Fruit, Plants, Produce i APPLES New Seasons . Kidds Orange Red BON CHRETIEN AND BARTLETT PEARS f from SHENLEY ORCHARD. 656 Wairakel Road, back of Russley Golf Course. Closed Sunday. t CORN < 15 cents a cob or 20 for 52.50. F REDWOOD ORCHARD 45 HAWKINS ROAD ! (off Prestons Rd.) Open 9.30 a.m.-5 p in. daily. Phone 853-762. : REDWOOD ORCHARD I COX'S ORANGE SPARTAN 45 HAWKINS ROAD. (off Prestons Road). | Open 9.30 - 5 p.m. daily. I Phone 853-762. 1000 CASES PEACHES FROM $5.25 CASE • APRICOTS from $3.95 , • PLUMS, from 52.95 case. 6 NECTARINES. $4.25 case. • RASPBERRIES. $7.85. 3kg. ® BOYSENBERRIES. $7.85. • POTATOES. $3.95 s.b. 9 TOMATOES. .$3.95 case. FRESH VEGES DAILY 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.. Mon. to Sat. Late Nights Thurs. and Fri. Gardening Aids A.A. for garden and landscape ■ supplies, mushroom compost. soil. bark, sawdust, premix. cement sand, paving slabs, punga rails, sleepers, pea straw, trees and shrubs, log rounds. fencing materials, full range screen pebbles. Trailers and concrete mixers for lure. Free loading of trailers or bag lots. Open Mon.-Sat.. 125 Maces Rd. or phone 849-421 for deliveries. WFS GARDEN soil, good clean dark top soil, minimum 2 metres, delivered C.0.D.. W. and H. Motors. Ltd. ph. 227-215. MUSHROOM compost, fill your own standard car trailer $5. Truck loads by arrangement. Phone 499-310. D MUSHROOM Compost, broiler chicken manure. Truck loads delivered Fill your own .trailer. S 5. Ashlin Mushrooms. Ph. 252-367 or 252-459. WFS PAVING slabs, largest variety, compare quality and prices. Sydenham Concrete. 72 Bryon St. Phone 66-815. D SAWDUST, bark and wood chips. For prompt delivery. Ph. 849-421. D SOIL TOP QUALITY SOIL FOR SALE Phone 252-311. Cats, Dogs, Pets g e o ® FISH World. Christchurch's Number one Aquarium. Best selection ever of Tropical and cold water fish, and aquatic plants. 64 North Avon Rd. phone 890-306. Open all day Saturday. Sunday 1-4.30 p.m. GIVE away cat. black and white, short haired. 3 yrs, neutered, placid. 891-749. HOMES wanted lor lovely kittens. 9 to 13 weeks old. Ring 31-499 after 5 p.m. PEDIGREE kittens. Siamese orientals and blue Persian. Registered breeder. Inquiries Ph. 790-721 weekends and evenings. PUPPIES for sale, have been dewormed and very well looked after. Apply 112 Wildberry St. Woolston. RABBITS for sale, all colours, all sizes. Ph. 890-263. SIAMESE pedigree kittens for sale. Ph. 849-621. Sporting Goods AIR Rifles, pistols. .22 rifles, shotguns bought. Hutchinson Whites. 81A Riccarton Road. Ph. 486-707. MWF BILLIARD table. Superb handmade mahogany table 7ft x 311 6 with slate base. Lights, cues etc. SW)O 0.n.0. Phone 515-784. FISHING rods used a wide range, in stock Hutchinson Whites. 81A Riccarton Rd. GOLF trundlers. brand new. only 539.75 Hutchinson Whites. 81A Riccarton Rd. : SALE ol tramping and camping I hoots, sleeping bags, packs. I stoves, also pre-season ski I equipment barI gains. Final days, now at I Snowline Outdoor Sport. 250 | Oxiord Tee. Coal, Coke, Firewood A bag delivery: Phone 524-047. Manuka. Gum. Macra. coal. 6 days. 114 Sawyers Arms Rd. 9-5. AT mill. Wood. coal. coke. 114 Sawyers Arms Rd. 6 days. 9-5. D BAGGED dry firewood (large bags), slab wood $2.85, split pine $3.60. split bluegum $4. Buildiffs off cuts $3.40. manuka $4.40. Discounion 10 or more. Please ph. 488-659 for prompt delivery. DRY split wood. 3.5 cu. m. Pine $55. Macrocarpa $65. Bluegum $7O. Prompt Delivery. Phone 557-235. I MACRACAPA blocks, cord $5O. split $65. ph. 895-655. MACRACAPA blocks, truck loads $lOO. Split $135. phone 895-655. PINE blocks $5O; split $6O. Ph. 599-143. MWFS SPLIT pine bone dry $5O cord. ! Ph. 899-339. ; TRAILER and boot loads also bags 8.Y.0. Dry 8 inch pine, every Saturday morning at the "Continental Hall." 20 Aidwins Road near Ferry Rd. Proceeds to Building Programme. Chch Garrison Band.
Page 25 Advertisements Column 9
Press, 26 February 1982, Page 25
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