Lower grade rugby results
Results of lower grade rugbymatches played on Saturday were: SENIOR B Section 1: Belfast 25. Sydenham 4. Marist B 6. New Brighton 25. Section 2: Lincoln College A 7. Lyttelton 23; .Merivale-Papanui 7. Albion 13. SECOND GRADE Section T. HSOB 13. Christchurch A 0; Albion B 6. Belfast B 4; Sumner 16. Marist B 13. Section 2. Christchurch B 3. RN2AF 4: Beliast A 29. Meri-vale-Papanui U; Marist A 3. New Brighton 20. THIRD GRADE Section 1: University A 6. HSOB B 18. Section 2: Parklands 46. Utautahi 6: Christchurch 12. New Brighton 7: University D 7. HSOB A 15. FOURTH GRADE University B 26. Marist 3: Sumner 7, Burnside 0; Parklands 4. Suburbs 26; Shirley A 22. University A 0. PRESIDENTS Belfast 0. Lyttelton 7: Sydenham 31. Suburbs 0; MerivalePapanui 18. Parklands 0; Shirley 12. New Brighton 3. UNDER-21 COLTS Lincoln College B 16, Albion 3. UNDER-19 University 9. New Brighton 15. Christchurch 14. Shirley 3: Lincoin College A 13. HSOB 12: ’ Linwuoo 2i.' Lincoln College B 9. I SIXTH GRADE ■ Lnder-18 I Marist 16. CBHS'32. Burnside , 6. Christ's College 11 New Brighton B 12. Linwood B 20; Belfast A 3. Hornoy 12: Bumside 6. Albion 0. SECONDARY SCHOOLS Section 1: Christ's College 13. Hillmorton HS 6: Cashmere HS 8. St Andrew's 4; Hornby HS 13, Papanui HS 3. Section 2: St Bede's 0. Christ's College A 16; CBHS 14. St Andrew's 10. SEVENTH GRADE Under-16 Open Albion 6. St Bedes B 14;
Beliast 18. New Brighton 28; Xavier 13. Merivale-Papanui. 3. EIGHTH GRADE Under-15 Open Hornby A 6. Christ’s College 13; Suburbs 20. St Bede's 6. NINTH GRADE Under-15 Under 55kg HSOB 4. New Brighton 14; Xavier 0. St Bede's 42; Linwood 26, St Andrew's 6. TENTH GRADE Under-14 Open Section 1: Belfast 8, St Bede’s 8; Hornby 17. Christ's College 10; Burnside A 35. Sydenham 4; Smriev 10. Merivale-Papanui 13. Settivn 2: Burnside B 12. Xavier College 10; HSOB 0. St Andrew’s 24: New Brighton 0. Suburbs 26. ELEVENTH GRADE Under-14 Under 50kg St Thomas 0. Linwood 40: St Andrew's 24. Merivale-Papanui 7. TWELFTH GRADE Under-13 Open Section 1: Burnside 8. Sydenham 4; Christchurch 6’ St Andrews 0. Section 2: MerivalePapanui 4. Suburbs 8. THIRTEENTH GRADE Under-13 Under 45kg Section 1; Suburbs A 0. Linwood A 25; New Brighton 89, St Thomas 18. Section 2: Linwood B 12. Christchurch 14.
FOURTEENTH GRADE . Under-12 Open ts Section 1; New Brighton 0. Belfast A (h Burnside 6. Shirley 10; Medbury 0. Linwood 36; Sydenham t).’Merivale-Papanui 4. Section 2: Christchurch B 8. Marist 10; New Brighton C 4. Hornby 4; St Andrews 8. New Brighton B 7. Section 3: Belfast B 0. St Thomas 0; Albion 16. Suburbs 8; Cathedral Grammar It). Sydenham B 14. FIFTEENTH GR.ADE Under-11 Open Section 1: Bumside 0. Albion 20; Lyttelton 0. Marist A 24. Section 2: Marist B 4. St Andrew's 4. SIXTEENTH GRADE Under-11 Under 35kg Belfast 8. Bumside 8; Meri-vale-Papanui 20, Medbury 0. SEVENTEENTH GRADE Under-10 Open 10-a-side Section 1; Linwood A 28, Hornby A 4: Merivale-Papanui A 32. Christchurch B 6; Suburbs A 38. Belfast A 0. Section 2: Albion 34. Burnside B 0; Marist 30, Suburbs B 3; Shirley A 46. Medbury 0; New Brighton - A 10. Merivale-Papanui B 6; Parklands 26. Christchurch A 0; Christchurch C 14. Shirley C 12. Section 3: Lyttelton 22. MerivalePapanui C" 12: Beliast B 10. Linwood B 16: New Brighton B
34. Svdenham B 16; Shirley B 34. Bumside D 0. Section 4: Sumner 38. Hornby B 6; Bumside E 0, Belfast C 64. EIGHTEENTH GRADE Under-9 Under 30kg 10-a-side Section 1: Merivale-Papanui A 32. Linwood A 16; Sydenham A 10. Albion A 22; Shirley A 0. Hornby A 0; New Brighton A 0. Marist A 54; Bumside A 0. Christchurch A 40. Section 2: Albion. B 0, Linwood B 16; Lyttelton 0. New Brighton C 38; Beliast A 12. Merivale-Papanui B 0; Suburbs A 26. Burnside B 4. Section 3: Belfast B 4, New Brighton B 24. Section 4: Manst B 0. Belfast D 30. Sydenham C 0. Linwood D 38; Christchurch C 8. New Brighton D 12; Cathedral Grammar 26. Merivale-Papanui C 12; Belfast E 16, Burnside C 12.
Lower grade rugby results
Press, 26 April 1982, Page 17
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