Ownership Flats SPREYDON 539.500. a new iisting. this property in two flats, one 2 bdrm, with sep. kitchenette and very presentable sunny lounge. Flat 2 has living-kitchenette. - with one dble bdrm. Garage and carport. Exceptionally tidy section of 817 M2. Many dollars spent on this absolutely immac property. It has many possibilities. Great investment. cheap living. Ideal first home or long term potential. Ph. Doug Cain. 66917 a.h. 515-700. Mercer Real Estate. MREINZ. SPREYDON. Close Barrington Mali. Superbly designed two double bedroom townhouse featuring an incredible 20 x 16 lounge, opening onto private sundrenched terrace. Separate dining, breakiastbar. well appointed kitchen witli pantry. What more could you want. $52,500. Phone Builder's agent. Ford and Hadfield. Ltd.' MREINZ. 797-830. a.h. Colin Rhodes. 325-928.
■ ■ ■ ■ SPREYDON. $49,950. Another exquisite listing by local agents. Privacy and sun the key note here! Bedrooms, both double with built in wardrobes. When you inspect. you will notice the very spacious lounge, the sep. dining room, ideal for that formal occasion! The super modern kitchen, a housewifes dream. Big bathroom, sep. shower and bath. Maintenance free! You'll love this completely sep. townhouse. Phone owner's agent now. 325-969. Peter Wilson Ltd. MREINZ. Ask for Darryl Reeves, a.h. 488-639.
■ MUM ST ALBANS: Barbadoes Street, split level. 2 dble bdrms ownership flat. Separate title. large entertaining lounge, very modern kitchen. • Washing machine and fridge. New carpets, drapes throughout. Private courtyard. Carport. $25,250. Excellent. buying here. Ph. Trevor Downes. Mercer Real Estate. MREINZ. 499-587.
ST ALBANS, City. A lady on her own. wishes to purchase an ownership flat near the city. Ideally she would like a 2 bearoom upstairs/downstairs unit but is prepared to view any flat in good condition. Finance is assured. If you can help please ph. Suzanne Davison 325-994. office 889-680 a.ii. Peter Wilson Ltd. MREINZ.
■ ■ ■ ■ ST ALBANS: Hills Road. Walking distance to shops. Bus slops outside. Delightful 2 double bdrm brick unit. Large lounge. Very lovely kit-chen.-Washing machine. Excellent floor covers. Sun all day. Flower garden for Mum — reasonable amount. $32,000 0.n.0. Trevor Downes. Metcer Real Estate. MREINZ. Ph. 499-587.
ST ALBANS, oil Bealey Ave. 2 bdrm, summerhill si one fiat. 1 oi 2. beamed ceiling, carport, Smail garden. $29,900. A low dep. can gel you m mis property or alternatively a delightfully presented 1 bdrm, partially turn, bachelor pad at 5Z5.900. Ph. Brian F’arrow. a.h. 427-040 or 66-917. Mercer Real Estate. MREINZ. ST ALBANS. In a quiet established street just off Bealey Ave. on a lull 20p of its own we offer this 3 bdrm, summerhill stone unit with maximum sunshine. Nicely decorated throughout, spacious livingroom with open lire. 1 of 2 on a back section. Excell, value at $39,990. Ph. Karen Hood for sole agent. Neumann Real Estate. MREINZ. 60-360 any time or 43-616 a.h. TOWN houses. We are privileaged to have the following to oiler, ail architectually designed. Landsbury Ave. new. 3 bdrm, large living areas, dble garage, own landscaped courtyard, sole agents. $75-950. St Martins, superb Oamaru stone 2 dble bdrm unit. Carlson kitchen, dble garage. landscaped, $78,500. Papanui. cnarming 2 bdrm unit, beautiful lounge, moa kitchen, dble garage, choice lurmshings. lovely garden - one of the best in Christchurch $83,900. Bernard Berrv Real Estate, MREINZ. 559-583 a.h. Ron Proctor 529 828. UPPER RICCARTON, Ist offered. Two 3 bdrm home units under construction now in a quiet cul-de-sac close to all amenities. Coffee stone veneer, white aluminium winoows. Monler tile roof. Excel, internal layout featuring spacious lounge with feature bay window, sep. dining room, up to the minute kitchen, full delux bathroom, top quality finish and fittings throughout. Garage between units. Complete with paths drive and fencing. $63,950. Ph. the builder now, 45-189 or a.h. 582-181. Enterprise Homes. Ltd. WESTBURN, Ham. $57,000 0.n.0. Beautilully presented 2 double bdrm established flat, spacious . lounge with open fire, single garage, well shrubbed for low maintenance; An ideal retirement unit. To Inspect. Phone T. Tatom. 799-896 any time. St Albans Real Estate. Ltd. MREINZ. WOOLSTON. 5 yr old perm. mat. ownership flat with alumin. window frames. 3 bdrms, family sized kitchen, new carpets, etc.. $37,000. Ph. Kate Phillips. 62-972 a.h. 518-311, Robert Brown Real Estate. MREINZ.
Businesses For Sale
ABOUT finding the "right” business be wise, contact BAB Catalogues. Deal direct. P.O. Box 1882. Chch. A first class fruit and vege business on busy outlet from city. This business has good plant and fittings and also coolroom. Good turnover, some finance avail. Further details, contact Norman Mason phone 495-619, G.U.S. Ltd. (I.G.A). MREINZ. A popular Unisex salon. 5 chairs. Ige floor space, a good regular clientelle. reas. rent, excel, lease, walk in walk out. $25,000. Ph. 382-559. BLENHEIM’S best dairy. Great corner site, large residential area, good 2 bedroom accommodation. gross turnover $400,000 plus. Phone 87-800 Blenheim. BLUE Star taxi sell, new equipment. XC Falcon car. Reasonably priced. Ph. 65-292. BRAKE units, designed for boats. Safe R Brakes. Ltd. 87 Fitzgerald Ave. TS BUTCHERY Suburban shop for lease to kean young person wanting to work for himself for very little outlay. Only initial capital required will be for stock. T.O. average $l5OO p.w. so good income is available to someone prepared to work hard. For further details Ph. 898-305 (Monday morning). BUTCHERY. Easily managed one man shop, modem plant, established clientele, in good area. Wonderful opportunity. Only $15,000. Ph. 857-128. CAMPING, and sports goods. Situated in busy shopping mall enjoying Saturday trading. Easily operated by one person with some part time help. T O. in excess of $90,000 and improving. Wonderful opportunity. $lO,OOO goodwill plus stock and plant. Malcolm Ramsav Reul Estate. MREINZ 588-411. CENTRAL city takeaway. 5-day. new premises, good lease, good balance sheet. Finance available. Ph. 891-754.