Auctions REAL ESTATE AUCTION CANCELLATION NOTICE 69 HECTARES AKAROA ON ACCOUNT MR G. W. R. STEPHENS The above land auction which was to have been held on Friday, October 16. has now been cancelled. PYNE. GOULD. GUINNESS LTD. REAL ESTATE CHRISTCHURCH MREINZ fSTATf & FURNITURE REALISATION Most convenient situation 24 HORNER ST. PAPANUI JUST A FEW MINUTES WALK FROM SHOPS, LIBRARY & POST OFFICE! To be Sold by Public Auction on the Property THURSDAY 24th SEPTEMBER AT 1 p.m. On account of The New Zealand Insurance Company Limited. Trust Dept. Located in a most favoured location, the dwelling is bungalow style of some 50 years in age, with weatherboard exterior and iron roof, sited on 22 Perches zoned Residential 3. Of modest dimsensions the house comprises 2 twin bedrooms, lounge, kitchen/ dining, dual hot water and all usual facilities. With redecoraiion to purchaser's taste, this home will prove to be a most attractive proposition for those who seek the benefits of an ownership flat without the disadvantages. DETAILS OF FURNITURE IN PAPERS SATURDAY 19th SEPTEMBER. INSPECTION WITH PLEASURE BY APPOINTMENT WITH THE AUCTIONEEHS. ip it-t.S'.'m I —».« r r HZ 790-604 A.H. SUTTON 489-182
PUBLIC AUCTION UNIQUE LAKE TAUPO PROPERTY Favoured with instructions from The New Zealand Insurance Company Limited Trust Department as Trustees Estate Thomas B. Noble,, we will offer this OUTSTANDING SUBDIVISIONAL PROPOSITION for sale by Public Auction (unless sold privately beforehand) in the Taupo Yacht Club Premises at 2.00 p.m. Friday 2 October 1981. 113 ha FREEHOLD (More or Less) 113 ha FREEHOLD (More or Less) Situated adjacent to Taupo Borough Boundary currently zoned Rural with an extensive lake frontage and divided by the Acacia Bay Road, the offering of this property represents an outstanding opportunity and will have ready appeal to Real Estate Investors and Developers alike. KINLOCH > y / \t.b. no&a y— y \ \ / [ . / WAIKATO R.. | ACACIA BAY ; I X BOROUGH BOAT LAKE. TAUPO s.h.s. The property will be offered as one and if not sold will be offered in two titles namely 32 ha adjacent to lake and 80 ha on the northern side of Acacia Bay Road. Finance — Substantial Vendor finance could be available to Purchasers approved by the Trustees prior to the Auction. Brochures and Conditions of Offering available from the Agents, Messrs Wrightson NMA Limited, P.O. Box 77, Rotorua and the Trust Department N.Z. Insurance Co. Ltd., P.O. Box 1040, Rotorua. ROTORUA AND BRANCHES Ph Rotorua 86-079 Taupo 88-010 After Hours: John Lorimer Ph 88-662 Rotorua; Frank West Ph. 78-583 Rotorua; Mike Wyn- Williams Ph. 48-092 Taupo.
Page 52 Advertisements Column 7
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 52
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