Situations Vacant JUNIOR WAREHOUSE JUNIOR WAREHOUSE PERSON PERSON SCHOOL LEAVER WE require an alert and intelligent youth, preferably with a mechanical inclination, for our Engineers' Merchants Warehouse. Apply to:— Branch Manager. Mr Broad. R. B. DENNISTON and CO.. LTD. 164 HAZELDEAN ROAD. PHONE 61-662. LABOURER THIS position is full time, hours of work 7.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please apply to: Mr W. Stokes. M. O'BRIEN AND CO.. LTD. Cnr Wairakel Rd and Roydvale Ave. Burnside. Christchurch 5. Phone 585-003. MOTEL CLEANER CHRISTCHURCH'S leading Motel situated in Merivale. requires part time cleaner. Must work to extremely hign standard of cleanliness, ,be reliable, quick and efficient. PHONE 556-009 BETWEEN 2 p.m. AND 9 p.m.. FRIDAY. SATURDAY OR SUNDAY. PERSONS REQUIRED PERSONS required for telephone work between 3.30 and 9 p.m. Hourly rate. Apply in person: First floor. Mercantile Gazette Building. 271 Madras Street. P. F. COLLIER INC. TO THE 80.000 PEOPLE UNEMPLOYED WE have vacancies for 10 young people, aged 18-26. willing to earn while they learn. If you like working with young people, and enjoy travelling then call Christine .65-263 tor an appointment. Young enthusiastic, business minded people need only apply. SECRETARY 23 - 28 years A competent Secretary is required to assist the Managing Director of a publishing company. In addition to competence in norma! secretarial skills, applicants must possess vitality, flare, initiative anti be attractively presented. A current drivers licence is essential, as is the ability to commence duties within one week. For an appointment: PHONE 63-428 STRAWBERRY PICKERS STRAWBERRY PICKERS WANTED BIG CROP. Hours 9.30 to 3, 6 to 9 evenings, or hours to suit, Monday to Sunday. Apply: 16 LOWER STYX ROAD. TAXI DRIVERS SINGLE shift drivers required. Only reliable and conscientious people will be considered. Apply in person:— SONYAC SERVICES. 71 NORTH AVON RD, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. WARDSWORTH YARNS REQUIRE EXPERIENCED ' WOOLLEN SPINNERS. PLEASE PHONE 583-129. WILSON NEIL WINES AND SPIRITS WE require a Sales Assistant in our Fitzgerald Ave.. Supermarket. The person we are looking for should be conscientious, have a stable work history and a reas. knowledge of New Zealand and imported Wines and Spirits. Applicants are required to apply in person with copies of refs., The Manager, WILSON NEIL WINES AND SPIRITS. Cnr Fitzgerald Avenue, and Hereford Sts.
Page 25 Advertisements Column 3
Press, 26 February 1982, Page 25
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