Personals MASSAGE. The Aristocrat Lounge has magnifique mademoiselles in quiet tastefully decorated surroundings for you to unwind and rejuvenate. We also have a tremendous outcall and escort service at highly competitive rates. All credit cards happily accepted. Seven days midday to midnight We have no sign so look for the No. 564 A Colombo Street. Ph. 793-273. PAPERBACKS wanted, up to $2 trade-in value each. D.I.C. Beaths Bookshop. Phone 799140.72 Book Shop. Phone 881809. Casnfields Book Shop; Phone 796-056. MWS PICTURE framing, only the best materials used, largest range of mouldings. Guaranteed professional workmanship and top service. Where? Tasman Gallerv. 72 Gloucester Street, phone 795-710. PREGNANCY help—care, concern. confidentially offered to pregnant and new mothers. Ph. 63-355. D Raffle Results FREEVILLE SCHOOL JUBILEE 259 CLUB. SlOO-NO 133 $2O 134 259 164 187 $lO 171 168 109 $5 116 206 311 '206 102 115 331 167 291 256 237 260 CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN REGION EASTER BUNNY CASCADE CAR LOTTERY Draw No. 116 1. Queen-size waterbed. $2200, 17570. Mataura. 2, National Colour TV, $1454, 5874, Christchurch. 3. 8456, Hawera: 4. 12008, Hawera; 5, 5198, Christchurch; 6. 18677, Napier: 7. 20287, Otaki; 8, 515, Christchurch; 9. 7926, Pungarehu: 10. 12264, Waiouru: 11. 20089, Hawera; 12. 21644, Elsdon; 13. 2874; 14, 590. Christchurch; 15, 19645, Taumarunui; 16, 6201, Christchurch: 17, 12650. Wanganui; 18. 10692, Waitara: 19. 19685. New Plymouth; 2D, 3649, Christchurch.' All prize winners notified where possible. Organiser, P. O..RANFORD, Licensed Promoter, HAWERA Tradesmen ASPHALT, by ’ Superseal, get a better deal. Phone 583-636. evenings. . P BRAKE repairs. Try Safe R Brakes, Ltd. for efficient service. 87 Fitzgerald Ave. MWS BRtCK paving and landscape services.. For all paving, drives, paths, patios, etc. phone 6tt-689 for prompt service. MGF BUILDER avail, for labour only or full contract on all types of work. Specialist in new homes and auditions. No obligation quotations, workmanship guaranteed. Ph. Artisan Holdings, 326-257 or 495-257. BUILDER requires work, alterations. extensions, new nousing. Phone Spnngston 876, ask for George. MWS BULLDOZING, small machine. 7ft blades, winch, and rippers. All types of work undertaken at reasonable rates. Ph. Allan Harris 886-400 or Roger Williams 498-974.MWS CAR painting and panelbeating at reasonable prices. Prompt service, free pick up delivery. Phone 841-212 or 882-237. CARPENTER avail, for any alterations and repair work. Immediate service. Ph. 495257. CARPET, and upholstery cleaning, with steam extraction method. For supreme service and free quote, phone Rainbow Carpet Cleaners, 65-512. a.h. 526-562. CARPET and vinyl installed by a member Canty Master Floorcoverer's Assn. inc. (C.M.F.A.), cost no more and is guaranteed. DTC CARPET binding and fringing. “While you wait” service. Rose s Carpets, 425 St Asaph St (Linwood side of Fitzgerald Ave), phone 795-730. D CARPET remaking, laying repairs. Phone 61-699, a.h. 43316. D CARPET shampooing, stain treatment. Phone 61-699, a.h. 43-316. D CARPORTS. Prompt quotation. Phone King Bros, 66-527. CHERRY picker tnalift lor hire. Tree topping, painting, etc. $7.50 per hr. $2OO per wk. Ph. 5H2-200. MS COBB and Co. for cobblestone paving. On display at. the Building Centre and Chateau Regency. Confidential, no deposit., 5 years to pay plan. Ph. 328-144 any time. MWHS COBBLESTONE by tne Cobblestone Paving Co. Ltd. See the display at Duncan Grey Ltd. 28 Waterloo Road. Phone 496085, a.h. Ron Williams 851-792. or Trevor Ballard 841-893. Hayden Keir 6988 Rangiora. Timaru Phone 86-321, Temuka Phone 607. CONCRETE drives, paths, terraces, exposed aggregate. Masonry Concrete Contractors. Telephone 496-083 and you’ll be set. A.H. 849-829. MWS CONCRETE for paths, drives etc. Ph. 528-948. MTH CONCRETE paths, drives and garage floors. Prompt efficient service. Ph. 830-341. DRAINAGE For al! drainage work. M. G. Glubb. Ph. 44-882. D DRAINLAYER. Servicing town or country. Sewer, or septic tanks. All types of drainlaying undertaken. Phone 874 Cust. DRAINLAYER. 24 hour, 7 day blocked dram service, plus all other types of dramlaying. Gordon Kenning. Harewood. Pn. 65-899 any lime. MWFS DRIVEWAYS, car parks, chip seals or asphalt. Get a free quote from our experienced staff. Wigram Contractors, Ltd. Phone 517-913 MWS DRIVEWAYS excavated, metalled and sealed. Prompt efficient service. Ph. 830-341. a h b 0 ■DRY CLEAN your drapes, eiderdowns and sleeping bags for less al Richmond Dry Cleaners. 104 Avalon St (opposite Richmond Electrical). Pn. 896-995, “We are cheaper”. ELECTRIC, all repairs, additional points, etc., by experienced electrician. Prompt service. L. M. Davies. 898-964, or 831-477. MTW ELECTRICAL work, all areas. Graham Messenger. Phone 371-046 any time. Discount for prompt payment. MTWH ELECTRICIAN David Lee, phone 60-659, range, water heater, mains, garage, etc, 12 hour service. . MWHS ELECTRICIAN, Paul Ainswortn tor ail installations and servicing. pn.-66-527 ior prompt efficient service. MTWH FENCING, paling and picket a speciality, old fence removal and section clearing, for iree quote. Pn.65-674 any time. MWS FENCING, prompt compeuuve quotes. King Bros. 66-52'i, any time. FENCING. Ail types undertaken, repairs, new work, or labour only. Free quotes, ph. Ray Donnell 69-270 or 831-385. Bank Card. Visa accepted. GARAGE 20 x 20. block. Ph. 66527. King Bros, ior prompt quote. GRASS cutting and rotary slashing with tractor unit Pn. 497-809. D