yjWfflri PHONE 60-062 PHONE 61-621 ■■■■■■■■ today 2,5, 8 p.m. TODAY 2,5, 8 pm. TODAY 2,5, 8 p.m. I LB 4 «1 al I , T*T“! Mon-Thurs 2, 8 p.m. Explosive excitement 4th WEEK! ■■■■■■■■■l John Cleese Peter Cook hoods the screen in the The Army was no laughing and the &azv Monty Top Action - Suspense matter until Judy Benjamin Python team Thriller! joined it! I4!!M!FU “The Secret VIOLENT PRIVATE™ ■■■ Po,ie D e T. a "* . STREETS BENJAMIN 801 l R"l6 Starring James Caan(Rl6>
\ Y QIIBZSIe , rrvlßJ soi3B||ik _F\VJO Bo Derek ■ Julie Andrews R. 16
Excitement Floods ran Iwiiww 11 The Screen ; : in The Top Action : Packed Suspense i THRILLER! TODAY (3 SESSIONS) V > 2 p.m. 5 p.m. 8 p.m. Mon to Thurs 2, & 8 pm. : .AVON. MHRHIMK (Rl6) Contains Violence c mcmuwu.m«i ai.se cot^awn*i.^is. e sen«< j n ! Ted^ rtlsts
Ihe Chj^' <\ anil l.iiiht Opera P<P\VS& frp. r FLEDEMJS Ihe sparkliny comic , -•. J , /Ip .' l.ihreuo operetta h\ , p ■'" Lnylish. I'ienna'.s H alt:. Kmu JOHAXS STRAUSS H JAMES HAY THEATRE. TONIGHT BPM. DOOR SALES 7PM. MATIXEI TOMORROW 2PM Acclaim lioni C lilies — "sumptuousness.... “Captivating singing champagne entertainment opulently staged.'.'. beautifully costumed.’.'.. (Press I I Sept) ; Starli Sept) Nightly Bpm (except Monday) Season ends Sat 19th Matinees tomorrow and Sal 19 Adults 58.50. C liiklrcii 85. Parties of 20 $7.50 Senior Citizens and students $6 (Matinees onl\|. 30 cent booking lee extra Hook now at the I own Hall f Principal Sponsor Stacey cC Hawker I id. Christchurch Supported by Southern Regional Arts Council. wiiiwwjiwwßTßiir o—» |lfowfo<slWlj (sn4yon)§Ms • -ses£ holidays' I Easy — Just tell her about the Mount u Hutt Learners Package. You can hire I skis, boots and poles .. . and spend all R day on Mount Hutt's Learner Slopes — K all for just SlO (that's Sl5 for Mum). | There's even a creche so Mum can bring the little ones. I I You can learn how to race properly at ■ I the Ski School's racing class . it's for ■ I all ages, all abilites. You will need ID for Ski Hire, so if ■ (you're an Adult bring your drivers licence ■ or similar . . . For a youth or child, an £ ID card can be made for you on the field, g for just $2.50. ' I (Learners' Package, just SlO child. Sl5 ■ adult and youth. " Information from: Seekers Phone 792-720 * Snow Centre Phone 791-584 I Or your nearest Europa K ■ I # Service. Station. I _ VtoM IM Living History Ferrymead brings back to life a working history of Transport and Technology. Come and experience a trip back in time with your children. Visit 'fr: .Ferrymead this weekend. X. I HjiAlvZ HISTORIC park 269 Bridle Path Road, Heathcote Open 10am —4.30 pm daily.
Page 54 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 54
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