Alcan. 300 165; AHarvev. 7300 307. 1600 308; Alliance, 9300 115, 2700 116 and new, 1500 108; Allflex. 1700 194. 700 195; AMBisley. 2900 168; ANZBankNZ, 1500 310. 500 312; AEllis, 500 60; AkGas, 300 262; Aurora. 1400 270; Baillie, 1000 85; Ballins. 2600 120; Bendon. 100 202, 3400 204; Brily, 3700 277. 16,000 280. 3400 282; BOS. 1000 85; Bunting, 2000 230, 2800 232; CPD, 700 285 and pf, 100 305; CFM. 3800 240 and pf. 200 200; CBAFin, 500 245; Cap Life, 400 105; Cart Holt, 3300 340; Ceramco, 500 240. 300 242; Chenerv, 2600 230; Clyde, 1000 90; ColvWat. 6400 133,1000 134; Command. 1900 270; CCL. 1100 140; Cook Wine. 900 98; Crown. 10,600 175 and pf. 1000 190; DalgetyNZ, 3000 242; D and K, 1500 14; DIC, 1100 150, 100 155; DMcLWaI, 2000 90; Domßrew, 600 116, 200 117, 4200 118, 3600 119; Donaghy 15pc pf, 1000 68; ELichten, 100 318, 1000 320; EMCO, 2100 I§s; Endeavour, 300 125, 2700 132; FTC, 2000 136, 8700 137 and rts, 133,600 12, 14,000 14; Feltex, 5200 154, 18,400 155 and 16pf pf, 1100 145; FletCh, 1600 181, 17,500 182 and 16pc pf, 600 300; F and P, 300 310, 5100 312: Fountn, 1000 132; GBCem. 1200 77; Goodman, 7500 235, 500 236; Hauraki, 200 76,1000 78: Hawkins, 1600 147, 9100 150; Healing, 3700 185; H and P, 400 330; Holeproof, 500 220; HuttonNZ. 900 136: IWDow, 1100 175; JH Impey, 2500 262; JWebster, 1000 90, 1000 91; Landmark ctg, 4100 26: LWR, 8700 116; Lanes, 200 158; LDNathan, 200 212, 2600 213, 1100 214, 2200 215 and pf, 100 187; Leyland. 600 165; Lion, 50.100 163. 7800 165; Mair, 500 280; Marac, 400 173, 400 175; Montana, 1100 116, 1200 117; Mot Holds, 2200 117; Natlns, 200 218, 704 220, 375,200 230; Neil, 3300 76; NZCement, 300 130; NZForest, 2900 299, 12,500 300; NZIG, 100 430: NZLL, 2000 65; NZRefin, 600 136: NZSB, 13,400 78. 22,800 79; NZSteel, 7300 212; Odlin, 2200 90, 900 91, 1280 92, nts, 200 110 and
13pc pf. 1800 70; OpioFF, 100 95; ProgEnt, 10,300 185. 600 187 and pf, 2800 420; QuillH, 100 125; RHellaby. 1500 78; RepCoNZ, 100 87; RheemNZ, 600 150; Rothmans, 1900 152, 100 153, 4500 154 and pf, 300 142; Salmond, 100 240; Sanford, 1200 335; Scott, 1600 84; Skellerup, 900 315; Smithßio, 800 145; SmithMkt, 1000 170; SFM, 2800 203; Steel Tube, 3200 162; Teltherm, 300 147; Tolley, 100 205; TNL, 4600 138; UEB, 7300 135; Visionhire, 300 123; WaitakiNZ, 4700 227 and pf, 100 215,1200 216; Wattie, 300 162,100 163, 5600 165, 16pc pf, 200 160 and 12>6pc pf, 1100 112; WilkinsD, 500 400, 500 405, 400 410; WHortn, 100 465; WNeil, 2000 103, 1500 105; Winstone, 2000 98, 24,600 99, 12pc pf, 3000 78 and 16pc pf, 1900 65; WormaldNZ, 300 330; Yates, 1200 340; 2600 345 and pf, 500 130. CoalEn, 500 32; Cue, 2000 14; L and M, 5600 30; MinßesNZ, 1000 54, 5000 55; NZOG, 1000 33. Special sales. — ANZBankNZ, 50,000 306: Skellerup, 117,900 340. $25,731, Broadlands Fin 15 pc, 23.1.83 (17.1pc yld). Overseas sales. — Sth Pine, 9000 52. Correction: NZPA gives the following correction to a sale printed yesterday. NZSteel, 200,000 210 should have been 100,000 210.
New Zealand Price Varn c c ANZ Bank. . ... 310 2 Ak Gas. . . . ... 262 2 Bendon... . ... 204 4 Brierley . . . . . . 280 5 BOS ... 85 3 CPD xd . . . ... 285 1 Crown ... 175 1 Do. pf . . . . . . 190 5 Dalgety NZ . ... 242 2
Dorn Brew 118 3 EMCO 185 10 Endeavour..... . 132 4 Feltex 155 2 Fisher Payk. . . .. 312 7 Fountain 132 2 Golden Bay .... 77 1 Hawkins 150 3 JHImpey 262 2 LD Nathan .... 213 1 Do, pf 187 2 Marac 175 2 Montana 117 2 Nat Ins 230 15 NZ Forest 300 2 NZ Ind Gas.... 430 5 NZLL 65 5 NZSB Grp 79 1 NZ Steel...... 212 2 Rothmans 154 2 Scott Grp 84 2 Skellerup 315 5 Smith Bio ..... . 145 5 Visionhire ..... 123 3 Waitaki NZR pf . 216 1 Wattie ....... 165 3 Wilkins Dav. . . . 405 15 Yates Corp .... 345 5 FALLS Alex Harvey ... 307 1 Allflex 194 1 AEllis 60 10 CBA Fin 245 5 Clyde Grp 90 5 Colyer Wat . . . . 133 1 DIC 150 5 D Wallace 90 2 FTC rts 12 2 Hauraki . 78 2 Healing 185 15 Huttons NZ . . . . 136 1. J Webster 91 1 Lanes 158 1 . Odlins . . 70 3 Progressive .... 185 3 Quill Humph . . . 125 5 RW Hellaby. . . . 78 1 Rheem NZ. .... 150 5 Wormaid NZ . . . 330 xd ex dividend 10