Teesdale wins national status rally
PA ' Auckland Tony Teesdale and Greg Horne took advantage of a rare mistake by Jim Donald's co-driver, Kevin Lancaster, to win the Auckland Car Club national status rally which finished yesterday. '
The pair brought their Escort RSI 800 home two and a half minutes ahead of Donald’s similar car after 140 kilometres of special stages on the Cibie event. Donald who was the top seed, looked to be heading for his fourth consecutive win in the rally when he led Teesdale by 37 seconds after the first five high speed tests.
However, at the start of sixth stage, Lancaster failed to clock into the control at the correct time. By the time he realised his mistake, Horne, who was competing in his first rally, and the next placed crew of Neil Allport and John Cowan had already clocked in at their scheduled times.
Donald was forced to concede his number one position on the road, and the
General forecast: A few showers in Northland and Fiordland, and also in eastern districts from Gisborne to Kaikoura. Fine elsewhere, apart from early morning fog patches. District forecasts: Canterbury: Moderate northeasterlies about the coast by day otherwise light winds; "mainly fine apart from isolated showers about Banks Peninsula and
advantage of a dust-free run. with Teesdale taking over. In the next three stages before the mealbreak at Huntly Teesdale caught up 26 seconds and then in the first stage after the stop the Te Atatu man was 40 seconds faster, taking him into the lead.
As the night wore on. the dust thickened and there were patches of mist. Donald, who has had little practice at driving in other competitiors" dust over the past two seasons, was forced to settle for second place. The problem was demonstrated best in the final 25 km stage in the Maramarua State forest, where Teesdale was 48 seconds faster than Donald.
Allport, who had been third in his Escort RSIBOO for the whole event, rolled on the last stage, losing eight minutes and dropping to seventh place.
Third place went to Robert Van Gisbergen in an Escort RS2OOO. Such was the dust problem that the tenthplaced driver, Murray Rawson was almost 14 minutes behind'Teesdale.
areas of mist or fog in the
morning. Marlborough: Scattered showers, chiefly on the Kaikoura coast; otherwise
fine and cool with light or moderate south-easterlies. Nelson, Buller; A few areas of cloud; otherwise fine
with light'winds. Westland: A few cloudy areas otherwise fine with light winds. Outlook: Mainly fine.
Observations taken at the Meteorological Office. Christchurch Airport. yesterday. Barometer: 6 p.m. 11p.m. Millibars 1024.9 1026.2 Temperature: deg. Maximum (to 6 p.m.) . . 15 Rainfall: mm . 9 a.m. to 11 p.tn nil Saturday trace To date this month. ... 47 To date this vear ’ 96 To date last year 109 Average to date 197 Average for April 53 Wettest April (1978 ).. . 199 Driest April (1979 ). . . . 8 Sunshine: hrs Saturday 4 hr .30 min Yesterday 9 hr 12 nun To date this month. ... 112 To date this year 786 To date last year 738 Average lor April 142 Humidity: Per cent at noon 61 Per cent at 6 p.m 79 Temperatures and rainfall for the 24 hours to 9 a.m. yesterday: Maximum 14 deg, minimum -T deg. grass -3 deg, rainfall ml. SUN. MOON AND TIDES Sun - Today: Rises. 7.15 a.m.; sets. 5.39 p.m. Tomorrow: Rises. 7.16 a.m.; sets. 5.38 p.m. Moon — Today: Rises, 9.34 a.m.; sets. 7.30 p.m. Tomorrow: Rises. 10.49 a.m.; sets 10.18 p.m. High tide at Lyttelton — Today: 6.16 a.m. and 6.48 p.m. Tomorrow: 7.19 a.m. and 7.49 p.m. (Lake Forsyth, subtract 60min. Akaroa. subtract 45min. Port Levy, subtract 30min; Ashburton and Rakaia. subtract 25min; Kaikoura add 17min; Kaiapoi and Sumner, add 30min.)
PHASES OF MOON First quarter: May 1, midnight. Full moon: May 8. 1 p.m. Last quarter: May 16, 5 p.m. New Moon: May "23, 5 p.m. NOON WEATHER Auckland: 18deg., partly cloudy, E„ 8 knots. Wellington: 15deg., partly cloudy, S.E., 10 knots. Christchurch: 13deg., partly cloudy, calm. Dunedin: 13deg.. partly cloudy. E., 13 knots. WORLD WEATHER Minimum and maximum temperatures in the main cities of the world in the last 24 hours were: Amsterdam. 3. 12; Athens. 8, 14; Bahrain, 23. 30: Bangkok. 27. 34; Barbados, 23. 38; Beirut, 18. 22: Belgrade. 3, 13: Berlin. 4, 13: Bogota, 9. 15: Brussels. 4. 14: Buenos Aires. 13. 17: Cairo, 16. 27: Caracas. 18, 28; Chicago. 3, 19; Copenhagen. 5. 10; Dublin. 7. 14; Frankfurt, 4. 17; Geneva. 2. 17; Helsinki. 2.10; Hong Kong, 21. 21: Honolulu. 19, 27: Jakarta, 24. 32; Jerusalem, 10, 20; Johannesburg. 7. 19; Kiev. 3,6; Kuala Lumpur. 23. 33; Lima. 18. 23; Lisbon, 13. 24; London, 8, 14; Los Angeles, 14. 28: Madrid. 7. 22; Manila. 23. 36: Mexico City, 12. 24; Miami. 24. 29; Montevideo. 12. 23; Moscow, 3. 8; Nassau, 16. 29; New Delhi. 24. 37; New York, 12. 20; Nicosia, 11. 22: Oslo, 2.7; Paris. 9, 18; Rio de Janeiro. 17. 31; Rome. 6, 17; San Francisco, 10. 17; San Juan, 24. 30; Santiago, 4. 23; Sao Paulo, 17. 23; Seoul. 11. 21; Singapore. 24. 32; Stockiioim. 3, 13; Taipei. 17, 21;' Tel Aviv, 15, 24: Tokyo, 12, 19; Toronto, 4. 17: Vancouver, 10, 20: Vienna. 3. 10. Temperatures in the main Australian cities were: Adelaide, 11. 16; Brisbane, 14. 26; Canberra. 11. 21; Hobart. 6. 15; Melbourne. 13. 16; Perth. 11. 19 (noon); Sydney. 19. 28.