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AITKEN, Margaret Marshall — On September 10. 1981. at St John of God Hospital, beloved wife of the late Patrick Joseph Aitken, loved mother and mother-in-law of Billy. June and Brian Hallett, Maureen and Ted Parris, and the late Trixie, and a loved nana of her grandchildren and greatgrandchildren; in her 81st year. Messages to Mrs Parris, 84 Gilberthorpes Road. Christchurch 4. The Funeral service will be held in the Harewood Crematorium Chapel. 507 Johns Road, on Monday. September 14. 1981, at 1:30 p.m. John Rhlnd, Ltd. BUDGE, Victor Manson — On September 10. 1981 (suddenly), at his residence, 22 Stour Street. Oamaru. dearly loved husband of Helen, dearly loved father and father-in-law of Lynette, Lorraine and Bob Mason and loved Vic of Paul and Christopher. The Funeral will leave St Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Coquet Street, Oamaru, This Day (Saturday), after a service commencing at 10.30 a.m. for the Oamaru. Lawn Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, provision will be made at the church for donations to the National Heart Foundation. Stringer, Wilson and Perkins, Ltd, Funeral Directors, Oamaru. BUTTERICK, Rax Douglas - On September 11. 1981. at Ashburton, dearly loved husband of Thelma Garfield and loved father and father-in-law of Jenette and Graeme Storrler, Gilbert and Anne, and grandpop of Duncan, Darryl, Fiona, Michael, Shane and Aaron; aged 71 years. No flowers by request. The Funeral service will commence at St David's Church, Allens Road, Ashburton, on Monday. September 14, 1981, at 1.30 p.m., thereafter private cremation. Baker Bros, and O’Reilly. Ltd. Ashburton.
BUTTERICK, Rex Douglas - On September 11, 1981, at Ashburton, loved son of the late Albert and Margaret Butterlck (Lynnford), and loved brother of Myrtle Mclntosh, Keith and the late Ivy, Daisy, Hazel, David and Stanley. COTTERILL, Henry Guy — On September 10, 1981, at St George’s Hospital, dearly loved husband of Audrey, loved father of Michael and Gllly, father-in-law of Denis Wederell, and loved grandfather of Felicity, Nicky and Peter. No flowers please. The Funeral service will be held In the Harewood Crematorium Chapel, 507 Johns Road, on Monday, September 14 at 11.15 a.m. Lamb and Hayward, Ltd.
DUNN, Grace Preloris, of 40 Firth Street, Cobden-On September 11, 1981, at Greymouth, dearly loved wife of the late Thomas Patrick Dunn, loved mother and mother-in-law of Margaret and the late David Sadler (Greymouth), May and Jack DeGoldi (Kaiapol), Grace (Cobden), Thomas and Colleen (Christchurch), loved sister of Henry Lynch (Christchurch), and a loved grandmother and great-grand-mother. R.I.P. Flowers respectfully declined. A Requiem Mass will be celebrated at the Church of the Holy Rosary, Richmond Street, Cobden, This Day (Saturday), at 10 a.m., thence Interment at the Karoro Cemetery. Westland Funeral Services Ltd, Greymouth. FITZGERALD, Michael Joseph (Mickey), (late of N.Z.R. Workshops), of 14 Frazer Avenue, Johnsonville. Wellington—On September 10, 1981, at his home, dearly loved husband of Lena. R.I.P. Requiem Mass will be celebrated at the Church of SS Peter and-Paul, Dr Taylor Terrace, Johnsonville, on Monday, September 14, 1981, at 11 a.m., and thereafter interment at the Makara Berm Cemetery. Rosary will be recited in church on Sunday at 7 p.m. Lychgate Clarks and Taylors. GUNN, Gladys Edith (late of Broomfield Terrace)—On September 11,-1981, at Fairhaven Hospital, dearly loved wife of the late William Gunn, loved mother and mother-in-law of Margaret and Reg Palleson, Gavin and Betty, and Barbara and Kevin Bradshaw, and loved grandmother of Peter, Sandra, Andrew, Julie and Ryan. Messages to 68 Kingsford Street, Christchurch. Private Funeral service, Monday, September 14, 1981. John Rhlnd, Ltd.
GUNN, Gladys Edith (neo Partridge)—On September 11, 1981, at Christchurch, dearly loved sister of Bert, Dorothy (Mrs Palmer), and the late Jack, Lilly, Violet, Mabel and Frank.
HANSEN, Ingeburg Frances (of 48 Wakefield Street, Westport) — On September 11, 1981, at Westport, loved eldest daughter of the late Alfred and Frances Hansen, dearly loved sister of Mlml Spencer (Westport), and Collin Hansen (England), loved aunty of Paul and Nancy, Inga and Graham, and much loved friend and great-aunt of Georgina and Elizabeth. At peace. The Funeral service will be held in St Canices Church, Brougham Street, Westport, on Monday, at 11 a.m., thence interment at the Orowaitl Cemetery. Hagedorns Funeral Services, Westport.
HARRISON, Minnie Louisa - On September 1 11. 1981, at Burwood Hospital, loved wife of the late William Alfred, loved mother and mother-in-law of Doris and the late Harold. Dot and Bill Goggln (Wellington), Gordon and Betty, loved nana of Brian. Patricia. Allan. Kevin, Wayne and Craig, and a loved great-grandmother; in her 87th year. Messages to 68 Bainton Street, Bishopdale. The Funeral service will be held In our Westpark Chapel, 467 Wairakei Road, on Tuesday, September 15. at 1.45 p.m.. thence to the Waimairi Cemetery. Lamb and Hayward, Ltd.
HUMPHRIES, Leonard (BUI) (late of Essex Street) — On September 11, 1981, at Christchurch Hospital, dearly loved husband of the late Dorothy Olive Humphries, loved father and father-in-law of Alex and Nancy, Joyce and Keith Sumner, and the late Maureen, and loved granddad of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. No flowers please, but donations to the Cancer Society of New Zealand would be appreciated, and may be made at the service. The Funeral service will be held In the Canterbury Crematorium Chapel, Linwood Avenue, on Monday, September 14, at 11.15 .a.m. John Rhlnd, Ltd. KEATS, Nellie — On September 9, 1981, at The Princess Margaret Hospital, dearly loved Yvonne’s mum, Alan, Gail and husband John (Hough), nana Nlm of Justin and Raumoa, and fondest friend of John. Messages, to 38 St John Street, Christchurch 6. Flowers respectfully declined. The Funeral service will be held in the Canterbury Crematorium Chapel, Linwood Avenue, on Monday, September 14, at 10.30 a.m. Academy Funeral Service. KOTOUL, Frances Rita — On September 8, 1981, at her home, 638 Walnut Street, Rlccarton, dearly loved wifei of the late John Thomas Kotoul, loved sister and sister-in-law of Ivan and Ngalre, and Mabel and Arthur Kotoul. Messages to 15 Melrose Street. Christchurch 1- A private Funeral held last Thursday, September 10 Lamb and Heywood, Ltd.
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Press, 12 September 1981, Page 55
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991Deaths Press, 12 September 1981, Page 55
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Deaths Press, 12 September 1981, Page 55
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