Entertainments DEMOLITION DERBY ELLESMERE RACEWAY SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 13 IST RACE 11 A.M. plus 1981 ELLESMERE CHAMPS Mini Rods Super Rods A and B Saloons Moto-X 3 miles north of Leeston on Chch-Leeston Highway. Adults: $2.50 Kids under 12 free. Cancellation on 3ZB and Radio Avon. DISCO A DISCO will be held at the Heathcote Community Centre on SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 12 from to 5.30 p.m. Teenagers 17 years and under are eligible to become the "Disco King and Queen 1981." ENTRY FEE -50 c Drinks, ice blocks and ice creams available. Happening every Saturday Come enjoy yourselves MEDITATION THE SOURCE OF HAPPINESS A FREE INTRODUCTORY LECTURE ON SIDDHA MEDITATION WITH SWAMI DHARMANANDA Tuesday. September, 15. at 8 p.m.. Centre Gallery. Arts Centre. Information: Canty Siddha Yoga Centre. Phone 597-604. ROTARY CLUB OF CHRISTCHURCH WEST PRESENTS A WINE AND CHEESE MUSIC HALL WITH THE HARLEQUIN PLAYERS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19„ AT 8 p.m. S 7 per person. For Bookings Telephone 383-981. Church Notices ANGLICAN— Sift | BARNABAS ffiNDUTON 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion, followed by breakfast. 9.45 a.m. Parish Euchrlst, Preacher, The Vicar. 10.30 a.m. Parish workshop. Mr Philip Burdon. 11.00 a.m. Mattlns. Preacher, The Vicar. 7.00 p.m. Evensong. Preacher, The Vicar. ST THOMAS’S 9.15 A.M. HOLY COMMUNION. ST JOHN’S MISSION CHURCH LATIMER SQUARE 8 a.m.: Holy communion 10 a.m. N.Z. Liturgy. 7 p.m. Mission Service. (All services conducted by the Vicar-Preacher at 10 a.m. Mr W. McClintock) All welcome at all Services Barry Loveridge. Vicar Peter Coughlan City Missloner ANGLICAN - CHRISTCHURCH CATHEDRAL SUNDAY. September 13, 1981. Trinity XIQ. 8 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 11 a.m. CHORAL EUCHARIST Service: Dark In F. ■ Gradual: Laudato Nomen Domini-tye Preacher: The Dean 7 p.m. CHORAL EVENSON Service: Stanford in C. nAnthem: The Lord hath been Mindful - Wesley. Preacher: Miss Molly Mullan. ANGLICAN — LIBERAL CATHOLIC CHURCH OF ST FRANCIS 267 Cambridge Terrace. Phone 327-866 Trinity 13 Sunday, 11 a.m. Holy Eucharist. Celebrant and Preacher Rev. A. A. Neeson. Intent - Good Works. ANGLICAN ST MICHAEL'S Near Bridge of Remembrance 9 a.m.: SUNG EUCHARIST (Breakfast after this service) 11 a m.: HOLY COMMUNION 5 p.m.: EVENSONG (Bible Study Group afterwards) PREACHER at all services: PHILIP BAKER Vicar GOSPEL—ARMAGH STREET GOSPEL HALL 109 Armagh Street Sunday 7 p.m. Gospel Meeting Speaker: Mr W. Paterson. A warm welcome to hear God's way of salvation.
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Press, 12 September 1981, Page 55
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