Situations Vacant WEST COAST UNITED COUNCIL NEW STAFF POSITION A VACANCY exists for a Regional Planning Assistant and Research Officer with the above United Council. Schedule of duties and conditions of employment are' available at the office of the Greymouth County Council. P.O. Box 39, Greymouth, where applications close 5 p.m. on Monday February 8. 1982. The successful'applicant will be a co-operative person able to accept responsibility, work with a minimum of supervision and have an analytical and inquiring mind. This new work will be challenging as well as rewarding and attracts a salary in accordance with the Local Bodies Officers Award Scale (Grade 2). Point of entry on to that scale will be determined by experience and qualifications, but not expected to be less than $13,481 p.a. J. G. STEPHENS. Principal Officer. C/- P.O. Box 39. Greymouth.
X-RAY EQUIPMENT SERVICE TECHNICIAN APPLICATIONS are invited from persons with suitable qualifications and experience in electromedical apparatus and TV systems for the' above position. The work involves servicing and maintaining the X-Ray and automatic photograph processing equipment in the Radiology Department at Palmerston North Hospital. Equipment in use is the latest in design and technology and includes both single and three phase power supply. Salary and Conditions of Employment in accordance with the Hospital Service Determination for Technicians.. Actual commencing salary according to qualifications and experience. Written applications stating age, qualifications, experience, telephone number and enclosing copies of recent testimonials should be addressed to the Chief Executive, Palmerston North Hospital Board, Private Bag. Palmerston North, with whom applications close on February 8, 1982. Situations Vacant Farm A prominent position of responsibility with excellent independent accommodation is offered to an experienced single farm hand, on a 600 acre sheep farm. 30 miles from Christchurch. Applicant should be over 20 years of age. and have own dog. Genuine inquiries only please, to Loburn 523 after 8 p.m. EXPERIENCED and reliable man required for baling contractor, approx. 1 mth’s work. Ph. Davidson 114 Dunsandel. RESPONSIBLE woman for small thoroughbred stud racing complex and dry stock farm. Farming background, good rider, driver's licence. School Cert. Solo parent with school-age child acceptable. Write, Box 7033, Bell Block. Taranaki. TRACTOR DRIVER ■ GENERAL REQUIRED WE have a vacancy for an experienced responsible Tractor Driver who is capable of working with a minimum of supervision. The position involves the cultivation of approximately 350 acres annually plus general farm duties and irrigation. The successful applicant would be responsible for the maintenance of all farm machinery, experience with a welder also an advantage. We offer good wages, regular hours, generous concessions all covered by a written agreement. A two bedroomed house attractively laid out is available. Both primary and secondary school bus at the gate. Apply - The Manager, "LAMORNA.” R.D. 22, GERALDINE. PHONE 532 U GERALDINE.
Page 42 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 9 January 1982, Page 42
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