd. Ph. 791-690. . or 526-205 .a.h. 'B B B' B PLYLITE Panther 16fl 6. fitted with 140 h.p. Mercury and foot throttle. Never been raced and in immac. cond. On new trailer with mag wheels and canvas cover: $7OOO. Ph. 585-288.. Coal, Coke, Firewood AT mill. Wood, coal. coke. 114 Sawyers. Arms Rd. 6 days. 9-5. D BAGGED split Pine S 3 per bag. bags Pine logs $3 per bag. Ph. 883-726 a.h. BAGS of coke In stock, ex yard. Burhwell Coal and Hardware. 314- Waterloo Rd.. ■ Hornby. Ph. -497-498. Open Saturday mornings. . BUY your bluegum at' special price for next year. Blocks $5O. split $62, Prompt delivery. Ph. 895-655