THE EARLY THIRTIES... When your complexion needs scientific help A> you grow older the &' . skin's natural softening fluids start to dry up. but “M *< with the daily smoothing on f of a scientifically developed gF- 'xXTTiW tropically moist oil blend. ® ' WfsiSHl you can protect your com- : &s*.. plexionandhelpixstoreit to '• Wxlll a more natural softniss and \ : heauty wltich can last t -•• \ through the years to come. V * . $ Growing older does not ® ; nk-tssarily mean that your y ; complexion must,look older' W too.fbrthtsedaysthedevel- . : 'ilii' opment of a unique trop- -ill ically moist oil blend, which ' Softer smoother acts on the complexion in a more pple sk H matter simikir to the skins Regarded as essential to own softening fluids, can be fhfeir skin beauty by women the means, whereby your inmanvdifFerentpirtsofthe skin s natural characterptits worlfi , - this fl uif | can lie nurtured to he p kt*ep available in New Zealand the skin free from dryness f rom chemists and Ijeauty and accentuated wrinkles. cou n | ers Qj] of Ulan moist o . vt , . , oil blend and. smoothed over Science helps the skin’s fhe fece anf| k even . natural softening fluids mf)lTling and jt Supplementation each trates quickly, bringing Ix-ne-day with the beautifying fits similar to those supplied fluid helps rest ore and main- by the skin's own natural tain the essential balance of fluids, leaving a gloriously oil and moisture in your, fresh and supple feeling with skin, a most inqxirtant con- no trace of greasiness, tributing factor. to your You will fine! conscienskin’s softness and sup- tious daily smoothing on of plenessatatimeinyourlife Oil of Ulan can prolong a when the natural supplies petal softness and loveliness of oil and moisture, in your for many yeats to come, skin may Ixr beginning- to Ulan is a registered tradedtyup. mark. ■ ■
IfIHiHHHK ' O ——s'"" MAKES ME | Xhuli 0 TTRrX /WANT TO DO SOMETHINGS. f HU < ltKKy -\ /posrnvE terry, like dweshngX ( WMATS NEW ) .aSKfKSKKM (IN NEW ZEALAND PERMANENT’S. I - V WITH you? y A savings breakthrough IsEStbSwM per annum for s w KMBrSgM'IIIWy y ,J' Gj hhß ’ k A t y J \H|ii' EHS X? X* x *TANT /fl A MSIWBiSwSW <T /SO POSITIVE \ f ,•— XS® /FUNNY OLP WORLD \ f/l\ W | S-aL "?£< I . Mmmmmbmii aQ »O (sally, high unemplov-A \y a \ f / MMW I went, HIGH inflation) / V BSaMBlty \ \/\ / kSfiSftWs MT \>\\... makes you 7/ IbWW sg/ // Y\7 real mf\ ) / \ x —A HINK, -^-^ x / kWFusX / \ / /AND THATS WHERE T /f IVt WTX [;kjT (THE MONEYS- NEEDED , I I CAN AFFORD WITH A ffiWffiawßawgK K*:a ME ™ Rm” _„_ X RIGHT NOW/ j/ \ NEW ZEALAND J ffffiffitgwSwwi w >WIBI IF »<W IioSOB yu s r \ /then i willXJ \ \ \T/ ■ 7 /Too, especially if \ \ xTw u( ITS providing housing 1 A IrtWN' HFINANCE RIGHT HERE IN > OMTWX*J®W|MI« 7 V/Wl\ . Hr WL_JJ.-^-—— SiOHwiSwli
»| ' ; IM Wsl ’Hi' ' H iSf ' IfiMBHCMf ,&k Xffi- WwffiS B ft? bHH : HH ;k ■ ’ fi w ■ mps e*m If? haE» ' lIHS sSi BH®i 'k! ■tH tin i PwlJ-U **_' w * WO * - Milling I -I v" r m * iB lf 5 j Lsjjy^gKZjal Hl I£s3 t*Xht* I V4^^HiMMHMB!&^SpB ^ ,MBF3BiWWKM^BBEw £ ,"I x-?x HOME APPLIANCE SHOWROOM — COLOMBO STREET 1 THURSDAY 10.30 am to 2.30 pm. FRIDAY 10.30 am to 2.30 pm and 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm 18 •■■ •■ 5/' SAVE $3OO SAVE $220 SAVE $275 SAVE $2OO Miarinii rn I js i ILfijiß tocui ß ar« ' ”' TOSHIBA 669 6»r| '/' P f atUr . e? ; H two - step TOSHIBA 638 ■ - Variable 150 to 650 Watt '^--- 7 TOSHIBA 649 defrost full power Automatic defrost stirrer nnwor,,t tnr o ...w™ -ru t\\ cooking. Turntable for fan and turntable for cookina Panne from ' e (| urnta *? e ensure -j perfect cooking evenness. perfect cooking.evenness. ■ delicate defrosbna to full ' Heh-nft no U °r C 2° kin9 and 24- minuie timer. Built-in Menu guide. 24 minutes n™X rnnkinn defrosting. Budt-in menu 9U Co i° EX*'™” ’ v x%xx S£ size - s,milaf ,0 5499 sx 0 73 “ ,,rts " $7BO p--£- lls °s® aqq Were 5799. Now only OR $3.20 WEEKLY Were $899. Now OR $4.50 WEEKLY . Normally $ 1055. Now 0R55.12 WEEKLY WerTsB99. iMkitkil «S°S”X a S2SXiXXi ! X! . ©COLOMBO ST ©ARMAGH ST ©NORTHLANDS ©RICCARTON MALL and just say Charge it PH; 798-100 PH: 69-858 5. PH: 526-056 PH: 488-612 1 '
Page 12 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 29 April 1982, Page 12
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