Auctions L'XDEfi CONI>UCT ‘>f Ibe (■>- nisi r':. r' of tfit-111irtl Cour) <>! Ne”: '/•'ukiiid at Christ- ■ < hfirHi. ;>i tile: .request : of file iiionuuqee and it) exi’fidse'oT'the powers of siiie eimiiiined or implied m Mentor ii'dnm of Mortamre No. 25(i693-2 iCanierimry Hesistry). MESSRS WHITTLE. KNIGHT AND BUATWOOD. LTD. Atlit'oneers. aeiinu tinder instrnrfiuns from tile Rei'tstnir ot tne Hiuil Court al Cnfistchun li. at tile request ol the mortgaeee under Metrtorandutn ol Morteaue No. 25(1693 2 (Canlerhurv L’et-'istry) will ofter lor sale hy Public Aueiton at its Auction L'outns at Hie corner o! Clyde and Ktccar'nn Roads. RieearUiii. Christchurch, on Tuesriay. tile: lath day of Septetnoer. 1931. at 2.lso'eloi'k in thealtern. the freehold property heina all that piece of land situated in the Chy of Christc lmri ii containing six HUNDRED AND THIRTY TWO SQUARE METRES (<132 sq. in.) or liiereabouts being l.ot -1 on Deposited Plan 23707 and being all tile land comprised and described in Certificate of Title Reejster 8K Folio 843 (Canterbury Registry). Ihe properly is situated al Uli Rossull Street. Cnristi hiircli. and is presently occupied Prestige Merivale situation. This villa type weatherboard property consists of three bedrooms plus large, sunroom. Galley type kilchen with electric range. Laundry has stainless steel tub. Good size lounge with open' fire. Separate dining living room also with open tire. Two toilets (one oil laundry). Government Valuation 537.11111 I. •Tile Mortgagee's Particulars and Conditions of Sale and the Mortgagee's estimate ol value may be inspected at the olliee ot'.tlie Registrar ol Hie High Court at Christ church and t Hie offices of Messrs Macfarlane. Son and partners. Solicitors. Christchurch, solicitors tor the Mortgagee during oilier hours prior to the sale and at Hie office of the auctioneers al tile time of Hie sale without payment of any fee. 5 BRISTOL STREET HAMMER SPRINGS An immaculate bungalow to be offered by public auction at 2.15 p.m. on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, In our Chambers, 534 COLOMBO STREET. Christchurch. ON ACCOUNT of: The Vendor. THIS 3 bedroom weatherboard bungalow has an iron root and been laithtully maintained by the present owner. It also has an attractive lounge, wellplanned kitchen, with mod. elect, stove, bathroom and sep. shower room. Sewer and high pressure water. A well-fenced section of 1338 sq m (52.9 perches freehold), a 3 car carport. 2 ear garage, useful shed and lowihdlise. The property has been insulated with balls, and included in the sale will be all fixed floor coverings, drapes, light fillings, bulhsand shades. RATES: $154.25. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section 23. Block 7. Hanmer Township. CT.7B/394. GOVERNMENT VALUATION: $25,501). of which $B5OO represents the land value. SOLICITORS: Godfrey. Gudtrey and Duncrutt. l or further particulars in respect of this desirable property, please i-ontael Mrs D. Slnvas. 7UBII Hanmer Springs, ol:— MREINZ PHONE 61-205 ROBERT BROWN —MKiiy AUCTIONEER RICCARTON CLOSE TO MONA VALE UNIQUE PROPERTY THE RIVER AVON AS NORTHERN FRONTAGE CHARMING EARLY HOME Secluded spacious tree bounded selling. Prime 2772 square metres. HO perches approx. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION WEDNESDAY. SEPT.' 16 AT 2.15 P.M. In The Chamber of Commerce Building. Corner Oxlord Terrace and Worcester Street. No. 46 MATAI STREET ENJOYED in the past, investment for the future. Rarely onered. Opportunity for lite style denied most people. Long tree lined drive to seclusion and privacy, space lor tennis court and swimming pool. Early Canterbury residence presently in lour investment fiats inviting restoration to former grace and style, spacious living rooms, pannelled hall, sunny commodious bedrooms. A sheltered haven for entei'iainment and family pleasure. Reluctantly and genuinely. FOR DEFINITE SALE INSPECTION invited by appointment only wlin the sole agent in conjunction. Telephone 62-972. private 558-809. WING REAL ESTATE, LTD, M HEINZ Vendors Solicirors: Messrs Marshall. Gardner and Co. ■ Finance: . Generous vendor finance available lo an approved purchaser.
Page 52 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 52
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