itINERAMAI I [CARLfoKTI I %*2Ti’s& Phone 64-412 I Phone 68-510 ’ I HURRY LAST 5 DAYS HURRY LAST 5 DAYS TODAY 1.45, 5.15, 8.15 pm | TODAY 2, 5.15, Bpm I TODAY 2. 5.15. Bpm Today 2.15, 5.15, 8.15 MON-THURS 2pm, Bpm I MON-THURS 2, Bpm | MON-THURS 2, Bpm Mon-Thur 2.15,8.15 p.m. A powerful drama of ft As pn YOU'LL CHEER IT!' Feel The Power intrigue, love and death. BKtf movie for everyone JH • live The Adventure Based on the best-selling who's ever been bulliedflV Iff" I an(l gaoled James Clavell's ' F. 1 1 1 QllllEllil jCS gy | | My ■" WJSsTgY Rtchard Chamberlam I .L. A. Magazine t Chris Makepeace’Matt Oilton Dofcy Stereo frst m Cbch Toshiro Mi Ifune (GA) | fvening Reserves of TWtre | Waning Reserves ot Thfptre _ "A rare treat in horror" 'SSr ■I j n JWm| the best werewolf movie ever pcople exist L THE ISLAND L I W /T7TR s of i l \ ? i R I J I F’ O DR MOREAU If’ f BURT LANCASTER 1 MICHAEL YORK pgMHwMMMBAJBwMMMMMMEg m 3 Cv y SERIES ALAN WRIGHT'S SCHOOL OF SOCIAL & COMPETITIVE ALLROOM DANCING PRfBBLETON HALL, THURSDAYS, 8 till 9.30 - BROOKLANDS COMMUNITY CENTRE ‘ /(Beginners dan: Stage 1) Adults $2, Children $1 12 September - Water-reeds } Children's doss (up to 12 years aid) 6 till 6.30. — SHIRLEY INTERMEDIATE HALL ★ PAPANUI RSA HALL, MONDAYS, 8 till 9.30 3 October - 'Eldorado Band' I (Beginners dais: Stage 1) Adults $2, Children $1 _ uncoLN COMMUNITY CENTRE \ Gulden's class (up to 12 years old) 6 till 6.30 12 September - Elsie's'Old Time’Band BAllftooM FES P V J I 24 October - Elsie's 'Old Time' Band. ALAN J. WRIGHI I —.□ PHONE SW9I2 ' '
"OFFROSSALL ST EVERYTHING IN THE GARDEN By Giles Cooper Producer Mary de Koster Outrageous and witty comedy September 9-12 16 - 19 8 p.m. jlWh Tickets 43.50 Students 43.00 j Bookings Town Hall or 559-875 t2«o after ' P- m -
MOTO-CROSS' WAIPARA Ja, SUNDAY SEPT. 13 Machine Examination 9 a.m. to 10.15 a.m. only j k First Race 11.15 a.m. DIRECTIONS: Follow signs Waipara Hotel No Dogs Please! Admission: Adults $1.50, Children Free Juniors $1 at Scrutineering REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE Cancellation Radio Avon NZACU Permit 5473 Presented by Kaiapoi Motor Sports Club 5 HEREFORD PLACE JI !■■ (J lII— II I — 1 1 nillr " SWISS CHALET RESTAURANT <>—MH—<> WILL BE OPEN SUNDAY FROM 5 p.m. FOR RESERVATIONS TELEPHONE 791-931 KEYNOTE COUNTRY MUSIC GUITAR AWARDS CALEDONIAN HALL SUNDAY 13 SEPT. 7.30 p.m. Guest Artists - Smokey Marshalls Old Time Country Music ADULTS 41 CHILDREN 50c SPONSORED D.I.C. CLIFFORD HOCKING presents bd Sjj / T 'v r 1 fit TOWIHIALL MONDAY 8 p.m. Book Monday at the T own are still some good seats left only $l3 including booking fees. Special Stiident Price 48.00. Save $5.00.
Page 54 Advertisements Column 5
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 54
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