Mw H"i i lliilnnwi Hk J N - I L 1I J 1 final™ .g you Should rest »| I ’ < STEVE'SUMNER S J'? BOBBY ALMOND O $ ■ W-' lIMfI IMf MB? ■ flj BigHG w ifi wH W EdESF .| X ' : I! Today, eighteen years after the end of N.Z. |j % * /'i.l • i R/I u bv ?. " whaling, the Perano family have allowed this H p With Derrick Mensbridoe nr>M r'DAnv storv of a unique industry and a unique way of i * /w® \ don grady we to be toid. gl W m F 1011 100 inSlUu SlOry From whaling stations inside the Tory Channel j mu M r, , A they operated small high-speed whale chasers, j i The New Zealand soccer teams spec- V often succeeding in rounding up humpback whales j S|i|® ' tacular struggle to reach the finals of O like a shepher §- s dog roun(Js up she ep. This book |g ' the 1982 World Cup tn Spain has made A REED BOOK is extensively illustrated and was the 1980 winner "i them the heroes of thousands of New o f yj e A Reed Memorial Book Award. > i :1 Zealanders. Now the captain, Steve p| <’ -WaJiaiS- \ Sumner, and the vice-captain, Bobby I ” L: -A | Almond, in collaboration with leading . ■ ■ MkOr soccer writer, Derrick Mansbridge, tell n n im s h eto h ifi ra ns™ FRs B W the behind-the-scenes story in “To 01 ICT PHgiISHED I W W S P ain The Hard Way.” They present j B ®eLb idi ' 1 w* w the plavers' views of fifteen hard g x K.\ n 8"T"B SEi B w li “±irS r £ l DICK SMITHIto u3|- i ’ humorous off-field anecdotes. Well illus- Director Consumer's Institute says... <' J 1 « IM W 7 trated, the book pays tribute to the . f v m W B. ’ T-^-’-v'' team's gruelling training and tremend- "THE AVERAGE PERSON K- ' ■ m OUS fighting spirit - A must for all fans - I WASTES >lO,OOO IN A p ; W 3 H 1 4 ' z< W LIFETIME THROUGH I A OTV H I @hks ►" 0nly*O& Kifv-"’ I i His 800 k... I a NEW RANGE Our AWARD BOOK for APRIL j WIW "TS YOUR MONEY I F’l ii£iS-'S»SAVE rW THEY'RE AFTER" S 1 8 I DECORATIVE I ' ' ■■ ■ tells y° u how t 0 recognise the rip- r'J H I : —**PA|Un| EC 5r atWhitcoulls I 4|Sb as your defence against being UlddM. r;| B I \ LAIW U Ltd |3 ItfllV* i < E 095 I N.Z. Distributors BOOK REPS (N.Z.) LTD. b| B H Statuettes, flowers, R W-aIPO M 9 ;/T I grapes, hand-painted ® d,in j -i m H Im T n ~s ||Pf£w B ~s rfo —"s raiMMsMi fc 11 H illustrated: from P Throughout this collection, Pam is at her wry and 1 i ra H I \ *265 to *775 .... Witty best. Poems like “Eat, Drink and be Sick” ' Bl 9FA \ PT/ ml \ ’ ' • and the heartfelt “Will You Take Your Children ; 7 H ffl /XA /il r\ \ a 1 1 1 *1 Home Before IDo Them In” demonstrate her flair ; B ! • U 7 A|i m / A and zany humour. 7 I W S ' »HBU»«ED IBUraS *4- 95 I p ///Av- Don't pay more tax 5J53 I L OT\ than you have to 1983 ABDUCE DIARY I I ill K l ft’s available now ip record | i K $ muA* -WO® I bookings or appointments -I Zealand tax system. j I • 'Jjy anCe h Ef-n TA V n.z. taxation 1982. ./W. j muue wen in uuvunce A plain Guide . . P a y to a page layout with A 4 •■'l V-r X, 3- '\O> O<jf Of? *O5O ’ ' 210 x 29/mm) pages. Provision is k *3’ 50 I made for cash account records 1382 N.Z. TAX GUIDE I d reference pages include E 95 L SyBS UmbTMMBiRp xX «q. 95 i : i calendars, festivals and other v H “Ji F useful information. w 960 Combinations —NO Repetitions F| c / J - —. lillSl HOUSIE BOOKS Bile 960. tickets — 240 in each of four vESr wNHF Hr! pO fol S® H-Ay. «felL m j M’J different colours in every book. These • A rUr W” j y y| comply with current Housie regulations. . /'* ™" W® £3sal ©Sa LSS I ' IP-££l!£ L L . H 10 -49 books ’6» each Ph 794-580 P' M OOokstO' 3 RICCARTON MALI, NEW BRIGHTON, BISHOPDALE, 0 g m HORNBY MALL, TIMARU, ASHBURTON, NELSON, BLENHEIM ««
Page 4 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 29 April 1982, Page 4
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