Across I—Accept the fee and assume control. (4, 6) 7— It’s clear 50 are in acute discomfort. (5) 8— What’s left of the marines. (7) 10— Telephone call permits curls. (8) 11— Rouse some of the worst Irish elements. (4) 13— A burnt head-dress. (6) 15— There’s nothing in malediction on the race-track. (6) 17— It's a wine. (4) 18— Final collection of letters at military funeral. (4, 4) 21— Give now. (7) 22— Also only half sees the mountains. (5) 23— Ace astronaut in the team? (4, 6) Down 1— Give instruction in public transport. (5) 2— Link rage with Shakespearean monarch. (4, 4) 3— Dog made a meal of the cleric! (6) 4— Intends to produce first-class manuscript. (4) 5— Shine — like rubbish at Gateshead! (7) 6— Does,it shed light on seances? (6, 4) 9— It/SmtB\Would-be film-stars, of course. (6, 4) 12— Notjfcarry out, as clashing. (8) 14— Again negotiate a withdrawal. (7) 16— Claret possibly produced by syndicate. (6) 19— Instruct class. (5) 20— up the back. (4) (Solution on Monday) Yesterday’s solution Across: 6, Hairpin; 7, Edict; 9, Lot; 10, Blue Peter; 12, Hunger march; 15, Countryside; 17, Decameron; 19, Set; 21. Begin; 22, Peppers. Down: 1, Major; 2, Arm; 3, Gill; 4, Idle hands; 5, Screech; 8, Debris; 11, Guinea pig; 13, Garden; 14, Cowered; 16, Yearn; 18, Over; 20, Apt.
Press, 9 January 1982, Page 10
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