Cars For Sale Cars For Sale Seller’s Market. When you sold your last car, were you 100% sure that you J r got the best possible price for it? 1 lltTlCrS HlclKC it 63Sy 311(1 8316 Turners Car Auctions take away that risk. Open, If you’ve sold a car before, you’ll know it can be a very competitive bidding among willing buyers is proven to fetch the time-consuming business. And your time is valuable! highest prices. It works for paintings, antiques, valuables of all Turners Car Auction service makes no call on your time kinds, and believe it, it works for cars. other than a few minutes when you deliver your car. We’ve even got a courtesy car operating in the inner city to take you back (0 bettCl* the C3f, the You don’t have to be at the auction - it’s in our interest as better the price. well as yours that we get.the best price. , . . , . , ~ • Your car is garaged With the pnces of soaring, good, cared-for used cars overnight and we insure it are fetching premium pnces. The competition for them is intense. at OU r expense. When you sell on a one-to-one basis you’re at a disadvantage. The next buyer might always have paid more. An auction gathers buyers together. You’re sure 0U You’re c ' :: in total control When you deliver your car (and ownership papers) the day before the auction, we’ll jointly agree a "reserve”. Your car will not be sold for less than this minimum price. Chances are high it will be sold for considerably more and your cheque will be on its way to you the Seventy percent of vehicles coming through our doors are sold within 48 hours. If we don’t sell your car, it costs you nothing. How much will you get? Cars of the same make and year can vary in the price they achieve. But it’s always true that cars in top condition fetch the top Since Turners Car Auctions sell more used vehicles than any other single outlet, our advice is a valuable part of our service. Our knowledge and ability to help you get the market value (Si for your car is unmatched. Yet for all this expertise our service fees are surprisingly low. For example, our fee on a $7,000 car is $250 - just over 3.5%. Other than this, all you pay is $lO for change of ownership, which you would have to pay however you sold your car. /JgMIl JIHk HlMl lalWl We operate to a published scale of fees, there are no hidden «WAX costs or surprises. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS " ' Comer Lichfield and Madras Streets, Christchurch. Auctions every Wednesday and Friday at 11.30 a.m. Open every day Monday - Friday.
HOLDEN HQ auto. 1973, 53.000 miles, metalic blue,- white vinyl roof, air shocks, 6 seat belts, also other extras, excel, cond.. $4300. Phone Ohoka 798.
■ ■ ■ ■ HOLDEN HQ Kingswood auto 1974, 1 owner, nice order, $4499, 12 months/20,000km warranty. Blackwell Motors (Rga), Ltd, High St, Rangiora, ph. 8237, LMVD. A.H. Allan McKenzie 882-751 Chch, Jim Cook 6383 Rangiora.
HOLDEN HQ station wagon, 1972, lovely condition, metallic gold, radio, tow bar, only 63,000 miles. $4495. A. C. Rhodes Ltd, 334 Riccarton Rd, Ph. 45-099 any time. MVDI. HOLDEN HQ s/waggon, 1972, 67,000 miles, 2 owners, aqua blue, excel, order, $3300. Phone 599-259. HOLDEN HQ 173 Belmont, 1973, moss green, excellent order, chromium towbar, $3500. Ph. Belfast 23-7226. HOLDEN HQ. 1973, one owner, 99,000, very tidy. $2999 or $lBOO dep. and $2l p.w. Carways, LMVD, corner Ferry Rd and Barbadoes St. Ph. 792-675, a.h. 886-672. LMVD HOLDEN HQ 202, Dec. 1974, finished in lovely ocean blue with matching trim, 90,000 miles, compare anywhere at this price, $2999. Marina Motors, 13 Nursery Road (around cnr. Ferry-Nursery Roads) Phone 60-666, LMVD. HOLDEN, HT, 1969, Kingswood, immaculate condition, metallic paint, 129,000 miles, new rings and bearings, 1100 miles ago. Weber carb, freeflows, mild cam twin 2in exhaust system. 7in Tridon mags, 245-60 tyres on rear, 205-70 on front. $2850 0.n.0. PHone 895-749. HOLDEN HZ, 5 litre, auto power steer ute, 1979, only 47,000 miles. Mandarin red with tan trim. FActory radio, etc. RTS suspension $10,995. . Kevin Woods Motors, HO Riccarton Rd. Phone 45-742 LMVD. HOLDEN, H.Q. 253 V 8 auto, very tidy cond, $3999?0r $2400 dep. Carways Corner, Ferry Rd and barbadoes St. Ph. 792675, a.h. 886-627, LMVD. HOLDEN Kingswood 202 1972, 2 owners, $2999 Alan O'Keefe Motors, 156 Ferry Rd. Ph. 62261 anytime, LMVD. HOLDEN Kingswood 186, 1969, 99,000 mis, recond. at 96,000, 6 owners, excel, cond. Owner going overseas. $2399. Phone 790-968. HOLDEN Kingswood S.W. auto, gold metallic, 1974, Bridgestone radials, tow bar, radio, excel, cond. Finance can be arranged. $3950. Ph. 82-277 Timaru collect. HOLDEN Kingswood s.w. 202 1974. a very well looked after vehicle, excellent condition throughout and only $3999. East End Service Station. Ph. ' 63-370 a.h. 41-205 LMVD. HOLDEN Kingswood, 1974. auto, very tidy and sound condition $3995, Don McNeil Motors, 55 Riccarton Rd, LMVD. pnone 488-969, a.h. 381-067. HOLDEN Kingswood 202 4speeo, 1972, loads of extras, metallic blue, a lovely car. $3995 or $2400 dep. Graeme McVicar Ltd, 55 Riccarton Road. Phone 487-106, a.h.' 277664. LMVD. HOLDEN Kingswood P.S. 253 V 8 auto, immac. condition, mag wheels, must be seen $4499 or $2700 dep and $32 per week. Carways, LMVD. Corner Ferry Road and Barbadoes St, ph. 792-675 a.h. 886-627. HOLDEN Kingswood. 1972, heater red with black panels, 2 owners, last for 9 years a good sound example. $2999 or terms, Alpine Auto Court, 447 Ferry Rd, Phone 897-418 LMVD. HOLDEN Kingswood, auto, station-waggon, 1976 HJ radio, radials, glacier white a lovely example. $6995 or $4200 dep. John Poelman Motors, Ltd. 55 Riccarton Road. Phone 487-105, a.n. 277-604, LMVD. HOLDEN Kingswood station wagon, 1973. tnmarir auto 202 motor, factory bony muuiaings, radio, etc. ouperb throughout, .vmnna Motors. 13 Nurserv ttuad (around. cnr. Ferry-Nursery Roads; Phone 60-666. LMVD. HOLDEN Premier 1970 V 8 auto. PS. Electric windows.. Excel, cond. $3300. Pnone 496-719.