For Sale -b ■■ ■ ■ . ■ BABY'S colonial bassinet, beautiful condition., also cane bassinet on chrome stand, portable overnight and modern dropside cots. 3-in-1 and carrycot prams lovely condition, back pack, walk’ertrainers. high chairs, wooden 3-in-l with slide tray, also vinyl-and chrome converts to car- seat, buggy, bath. Slarrider carseal. tricycle with tray and rockinghorse. All spotless condition. Ph. 529-125. 16 Harris Cres.. Papanui. BACK packs, back packs, school packs, day packs, nylon packs, canvas packs. Primary School. High School. University, monster sale. The Bag Market. Chancery Lane. 25 per cent discount off all stock, no exceptions. BAKER'S oven. 3ft by 2ft, T. and J. brand. $125. Phone 559323. BANJO guitar. $B5 at 96 Cranford St. BAR stools 26in high, dark stained, four at $25 each. Ph. 487-627. - BASE guitar with leads and case. 80 watt amplifier and 100 watt duo speakers. $650 0.n.0. Accoustic guitar $BO. S.L.R. Mamiya NCIOOO camera with flash, excel, cond. $650. Black and white enlarger and accessories. $l2O. Phone 882-286. BILLIARD tables and accessories. unbeatable value. Drake Ind. Ph. 50-509. TH BRICKS. Cleaned red bricks, fire bricks and paving bricks available at the ’ Gasworks site. Moorhouse Ave. Monday to Friday only. D BUY, comics. Marvel; Disney. Forum. . Mayfair. Sara's Secondhand Books. 181 High St, next A. J. Whites. CARPET binding and fringing. “While you wait", service (approx. smin each mat). Rose's Carpets, 425 St Asaph St (Linwood side of Fitzgerald Ave). Ph. 795-730. CARPET overlocking and fringing specialist service at competitive rates. . Casswoods, 348 Tuam St. opp testing station. Hours 8-5 p.m. week days, 9-12 Saturdays. Ph. 65-500. D CARPETS, call and compare pur shampooed used carpets, see and smell the difference. Roses Carpets. 425 St Asaph St (Linwood side of Fitzgerald Ave). Ph. 795-730. D CARPET. Approx. 1000 mats apd rugs, all sizes, factory prices. Roses Carpets, 425 St Asaph St. Ph. 795-730. D CENTENNIAL Gallery. 238 Armagh St (opp. Winter Garden). buy. sell, trade old ' fashioned furniture, china, lampshades, pictures, ■ etc. Open Mon. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Fri. 10 a.m.-7.30 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. or by, appointment. ph. 791-642 or 60-673. CHINA cocktail cabinet: twin bdrm suite with mattresses: compactum, solid dak: 5 pee lounge suite: standard lamp; chrome and black tea wagon: all • excel, cond; black and white TV; fridge-freezer. Ph. 851-109. COAL range, heat storage type. Excellent order, current model, will deliver. Phone 803 Centre Bush. COTS, high chairs, buggys, trikes, household furniture and effects etc. 661 Gloucester St. Ph. 893-201. MTWHF DEEP freeze cabinets. See the complete range from 32 cu ft. al N. O. Pierson, Ltd. 545 Wairakei Rd. THS DEMOLITION materials. Large quantity of doors, windows, baths, basins, toilets, sink tops. etc. 104-106 Brisbane St. Ph. 790-769 or 790-706. D DEMOLITION Yard. 333 Wigram Rd. 9-5 p.m.. 9-12 Sat. Ph. 227922, for building materials. D DEMOLITION yard; 89 Forfar St for all modern building materials and fittings. THS DESKS, good range new and used. Geo Berryman Ltd, 77 Ferry Rd, free parking. • D DOORS and furniture stripped of paint and varnish. Millbrook Restoration, 10 Papanui Road. Phone 555-890. D DOUBLE and single beds and mattresses, tallboys, duchesses, cots, prams, pushchairs, doll’s prams, trikes, bikes, toys, children’s clothing. Bevs Market, 662 Worcester St. MGF' EDGEWARE Book Exchange sell more H. and E., Mayfair and Penthouse magazines than any other shop and we badly need new stock. .We also pay high prices for latest paperbacks and for comics. Call and see us at corner Edgeware Rd—Colombo St. ELECTROLUXES: All models fully guaranteed. 41. Carmen Rd. Phone 497-503. D ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaner sale: All workshop checked, guaranteed 3 months. Model 333 (retractable cord) $lO9. $119.-$129: Model 328 (gold) $79. $B9. $99. Model 99 (Blue) $69. Special this week 10 per cent cash discount on. all these prices. At the specialists. Mclntosh Electrical, 586 Colombo St. Phone 64-338. EVERYONES into antiques. Sell yours with an ad in Classified. You'll make some extra cash. D FARFISA organ, good value at $125 at 96 Cranford St. FREE, clean hard fill. Ph. 266035. FREEZER, 15 cu ft. good condition. $250 0.n.0. 455 Barring--ton St. Ph. 381-750. LOOK-LOOK-LOOK Block Garages (ALL SIZES) CITY BLOCKS $2O per week No Deposit Low interest Ring -Now 790-575 Tfenameyou can trust!] THE COMPLETE HOME CLEANING SYSTEM Cash or.terms Electrolux Floor & Carpet Cleaning Equipment Free Home Demonstrations Phone 68-422 143 Victoria St Christchurch B
Page 34 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 12 August 1982, Page 34
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