Public Notices CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL WATER RESTRICTIONS THE restrictions on the use of City water supply for garden watering in that area of the city east of the Ferrymead Bridge which were imposed on February 16-17. 1982. are lifted with effect from midnight February 23-24, 1982. J. W. DUGGAN CHIROPRACTOR (Formerly of Bealey Avenue) HAS NOW COMMENCED PRACTICE ■ (in temporary premises) . at 55 BOON HAY ROAD Please phone 383-377 for appointment
Public Notices CITY Communications Centre provides top flight personal telephone answering service, telex, radio telephone, photocopying. typing and mail box services at a fraction of the normal cost. Telephone Intelex Group. 62-845 now. TP WE'RE highly optimistic about our Classified ads. Shop our columns and you’ll see why.’D OXFORD WORKING MEN'S CLUB AND M.S.A. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Business 1. Apologies 2. Minutes 3. Reports •1. Balance Sheet and Financial Statements 5. Election Results 6. Notice of Motion. "That the Oxford Working Men's Club and M.S.A. admit women as full members" 7. General Business M. A. WINTER. Secretary-Manager. HENRY ZELAS 8.D.5.. (N.Z.) is commencing part-time practice at the SYDENHAM DENTAL CENTRE 447 COLOMBO STREET PHONE 67-429
NOTICE OF RESOLUTION FOR VOLUNTARY WINDING-UP IN THE MATTER ol The Companies Act 1955 AND IN THE MATTER Of T. H. ALEXANDER BUILDING COMPANY LIMITED Notice is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the above named Company held on the 22nd day of February 1982, the following .extraordinary resolution was passed by the Company, namely: That the company can not by reason of its liabilities continue its business and that it is advisable to wind-up and that accordingly the Company be wound up voluntarily. Dated this 23rd day of February, 1982. K. N. CURNOW and J. B. A. MCALISTER, JOINT LIQUIDATORS C - Hutchison Hull and Co,. P.O. Box 248, CHRISTCHURCH New Zealand Electricity A division ol the Ministry of Energy ATTENTION FARMERS BURNING OFF NEAR TRANSMISSION LINES HEATED GASES in the smoke from fires burning under, or near, transmission lines can cause r an electric arc and damage to the wires and thus cut off electricity over a wide area with inconvenience to many people. When planning to burn off please telephone the nearest substation or power station, COLLECT, giving as much notice as possible, preferably at least 24 hours. LINEMEN WILL BE SENT TO HELP AT NO COST. TELEPHONE: ASHBURTON - 5170 TEMUKA - 1263 TIMARU - 88-713 LAKE TEKAPO - 804 COLERIDGE - 803 • HORORATA - 759 WAIPARA - 706 HANMER - 7104 ISLINGTON - 488-859 extn 885 SOUTHBROOK X — Rangiora 6297 HIGHBANK - Ash. 28-202. W. D. SPRY. District Manager.
WAIREWA COUNTY COUNCIL . STATEMENT OF PAYMENTS AND RELATED SOURCES OF FUNDS APPLIED FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31. 1981. During the year (the previous year's expenditure being shown in the first,, column) the Council expended funds as follows:— General Activities Actual Estimate Actual 1979/80 1980/81 1980/81 S S $ Administration and Central Services 67,840.45 67.096 98,551.48 Reading 97.673.26 70,330 113,374.05 Drainage and Sanitation 901.27 1,000 798.22 Water Supply 1,726.20 500 1,495.60 Land Drainage 18.930.74 200 16.561.07 Recreational/Cultural 2.164.30 1.950 1.088.08 Housing and Property 3.612.93 2.282 2,498.25 Pest Eradication 70.702.06 4.037 75.894.72 Cemeteries 1,040.37 400 440.00 Other Activities Rales and Levies to other Local Authorities:- 10.005.91 950 11.896.48 National Roads Board 2.844.27 3.143 3,143.27 Miscellaneous 646.08 — 23.20 Total funds expended during the year 278,087.84 151,888 325,764.42 This expenditure was financed by: Revenue Rates 99.632.07 99,804 116,534.31 Petroleum Tax 3.763.32 3.330 3.114.39 Govt Subsidies and Grants 77,464.13 33.900 77,265.59 Licence Fees and other charges 70.183.40 14.854 90,777.94 Loans Special Funds and Other Funds Loan money applied during year - — - Special Funds applied during year 26.798.78 - 38,138.89 Trust Funds applied during year 24.00 ' — 24.00 277.865.70 151,888 325.855.12 Plus decrease in Gen. Funds calculated as follows:— Bal. 31.3.80 528.267.57 Less Bal. 1.4.79 528.489.71 222.14 Less increase in Gen. Funds cal- . culated as follows:— Bal. 31.3.81 528.358.27 Less Bal. 1.4.80 528.267.57 90.70 278.087.84 151.888 325.764.42 IN ADDITION THE COUNCIL HELD OTHER FUNDS AS FOLLOWS AT • MARCH 31, 1981 S S Loan Funds _ _ - Special Funds 68.858.63 67.858.15 Trust Funds 400.00 400.00 569,258.63 568.258.15 STATEMENT OF MONEY OWING AT MARCH 31, 1981. $ Council was owed in respect of unpaid rates and other revenue 10.952.07 Council owed for supply of materials and. services 6.928.39 Public Debt was nett of sinking funds 4,134.38 NOTE ON ACCOUNTING POLICY These financial Statements have been prepared on the basis that revenue is recognised when money is received by the Council, and that expenditure is brought to charge when payment is made for goods and services rendered to the Council. Public notice is further given pursuant to Regulation 14 of the Local Government (Territorial Authorities) Accounting Regulations, 1979. that copies of the Audited Annual Statement and Summary of General Statistics are available for public inspection during office hours at the Council Chambers, Little River, and a copy will be posted free of charge to any elector making application for same. - W. F. AYDON. „ . County Clerk/Treasurer. • February, 1982.
Page 24 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 26 February 1982, Page 24
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