’ Cars For sale ' MAZDA - 929 S.W.. 1977. 52.000 ■ kin. Clarion radio, white with ’ tan trim, superb condition. ’ .■ $7495 or $4500 dep. Cashmere ' , Garage, Ltd, 25 Colombo St. " Pit > 35-646. a.h. a8&-35/. . bIWV'D. . - ‘\ ; . . MAZDA 929. 1976.45.000 miles, 1 - owner, mint, 3 months warranty. $5595. Small Car World. ■ 31 Moorhouse Ave. Phone s 790-004. all. 35-071. 370-257, • LMVD. ' MERCEDES. 1970. 280 SE. atito. , 511.995.1967 300 SE auto. $9500. , 1906 2505. 57995. Trade or sell . on behalf. Safi Motors. Ltd. ■ • 306 Cashel St (Motor Gal- • lery). Ph. 799-259. LMVD. ■ MINI City. 1982. with only 1200 • km. this is a wee gem. still many months of new car ■ warranty. For further information contact Kelvyn ' Brenton at Motorcorp. 201 . ‘ Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 790-024. . ‘ LMVD. a.h. 44-871. MINI Clubman. 1977. 42.000 'i. miles, 3 months warranty. ■' ■■ $3995. Small Car World. 31 ’ ■ Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 790-004. - a.h. 35-071. 370-257. LMVD. MITSUBISHI GTO2OOO. 1973, re- • ceipts and finance avail, ex- • •' cel. cond. 56890. Ph. 33-390.
ROVERS 1974 ROVER 3500. Auto. p.s. radio ■ and cassette. jOnly 56.000 km. Seldom available. $lO,BOO 1975 ROVER 35005, 4 speed Manual with P.S. fully English . assembled wild cloth trim, radio, cassette and mounting for spare $B7OO 1974 ROVER 2200 TC. 4 speed • Manual. English assembled, cloth him and many other extras. $7500 1972 ROVER 3500 Auld. PS. Lovely ; original condition, motor just > overhauled in out workshop plus many other receipts. Sheepskins i and radio-cassette. $O7OOl ’ 1970 ROVER 3500 Auto. Only 1 owner. 60.000 miles, absolutely ;■ mint condition. $5OOO 1960 ROVER 3509 Auto, very ongfel, performs wM. Compare Ihis price; - $3200 ./ 1969 ROVER 2000. Auto, 70,000. .- extremely original, fed. $3400 • 1968 ROVE# 2000 Auto. 80.000 ■■ miles, white, very tidy. <' $2BOO PEUGEOTS ' 1975 ,50411. luxury. fuel injected Manual model. One owner, 80,000 km. seldom available.. $B9OO 1970 504 Mhiill. looks and goes beautifully.- $3900 SPORTS 1979 CELESTE GSR CHf*. 2000 cc. one owner. 40,000 km, red wild stereo and sunroof. Compare. ; $lO,OOO 1975 CAMI II HlUlhik. mint condition, 51,000 miles. Radiocassette. $B5OO 1970 HOLDEM MOURO 78 GTS. Manual, a nice straight original Sample. 84.700 1975 ALFASUD 4 hlr. only 48,000 miles. Very sought after motor vehicle. • $6500 LUXURY MERCEDES 300 SE Ailt. F.S. very original with many extras. Receipt available for major repairs. 1973 OATSUM 2600 Alli, absolutely as hew. one owner, onty 38.000 miles. $9BOO 1974 TRIUMIH 2500 Fl Aitl. power sleeting, many extras oh this qualify English assembled sa,^l^ o 1972 VOLVO 1445. a very good example of European family 1900 CHEVETTE i o Hatchback, one owner gOV",. vefygwl 1979 LAD* 1500. one owner, only 21.000 km, bright orange, a fine example. $B5OO 1979 MARIHA 1700 L Station Watjot). 1 owndr. 74,000ktn, a very practical unit al a reasonable ‘ 1978 FORD ESCORT Estate, one owner. 74,000 km, very 1977 VIVA MA9NUM 1300. 2 Owners. 51.000 km. many extras. As new. ss9oo 1977 COROLLA auto, one owner , only 23.000 km cannot be faulted. > any inspection invited. . $6BOO ; 1976 DATSUM 1800 SL. overseas . assembled, a lovely example. One . owner. $4890 : 1976 SKODA ftfil. only . 56.000 km, cOV** a Swiss • Watch. ’ s2s»O . 1976 MAZDA 929. extremely tidy . and sound. Recently overhauled ■ motor. 64250 ;. 1974 VAUAHTW Alli, immaculate. -. Large family saloon. Compare. ; 83990 , 1974 MAZDA M2 Alli, one owner, - • 4-I,oookm, needs minor dents and • paint but look al the price. $2556 ' 1978 (!ht.) TOMIA PIU 4. a real ■ striking example. Only 2 owners 61.000 km. : ,WSW 1973 (Die.) CITHOEM 1220G8CHV. One owner. 72,000 mites, ->a • beautiful example al a reasonable price. . . $4500 ' 1973 FIAT 126 not up to our usual standard bul goes well $1796 : 1972 WOLtELET 1300, choice of ■■ two, ’one at 34,000 miles and another af 65,000 both in mint - condition. S33OOMS2IM 1171 VALIANT VG Alli, only 2 - owners, very tidy cpoditioh. $2400 1972 VALIANT Riftl VH. $l6 V 8 Auto, P.S. Red with vinyl roof and > mags. 86.000 miles. Only 63700 i <970 VW 1500’6eel!e Motor Jus! . been overhauled Be Quick 63999 ' 1969 HDLkNKiHiVMnD.II. .. 186 motor? wouta be the tidiest » about. ' $2200 i 1969 TRIUMPH 2000 Auto eg.gOO : miles absoulely mint. l2Mt 1962 DESOTA Dlpliut VR Alli, extremely original tor motor. . ft: KA : OMN COMMERCIALS 1990 lEDFOAD 280 CF Flaldeck, 1 owner. 35.006 km. I $l5OO or Law Dapsit 1978IEDF0R9CF Ml Mill 111. lovely condition, 63.000 km. $7$W ar Law Bapatli ' 1976 TBTDTAKlAtiFliWtt9;veiy v 1172 REDFORD CF FliWick. tried j wdh Itoid&l Wfii’x W mow 5 1972 IHTEIWATIMAL Cl 100 i 1962 mTEllil*Tifi«Ai.Allltt.
Page 32 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 12 August 1982, Page 32
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