Shipping news
Tug Lyttelton’s annual survey
The Tug Lyttelton is having her annual survey, and: this year has something sppclaFyfo. loijk spruce for. ' This year ;is the; seventy-fifth anniversary >of. her arrival ■at Lyttelton. After sailing from Glasgow, she first arrived, under the name Canterbury, on September 10, 1907.
The Lyttelton is no longer a working vessel but she still earns her’ keep by running harbour cruises and 'being available for charters.
She sailed into dry dock yesterday and is expected to remain there" about a week. Work at the dock will include sandblasting, overhauling, and spraying the vessel with antifoulihg paint. Mr Grant Robinson, a spokes-’ man for the Tug Lyttelton Preservation Society, said the vessel would be ready and spruced up for the anniversary celebrations, which will start on September 10.
Events planned for the anniversary included a reenactment of her arrival, harbour cruises, and a dinner.
ARRIVALS Coastal Trader (7 a.m.), 2500, Dunedin (S.C.N.Z.). - Union Hobart (8 a.m.), 7299, Wellington (U.M.S.). DEPARTURES Coastal Trader (12.28 p.m.), 2500, Auckland (S.C.N.Z.). Waitaki (1.25 p.m.), 3166, Wellington (Scales). Kwangsi (9 p.m.), 9369, Tauranga (P. and 0,). Botany Triumph (1 p.m.), 2803, Bluff (Scales). EXPECTED ARRIVALS Taian, Auck, August 15. Holmdale, Chathams, August 15. Anco Sovereign, sea, August 15. Coastal Trader, Auck, August 16. Forum New Zealand, Brisbane, August 16, Union Hobart, Wgtn, August 17. Coastal Trader, Dndn, August 18. Union Lyttelton, Sydney, August •' 'lB. Amokura, Marsden Point, August 18. Ikoma Maru, sea. August 20.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES Dolomit, sea, today (4 p.m.). Seaward Ace, Taur, today. Union Hobart, Wgtn, today (10
p.m.). Anco Sovereign, sea, August 15. Coastal Trader, Dndn, August 16. Forum New Zealand, Nap, August 16. Union Hobart, Dndn, August 17. Taian, sea, August 17. Coastal Trader. Auck, August 18. Amokura, Bluff, August 19. Union Lyttelton, Wgtn, August 19.
VESSELS IN PORT Seaward Ace, Cashin Quay No. 2. Dolomit, No. 3 East. Peruvian Reefer, No. 7 West. Lyttelton, dry dock.