Arts Centre Ph. 60-167 llfytt/ENUE Rice art on Rd Ph 48 9 ■O4 NIGHTLY at 6 and 8.15 2nd BIG WEEK! TONIGHT at 8 SATURDAY 6 and 8.30 AN ENTERTAINING, INTELLIGENT AND (Feature occupies entire programme) BELIEVABLE ROMANTIC COMEDY . . . FORGED BY A GOD MI - FORETOLD BY A WIZARD. found by a king. GAYLE HUNNICUT, WAYNE ROGERS GA ■BMSBBMffIHraMMHAMMffIBMH "... developed in subtle, believable, intelligent The immortal legend of King Arthur and the and often humorous fashion . . . Knights of the Round Table. A marvellous film." — VARIETY "Quite simply a wonderful film!"-Auckland Star r SKYWAY STAGEDDQR HOLLYWDOB ROHV DKSQ HSIKSKU ESDI TONIGHT 7.30 NIGHTLY at 8 NIGHTLY 7.30 TONIGHT at 8 TONIGHT at 8 SAT. 4.30 & 8.30 (Feature entire prog). It’s hilarious ... SAT 11, 2.6 Ft 8.15 SATURDAY 6Er 8.15 .Feature enure u.oq, • Winner ot three (RtB l It's outrageous! A without f Academy Awards rules... adsenture The Man. The 1 without squall Music, The movie I GR fest F Actor CK ¥ou mu ” not mi ”’ bßsei “ssr 1 Fv P-It*3 t TH The most erotic : EHM S-SS Pl DOCTOR prize winning Donald PlMsence | StOiy I rjrtra ri /5» .rx novel by rj f- J 7 Hj 1/ j Georgs Peppard l» J ZHIVAGO Harper Lee GY (Contain, LAII star cast! GA (GA) ' Sylvia Kristel KlO coarse language) UM /
Christchurch Arts Festival ajLa Inc. presents in association and DA Lewis ft Co Ltd |L—CLARE WESTFIELD VV Tasmanian Jeweller LICENSED FAMIIY T MERVGREY RESTAURANT Tasmanian Woodturner for that special PUBLIC LECTURE with wine and cheese Vaiuf^PHOW^S 6 ? 000 FRIDAY 26 FEBRUARY 7.45 at the mygvshy MUSEUM THEATRE $3.00 day. * Credits: Commercial Union General Assurance Co (NZI Ltd SUNDA Yll to 9pm Christchurch Arts Centre, Hofcbon Hire. ' UPSTAIRS IN THE ’ Clovertea Cheese, McWilliams Wines _ SHADES CASHEL ST
Sections CASHMERE. Dyers Pass Rd. Hillside section with Northwest aspect, 33 perches. Possible finance avail. Price only SlO.OOO. G. Dickens of Sherris and Robertson Ltd. 792-120 a.h. 517-690. MREINZ. OPAWA, 32 perch section, underground wiring and all amenities laid on for only $4OOO dep. balance over 2 years. Full price $12,000. Ph. Loretta. 50-158. or 890-492. SECTIONS new built up area. Tinwald. Fenced one side, realistically priced for quick sale. $6950. offers considered. Ph. 4339 or 6627 Ashburton. TAYLOR'S MISTAKE, only $3500. 632 sq m. Ph. David Habgood, 796-550. a.h. 324-216. Habgood Real Estate. MREINZ.
Sections BRITTAN ST. 1171 sq m elevated front section. Ideal site for residence or ownership flats. Excel, value at $17,000. Ph. Whittle. Knight and Boatwood. Ltd. 44-149. a.h.517-487. MREINZ. BURWOOD RD. 663 sq m (26p) section. sited amongst established homes. Price $12,500 0.n.0. M. B. Cook and Co.. MREINZ. ph. 68-334, a.h. 588-448. CASHMERE HILL (Kidson Tee) section with superb views from the Alps to the sea. has dual access and great potential tor a pole house. 510.850 for urgent sale. Ph. 228-653.
Businesses For Sale VENDING Machine side line business.! not space invaders) capable of doubling return. Price asked 58.500 is mainly for machines and equipment. Further details from Town and Country Real Estate Ltd.' Ph. 69-234 MREINZ. Sections AKAROA, first time on market. 4 sunny sections, easy access, we also have acre section in Wainui. further details from Matson and Allan Real Estate Ltd. MREINZ. 799-753. a.h. Peter de Latour. Akaroa 243.
iS MAINFREIGHT DEMOLITION DERBYBONANZA' ■ 1”°! ★N.Z. RECORD ENTRY ★OVER 70 CARS ON THE TRACK AT ONCE ★lst TIME EVER - TEAM ENTRIES sSsP® i I »c m o^ u t t SATURDAY 27th I O ROOKIE DRIVERS TEAM WLOLLIt SGRAIWBLE m I F , R , E ! 1 I luVlkx MjEfflElSfflgasS I <1 ©upgraded access road S ® BE EAR LY FOR A GOOD SEATING POSITION [ I | 1982 CANTERBURY 4 CYL. SALOON CHAMPIONSHIP I 0 PAUuBcH-’vff I’’ 1 ’’ rME COMPETITION IN THIS CLASS IS SO COMPETITIVE IT COULD BE ANYONE’S TITLE B I Kelhn JOHNSON'S" ' / 7 LES BATES "Chevette" BUSES: Leave Warners Hotel at 6.30 pm H KEVIN JOHNSON Mini fa ./ ROSS JEFFREYS "Escort" POSTPONEMENT: 3ZM and 3ZB at 6pm I ll ll "- ZZT_7 JOHN TOWNSEND "EscorfX ~/gRk seekers hp t inp ADMISSION: $3.50, Children 12 and under FREE Si H BAEDAHLII Communications DIRECTIONS: Ist turn right over old Waimak Bridge ® WSTAR Sig UP FOR THIS TITLE A WOODFORD GLEN SPEEDWAY ASSN INC. PROMOTION | M©iHHHißinißnaiMeaasßßnßiHnHi wmsHUD ■■■ wwimml
Page 28 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 26 February 1982, Page 28
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