Personals PROBLEMS? Relationships? Lonely? Depressed? If you have any kind of problem you need to work througn. or are feeling lonely Life lane’s Trained and Caring Counsellors are available 24 hours a day to help you. Phone Life Line 66-743. WS SEPARATED farm worker wishes to meet someone lute 20s early 30s. who likes farm lite, tor friendsfiip and companionship. Reply A 64 "The Press." Ashburton. SKYDIVE, the ultimate sport, make your first parachute jump this week-end. tor more information phone the Manager. Canterbury Skydiving Club. Phone 488-229 after 5 p.m, or write P.O. Box 1987, Christchurch. WS i SNOWCHAINS, all car sizes, j including light truck and Landrovers, for sale or hire, alterations and repairs welcome. Hamco Speed Equipment. Phone 63-667. STC SPA for ladies only. $2 at the Alathien Lounge. — H S Q SUNTANNING Clinic. Lie down and brown. John Unisex Hairstylist. Ph. 62-211. SWINGERS Contact published monthly (or adults over 18. singles, couples who wish to contact others. Hundreds of genuine contacts throughout . N.Z. For details in strict confidence. "Editor." P.O. Box 31158. Lower Hutt. STC TAX returns. Our staff will be happy to assist you. Christchurch Taxation Service. 153 Hereford St and 466 Colombo St. Svdenham. Ph. 61-445. STC T shirt printing while you wait. Ivan Philips Fabries. Phone 62-816. SH VIDEO Camera and Portapak Course commences September 16 for 3 Wed. nights. 7-10 p.m. $3O. N.Z. School of Photography, phone 795-277. VINYL repairs. For repairs to all vinyl materials, furntiure. car seats, etc. Ph. VIP Services. 554-162. or 34-466 any time. STC WE all need the company of others. If you are without a close companion, write to Love and Friendship Club. P.O. Box 24-090. Chch. We may be able- to help. WIDOW late fifties own accotn- ! tnodalion, friendship Christ- j church retired gent, 60. no ; ties, occasional company and outings, gent must have driver's licence, phone. Apply 28M. "Press." WOMEN'S refuge, a shelter from domestic violence. Ph. 69-187. WS WOULD Kerrie Joan Perrett. nee Craig, or anyone knowing tier whereabouts, please ph. Kenneth Perrett. 606-013 Auckland (collect). WOULD Leonard Ferguson Wilson (formerly of Southland) or anyone knowing his whereabouts please communicate with the Public Trustee. P.O. Box 98. Gore, in a matter of benefit to Mr . Wilson. YOUTHLINE. Ph. 794-794. Young people listening to young people. STC ARISTOCRAT LOUNGE TIRED? Feeling dejected or just a little lonely? Let our friendly ladies rejuvenate you witii a connoisseur s massage. We provide: a discreet service with credit card facilities, nine lovely ladies, refreshments, male and female escorts. Masseur available for ladies. PHONE 793-273 564 A Colombo Street. (We have no sign so look for the number). BATCHELORS! ROMEO AND JULIET'S INTRODUCTION SERVICE NEEDS YOU YOU don't have to be handsome or witty or suave, just sincerely interested in meeting a special friend. Write in confidence to: BOX 48, LINCOLN. DORIAN SOCIETY DISCO MEMBERS and accompanied guest. •f « i] ACUPUNCTURE COLIN CHAN NING HOU Specialising in Acupuncture. Migraine Headaches. Rheumatism. Ast lima. Stop Smoking. Lose Weight. Sporting Injuries (not fractures). Cline hours: 2.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday. 73 MATIPO STREET. RIUCARTON. CHRISTCHURCH 4. PHONE 482-734. STC Lost and Found BLACK cal with big eyes missing from Hereford St. Please ph. 68-889. BROWN billfold wallet lost in Sydenham. Spreydon area, contains personal papers and a sum of money. Reward offered. Ph. 482-674 or 44-737. CAT, large silver grey tabby called Israel, lost BurwoodLinwood area. Ph. 68-215. CAT missing.from Carlton Mill Road, Merivale area. Grey and white striped with white bib. Reward. Please phone 66-052. CAT still missing oriental tortoiseshell. brown and ginger. Small shy female. Harris Cres, Condell areas. Reward. Ph. 528-659 or 849-621. FOUND, big black Labrador, male. Pages Rd. by park last Friday. Ph. 381-088. FOUND, very young cat. black with white feet, chest and face, very friendly. Owner or good home wanted. Ph. 528392 evening. GOOD reward for gold bangle engraved' 'Declma' 1972. ! Phone 428-670. LADY'S silver sieko watch lost between Hornby and Church Corner. Ph. 497-855. reward'. LEFT in Broad Park, North Beach, boy's orange coloured bike, please ph. 881-815. LOST between Springs Junction and Murchison on Sunday. Aug. 30. one chrome motor tiike exhaust tail piece. Part of custom made set. Reward. Ph. 428-112 Chch collect. LOST, brown Burmese cat. Edgeware Rd. Reward. Ph. 557-163. LOST, child's swing between Westerleigh St. Bishopdale and Haywards Rd. Clarkville. on Fri. night. Ph. 277-942. LOST Friday Oxford Tee by Snowline, keys in leather case, urgently required. PH. 583-119. LOST from Sherbourne St, young shy female cat. tabby and while short haired, with a big black fluffy tail. Please ring 65-155 or 252-511 ext. 784. LOST German Shepherd, answers to the name of Tina, black and cream with black ! face, creamy coloured legs i slipped collar vicinity Rail- ! way Station. Moorhouse Ave. ! 9th Sept. Ph- 851-826. ■ LOST, pair of prescription I glasses in case. Riccarton- ■ Sumner. Reward. Phone : .Sumner 6819.
Page 51 Advertisements Column 8
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 51
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