Public Notices I, Graham Young Ferguson, of , 102 Avlesford St. Christchurch’ 1. Glasscutter, will not be responsible for any debts inctirreil.'in my name from this dpjMprth. ' ;V’ ‘ X LIFT to Blenheim required Fri- - dav’ night,' - August 13, by voting woman, share expenses. Please ph. 66-596 or call 42 Caledonian Rd. STORAGE short or long term, commercial, industrial or household, large or small quantities, competitive rates. Ph. 50-500. a.h. 488-272. Always first for service. Bascik Cartage. Ltd. ' WE’RE highly optimistic about our Classified ads. Shop our • columns and you’ll see whylD LAND TRANSFER ACT 1 NOTICE EVIDENCE of the loss of Certificates of Title and. Memorandum of Mortgage (Canterbury Registry) described in the schedule having been lodged 'with me together with applications for the issue of New Certificates of Title and a provisional copy of Mortgage 692922. -Notice is hereby given of my intention to issue the same and to register such discharge upon the expiration of fourteen days from the day of the Gazette containing this notice. SCHEDULE , Certificate of Title NO.I2FZ 1257 for 4.9427 hectares situated in Halswell Survey District being part Lot 4 Deposited Plan 6349 in the name of LINK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LTD. at Christchurch. Application No. 394627/1. Mortgage 692922 affecting 204.9732 hectares being Section 10 Glenmark Settlement contained in Deferred Payment Licence 14A/930 wherein the Mortgagees are JOHN BOYDCLARK of Christchurch. Company Director and DORA EMILY BOYD-CLARK his •wife. Application No. 394454/1. Certificate of Title No. 274/ 298 for 587 square metres situated in City of Christchurch being part Lot 23 Deposited Plan 1292 in the names-of WILLIAM DAVID MIKAERA }>f Christchurch, 'Shop Pro* prietor and EILEEN GERARD MIKAERA his wife. Application No. 394470/1. Certificates of Title No. 224/ 288 and 187/143 for 1396 square metres and 278 square metres situated in the City of Christchurch being Lot 15 and part Lot 16 Deposited Plan 438 and part Lot 2 Deposited Plan 1454 respectively both MERRIMACK LIMITED at Christchurch. Application No. 393972/ 1. Certificate of Title No. 10F/ 1188 for 736 square metres situated in City of Christchurch being. Lot-21 Deposited Plan 28653 ip the name of GARY COLIN KNIGHT of Christchurch. Solicitor and SUZANNE RUTH- KNIGHT his wife. Application N0.394260/1. Certificate of Title No. 501 : ‘l4 for 1012 square metres situated in Halswell Survey District being Lot 8 Deposited Plan 11465 in the name of ALICE JEAN SUCKLING of Tai Tapu. Widow. Application No. 394998/ 1. Dated this 6th day of August. 1982. W. B. GREIG, District Land Registrar.
MIGHTY WINTER CLEARANCE SALE NOW ON! HALF PRICE, 20c, 50c, $l. $2 CLOTHES FOR ALL THE FAMILY , ' FURNITURE TOO! ' OUT IT ALL GOES MISSION GOODWILL STORES Lower High Street, Breezes Road Corner Armagh and Manchester Streets Corner Cashel and Fitzgerald Avenue Colombo Street, Sydenham Ferry Road. Woolston
Page 30 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 12 August 1982, Page 30
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