Properties For Sale L aQH S S . FENDALTON just offered. This is an absolutely fabulous perm. mat. home in one of e the nicest streets you can .1 possibly imagine with beautiful gardens and other valuable properties. Ideal as a retirement or first home this 7 property was built to an ex- " ceptionally high standard by ’■ a builder well known in ■ Christchurch for quality, ‘ high standard workmanship. When you see the home you ; will be delighted, it is just so J attractive. When you com- ' pare the prices of ownership 5 flats in comparable locations you will realise just how i, superb this home is and what great value it is. Spacious liv--1 ing rooms, elegant spacious 1 hallway and two large , bdnns. Ample storage and 1 many built-in cupboards and features. Excellent garage, f carpets and extras. Picturesque, elevated, easily kept , section. For definite sale and i just offered at $68,000. Royds Real Est. MREINZ, 554-884 or 517-793 a-h. ; fl 0 El 0 j FENDALTON. Appealing situation, attractive outlook from all windows. 3 bdrms, 2 living rooms plus study, excel, heating system. In perm, mats, built and maintained by owners to high standard. $125,000. Dalgety N.Z. Ltd, : MREINZ, Ph. 798-200 a.h. ’ Miss Hishon 516-546. ■ FENDALTON. Delightful char1 acter home with superb ; panelled entrance foyer ! family room with bay window and Juno heater, large lounge with open fire and 1 opening into sunroom (ideal ■ for cane furniture) 3 bed- • rooms, fabulous kitchen with I wall oven. Situated on a very private treed 45 perch sec1 tion. $130,000 phone J. Magin- ; ness. 796-280, a.h. 554-119. H. 1 G. Livingstone, Ltd, I MREINZ. 1 FENDALTON. Delightful char- : acter home with superb panelled entrance foyer family room'with bay wiri- ; dow and Juno heater, large i lounge with open fire and > opening into sunroom (ideal for cane furniture) 3 bed- ■ rooms, fabulous kitchen with i wall oven. Situated on a very ; private treed 45 perch section. $130,000 phone J. Maginness, 796-280, a.h. 564-119. H. G. . Livingstone. • Ltd, MREINZ. fl B E! FENDALTON.- On Wairarapa Stream, $235,000. Graceful 5 bdrm, 2 storey, distinctive gentleman’s residence set in an established park like set- '. ting of nearly half an acre of sweeping lawns and many mature trees and shrubs. Magnificent entrance hall, majestic 35ft drawing room. ' sunny family room, large farm style modern kitchen with den off. An added bonus is a sep. children’s rumpus room or gamesroom. This beautifully appointed residence would suit any professional or executive who needs a tranquil family home together with a sound investment in real estate. Full particulars from sole agents. North West Real Estate, Ltd, MREINZ, 555-996 or Kathleen Watson 557-671 ’ any time. FENDALTON. On 53 perch rear section (close Boys Hign). 3300 sq. ft home, 4 bdrms plus office, games room. sep. dining, lounge, kitchen and sunroom. 40ft heated swimming pool, 3 car garaging plus ample parking. Immac. inside and out. Vendor finance available if you can afford $220,000. I also have in the Fendalton, Meriva.e and Ham area homes, town houses and sections from $52,000 to $500,000. Conjunctional sales with other agents welcome. Service assured. Call Gordon Birch. Jolliffes Real Estate, 66-347. a.h. 482-434, MREINZ. FENDALTON. Value prevails. 5 bdrm brick home of 2250 sq ft. 2 sunny and spacious adjoining living-rooms, dual hot w-ater from Kent fire, ultimate Carllsen kitchen with Caprice eye-level oven, additional 400 sq ft garaging. Superb, private, 31 perch section landscaped for low maintenance. This tasteful home is true value at $132,500. - Ph. Allan Lambie for further - details at 62-699 a.h. 556-379. ■Chch Real Estate, Carlton. MREINZ. . FENDALTON 4 bdrm home, perm, material, tip-top condition inside and out. 48 perch section with stream boundary, close Boys’ High. $98,000. Conjunctional sale with other agents welcome. I also have in the Fendaiton ' and Merivale areas 2-3-4 and 5 bdrm homes, also sections from $57,000 to $500,000. I could have the property for you! Call Gordon Birch, Joliiffes Real Estate. 66-347 a.h. 482-434. MREINZ. ' GORE BAY, $65,000. Retirement home. 3 bedroom split level home with ocean views from every window. Superb frost ' free climate. Phone Ray Enser. N.Z. Farmers’ Real Estate, MREINZ. 795-040. a.h. , 598-703. . GOVERNOR'S BAY, $72,500. > Comfortable 3 bdrm home with unsurpassed views thru j panorama . windows overlooking Irge observation deck and 911 M2 section. Studded ; with exotic and native trees > and shrubs. Very seldom I offered in this area. Ph. sole i agents. Ted Dyksma at Chch Realty. MREINZ, 892-895 a.h. ; 799-201. - HALSWELL. $79,250. New 3bdrm, master ensuite, brick . and Trimdeck roofed property with matching col- ? cured aluminium exterior ? joinery and mahogony inI terior joinery. Extras include ; wall oven, rangehood. Wastemaster. Interior decorating, » paths, drives and fences pur9 chaser's responsibility. Immediate possession. Great buying here. Ph. Ainsworth Ingram, Ford and Hadfield, Ltd. MREINZ, 797-830. a.h. - 427-773. t HANMER SPRINGS, $62,500. Imj mac. new "cottage" in Denby e Place on 710 sq m (28p), freey hold section. Lounge has tile fire surround. Kitchen diny ing area with lovely walk-in t pantry off. 2 dole bdrms with e large ''robes. "Shub" shower t etc. Exposed beams throught out and very tastetul decor, t New carpels' and vinyl floor t coverings. Fully .insulated, e Large basement area int, eludes garage. An ideal re3 tirement home, low garden maintenance etc. Superb views of Leslie Hills and y quiet sunny location. Furh ther inquiries, phone Mrs d Dulcie Shivas. 7030 Hanmer, o of Geo. Anderson, Smiths s City Market, Ltd. MRIENZ. k Sole agents. s. HEI HEI, Islington, $35,000. Sole agents. Modernised w'board h home (alum, frames) red cently redecorated, new car■r pet in lounge, glorious kit-chen-living areas, with new i. log fire, dual hot w-ater. 2 dble tl brms plus uncompleted y sleepout set on large 4 acre section. This is an idea! t _ sound first home buy. Be it quick, ph. Eddie Bourke. Rin carton Real Estate. 487-029, jt. a.h. 43-829. MREINZ. is HILLMORTON Halswell Road, :d Price reduced for quick sale. II Opportunity to buy a 3 bdrm r- home for only $32,500. Big a section. Lease hold 18 yrs at le present ground rent. Shops to and schools close. Be quick! d. Ph. Ciutha Halliday St - Albans Real Estate Limited MREINZ 799 : 896 anytime.