; Holiday Accom. | FERRY Motel. 12 units, spa pool. | video film daily (free). S waterbed. verv high stand- ■ ard. average tariff, near bus. shops, city, railway station. 330 Ferry Rd, Chch. pn. j 891-013. MWS LOWER HUTT HEIDELBERG Private Hotel 23 PHARAZYN STREET Clean and comfortable. B. and B. 622 single. $2B double. TELEPHONE 663-271. TE MAHIA MOTELS MARLBOROUGH SOUNDS Phone 1098 Picton REX and Yvonne Brown as the new proprietors offer special off season rates at their tranquil motels. Fully stocked shop now open 8.30 - 5.00 daily. Bush walks, boating, games room, fisning. swimming, or just lazing around. Ring or write for further details. Access •is by road, or water taxi from Picton to Onahau Bay. Windsor _ 52 ARMAGH STREET (3 minute walk from Square) SUPERIOR B. and B. for only $l4 per night. Colour TV. tea making facilities, car park. ! Govt Tourist A.A. approved. I PH. 61-503. CHRISTCHURCH.D Wanted to Lease ANTIGUA STREET. Several fac-tory-warehouses available in sizes ranging from 1024 sq ft . to 3900 sq ft. Rentals from $1.90 to $2.40 per foot. Full details from Ford and Hadfield, Ltd, MREINZ. 797-830. a.h.' 849-486. Warren Fieblg or 427-992 Morgan Long. BYRON ST, Sydenham, close to Colombo St. 4800 sq ft (446 sq I m). a clean north facing I building. Excellent offices, I container door, etc., realistic I rental. Contact W. C. Mehal- I ski. 64-21)5 or 66-979 of Geo. > Anderson. Smltns City Mar- I ket, Ltd. MREINZ. CAR sales yard, city, prime cnr 1 site, large workshop and office. Phone 798-969. ; CAR yard. Wordsworth St. i Sunny corner site, improving ! tralfic count. Ph. 556-684. CITY Communications Centre provides top flight personal telephone answering service, ; telex, radio telephone, pho- I tocopving. typing and mail 1 box services at a fraction of I the normal cost. Telephone i Intelex Group 62-845 now. I ■ ■ • MHS j FACTORY/WAREHOUSE to lease in Sydenham. 4180sq.ft with 2 ! street frontage and parking. ■ Rent $9500 p.a. For further ; details ph. 849-987. INDUSTRIAL rear yard. Ferry ; Rd. near Barbadoes St. ; Phone 798-969. NEW factory 4500 sq ft plus 500 : sq ft ol mezzanine area. Hign 1 slud, parking, long term ; lease available at $230 per I week. Ph. Garry Britnell. 796- ' 521. a.h. 882-587. Challenge i Properties (Estate Agents), ; Ltd. MREINZ. ! OFFICE space, new. 1136 sq ft ’ and 1520 sq ft of carpeted space available now. whole floors ot 3660 sq ft and 3545 sq ft under construction. Phone 62-123 bus hrs. MWS OFFICE suite, rare opportunity, subdivided 3 rooms, excellent natural light, carpeted. Close Cathedral Square, Land Transfer Office and Government Departments. Lease available $5O p.w. Sole Agents. H. G. Livingstone Ltd. MREINZ. Ph. 796-280. OFFICE suite, rare opportunity, sub-divided 4 good offices, newly carpeted throughout. ' new condition. Close Cathe- I dral Square. Land Transfer j Office. ,:lnd Government de- ; partments. $7O p.w. Lease ; available. Sole agents, H. G. i Livingstone Ltd, MREINZ. I Ph. 796-280. ST ASAPH ST 622 sq m (6700 sq ! ft), tidy warehouse-factory. , good offices, $309 p.w. Ph. W. C. Mehalski, 64-205 or 66-979 { of Geo. Anderson. Smiths | City Market, Ltd, MREINZ. : WORKSHOP, display, storage or olflce area of 5412 sq ft on first floor in Colomobo St. On site parking and goods lift, long or short term, reasonable rental. A smaller area of 2535 sq f t is also available. For further details. Phone 63-084 or 31-355 a.h. WORKSHOP 1000 sq ft for lease, Barrington St. Ph. 33-490 bus. hrs. ' FACTORY/WAREHOUSE Sq.m sq. ft area p.w. 2974 32.000 Papanui $BlB 2643 2b,000 Wairakei Rd $1192 1624 17,475 Sydenham $6lB 1533 16.500 Sydenham $476 1301 14,000 • Sheffield Cress7so 929 10.000 City $461 ! 920 9.900 Sydenham $352 695 7.475 Sydenham $265 ; 530 5.700 Papanui $328 ) 446 4.800 Bromley $225 j 441 4,750 City East $2ll ; 284 3.060- City East $l6l i 427 4.600 Bromley $lB5 I 130 1,400 City. East $6B I 186 2,000 City $96 | Several City Offices and Shops Available PHONE 791-000 P, MANGOS IPflCiPiq INDUSTRIAL. i Price I Area per sq m Location sq m 1395 Blenheim Rd $17.20 557 Phillipstown $16.00 1114 Blenheim Rd $20.46 967 Antigua St $17.23 464 Bromley $25.86 I 1966 Normcote $16.67 : 279 Wainoni $21.52 . 2879 Ferry Rd $21.53 1 278 Syuenham $28.00 , 222 Hornby $,45.13 ■; 455 Hornby 518.85 i 564 Central $26.95 i 2148 Bron, ley $28.1X1 j lad Bromley 528.U0 j Contact: GARRY BRITNELL ! 796-521 A.H. 882-587 .( LINWOOD j ONE shop and three offices are I available tor lease within a I new commercial development ' in Linwoou Avenue. I For further details contact: ■ FLETCHER DEVELOPMENT | : ANU CONSTRUCTION, ■ PHONE 796-750. OFFICES centre • city, new space, carpeted true prestige in eacn bunding. Up lo 6000 sq. ft base rate $4.15 to $5.25 sq. ft, abut) sq. tt at $5.25 sq. tt. Challenge Properties (Estate Agents). Ltd. 796-521, a.h. Ferriss 328-175, MREINZ. MWS
Page 26 Advertisements Column 3
Press, 26 April 1982, Page 26
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