j Auctions L. P. DEVLIN PUBLIC AUCTION SPECIALLY FINE HOME AND CONTENTS AT 101 CHURCH STREET RANGIORA SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 ON THE PREMISES On Account: MR A. S. WINTER (who is giving up hnifsekeeping). PROPERTY COMPRISES: Particularly fine brick residence containing 2 bedrooms, large livingroom will) fireplace. lounge, kitchen, bathroom. laundry, every possible conveniences, complete with carpets. Venetian blinds.drapes. nitestor heater. Essee hater, all m perfect order throughout. Outbuildings comprise large garage, carport, modern glasshouse 12 x 8. wood and coal house. LAND: 3he section contains 33.8 perches of perfect garden well fenced and private with tar sealed drive and concrete paths to all parts of the garden. Laid out in lawns, gardens, trees and shrubs. SITUATION: This is in the choice North West area dry and warm, handv (o shops and schools. REMARKS: Tills property gets all the sun and is a perfect home. INSPECTION: We have the keys and invite vour inspectoin. FURNITURE: , ' The very fine furniture and effects will be sold after the property at 10.15 a.m. Full details will be published later. RHODES FRASER AND CO RANGIORA. SOLICITORS L. P. DEVLIN AUCTIONEER M. ESTATE J PUBLIC AUCTION LITTLE RIVER UNIQUE SMALL HOLDING (4.4781 HA - 11 acres) On Account of: A. C. AND J. G. ARCHER TO BE OFFERED FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1981 AT 2.30 P.M. IN DALGETY NEW ZEALAND. LIMITED, LAND SALES ROOM, 193 CASHEL STREET, CHRISTCHURCH IMPROVEMENTS: Residence consists of a 6 year old modern permanent material 4 bedroom home, two bathrooms, large lounge beamed ceiling, separate dining, both with ranch sliders to balcony and quality carpets, drapes etc' A lovely home in beautiful situation with wide rural outlook. OUTBUILDINGS: Concrete block double garage plus large workshop. .SPECIAL FEATURES: Large built-in fully decked para pool complete with equipment. Very attractive landscaped garden overlooked by balconies and sun terrace. LAND: Well fenced with excellent shelter. Gently sloping hill country on main Akaroa-High-way. Well established 16 year old exotic plantations lor further .shelter. DALGETY NEW ZEALAND. LIMITED. PHONE 798-200. CHRISTCHURCH. A.H. Paul Skelton, Little River 61: Dems Simpson. Christchurch 557-928.
STAMPS POSTAL AUCTION LAURIE FRANKS LTD, 165 CASHEL ST, CHRISTCHURCH. ON OCTOBER 13 we will be closing a Postal Auction of New Zealand stamps and postal history. There are approximately 1200 lots comprising many scarce stamps, and in the postal history section there will be a range of Full Face Queens on early ship letters in fine condition. If you wish to take part in this auction, and are not already on our mailing list, send a 25c stamp (to cover mailing) for a free catalogue and instructions on how to bid. M.D.GitRA&Co. M.R.E.I.N.Z. 27 MCDOUGALL AVENUE MERIVALE On account: Mr and Mrs R. Clements Prestigious Residential address To be sold by Public Auction at our premises , at 2.15 p.m. on October 16, 1981. A MAGNIFICENT two storey residence of approx. 3000 sq ft with 6 bedrooms, enormous lounge and dining, two bathrooms, isted on a very sunny section. Renovation will enhance the value ot this grand 70 year old home. Phone Murray Brown bus. 67-095. a.h. 528-830. Solicitors. Loughman and JarM.D.GieRA&Co. o^(— M.R.E I N Z. MREINZ AUCTIONEERS
Page 52 Advertisements Column 3
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 52
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