Radio programmes
National, 3YA News a.m.: 6, 6.30, 7, 7.30, 8,9, 11, 12; p.m.: 12.30, 4,6, 8.30, 10, 12. 5.33 a.m.: Let Me Entertain You. 7.35.: Farm Produce Report. 8.18: British Family Favourites. 9.08: Radio Doctor. 9.15: I Like Spike. 10.0: A Faith For Today. 10.30: The Best of Te Puna Wai Korero. 11.15: My Word. 1.0 p.m.: Music Saturday. 1.30: Roundabout Revisited. 3.0: Round the Horne. 5.30: The Best of Tangata Atu Motu. 6.15: 8.8. C. Scottish Radio Orchestra. 6.45: Sportscall. 7.30: Saturday Scrapbook. 8.0: Those Were the Days. 8.40: Your Choice. 9.0: T-Men. 10.45: Sports Report. 11.0: Making Tracks. 12.08 a.m.: All-Night Programme. Concert 3YC 8.0 a.m.: News. 8.10: Barber: Serenade for String Orchestra; Parry: Blow blow thou Winter Wind; A Welsh Lullaby: When Lovers meet again; On a time the amorous Silvy; When we two parted; Albinoni: Concertos Nos 10, 11, 12, Op 7. 9.0: 8.8. C. World News. 9.09: Sibelius’s Legends. 9.55: Milhaud: String Quartet No. 12; Tailleferre: String Quartet. 10.30: News. 10.35: Sports Roundup. 7.05 p.m.: Mozart Violin sonatas. 7.30: Astrid of The Limberlost. 7.47: 1980 Henry Wood Promenade Concert. 8.30: Glackemeyer: March for the solemnity of St Peter and St Paul. 8.45: Gillian Weir, at the organ of Wellington Cathedral: Messiaen: Joie et clarte des Corps Glorieux; Franck: Chorale No. 2 in B minor; Reubke: Sonata on the 94th Psalm. 9.30: Nellie Melba, Queen of Song, in New Zealand. 10.02: Edward Elgar: Violin Concerto in B minor Op 61. 11.0: 8.8. C. News and Comment-
ary. 11.14: Haydn: Trio in F (Hob IV No. 2); Cassation in C (Hob 111 No. 6); Schubert: Hymn; To the Sun. Radio 3ZB News a.m.: 6,7, 7.30, 8, 8.30, 9,-10, 11, 12 noon; p.m.: 1, 2,3, 4,5, 5.30, 6. Radio 3ZM News, Information and Weather: 8,10 a.m., 12 noon. Mark Morgan, Ken Ellis, James Daniels, Steve Parr, Biff Urquhart, Mark McLeod, Simon Dickinson, Stewart Hunt. Radio Avon News: Hourly 6 a.m. - midnight. Sports Preview: 9.20 a.m. Phil Darkins, Rob Mackay, Wayne Garton, Jim Jameson, Lee Hanner, Gordon Henderson, Rex Duncan, Dave Schumacher, Rex Andrews. Radio Rhema 6.0 a.m.: Good Music. 6.15: Living Words. 7.40: Birthday Calls. 8.40: Moment of Truth. 9.15: Car Clinic. 10.0: Gardening with Ernie. 11.45: The Word. 12.0: Today’s Testimony. 4.30 p.m.: Rosemary Troughton. 8.0: Your Life. 8.30: Living with Science. 9.0: Gems of Grace. 10.30: The Spoken Word. 11.0: Basilea Schlink. 11.30: Hands in Harmony.
National, 3YA News a.m.: 6.00. 6.30. 7.00, 7.30, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00. 12.00; p.m.: 12.30, 4.00, 6.00, 8.30, 10.00, 12.00. 5.35 a.m.: Sunday Morning. 8.35: Report from Britain. 8.40: Hymns for Sunday Morning. 9.05: British Football Results. 9.10: Both Sides Now. 9.33: Out on Their Own. 10.05: How Do You Say in Greek “Your Donkey has Eaten my Passport”? 11.00:
Morning Service. 1.00 p.m.: Future Indicative. 1.30: Band Parade. 2.00: Stump the Brains Trust. 2.30: A Number of Things. 3.00: Plain Tales from the Raj. 4.07: New Zealanders to the Fore. 5.00: Jesus Christ — Family Man. 5.30: The Best of Te Reo O Te Pipiwharauroa. 6.45: Sportscall. 7.00: Call to Worship. 7.30: Books of the Week. 8.00: Crazy Rhythm. 9.00: The Goons — Again. 9.30: Evening Encore. 10.10: The Epilogue. 10.20: Continental Airlines Auckland Brass. 10.45: Sports Report. 12.08 a.m.: All-Night Programme. Concert, 3YC
8.00 a.m.: News. 8.10: Vivaldi: Concerto in D for harp and orchestra. Walton: Anon in Love. Haydn: Symphony No. 44 in E minor (Mourning Symphony). 9.00: 8.8. C. World News. 9.09: A Henry Wood Promenade Concert — Weinberger: Polka and Fugue from Schwanda the Bagpiper; Smetana: Vltava (Ma Vlast); Millocker: I give my Heart (The Dubarry); Mackeben: Waltz, Tales of Munich; Dostal: I am beloved (Clivia); Borodin: Polovtsian Dances (Prince Igor). 10.08: Granados Piano Music — Oriental; Allegro de Concierto. 10.30: News. 10.35: Opera Highlights. 11.35: Country Dances from seventeenthcentury England. 12.00: Vaughan Williams: the Lark Ascending; Telemann: Oboe d’amore Concerto in A; Milhaud: Suite Provencale; Britten: The Courtly Dances from Gloriana. 1 a.m.: Sports Roundup. 7.05: Active Archive. 7.32: Franz Liszt. 8.00: In Concert — Dunedin Civic Orchestra, conductor Jack Speirs — Schubert: Symphony No. 9 in C (D 944 9.00: Orson Welles Reads Walt
Whitman. 9.30: The Bartok i Quartet — Mozart: String: Quartet in E flat. Bartok:. String Quartet No. 3. 10.12: ! Music at the Court of Eliza- ; beth I — Morley: Canzonets, madrigals and ballets; Byrd: Virginal Music; Dowland: Songs and ayres. 11.00: 8.8. C. i News and Commentary. I 11.14: Tartini: Concerto No 5 in G — Severino Gazzelloni (flute), I Musici. Kabalevsky: Cello Sonata in B flat Op. 71. I Radio 3ZB News: Hourly 6 a.m. until 7 : p.m. Radio 3ZM i News, Information and Weather: 8, 10 a.m., noon. | I Mark Morgan, James Dan- | iels, Biff Urquhart, Simon 1 Dickinson, Ken Ellis, Steve Parr, Mark McLeod, Stewart Hunt. Radio Avon News: Hourly. Phil Darkins, Wayne Garton, Lee Hanner, Rex Duncan, Rob Mackay, Jim Jameson, Gordon Henderson, Dave Schumacher, Rex Andrews. Radio Rhema > 6 a.m.: Good Music. 6.15: i Living Words. 7.00: Children’s ; Requests. 7.05: A Visit with Mrs G. 9.30: Favourite Hvmns. 10.30: Come Bless the Lord. 11.15: Call from Canaan. 11.45: The Word. 12.45 p.m.: Just one Minute. I 1.00: Yesterday Once More. | 3.00: Organ Showcase. 4.00: • The Hour of Decision. 4.30: Starting Point. 5.30: Jungle Doctor. 6.30: Take Five from Samoa. 7.30: Unshackled. 8.00: Nationwide Music, Prayer and Scripture request.