Auctions ANTIQUES COLLECTORS ITEMS SURPLUS FURNITURE TO BE HELD ON THE PROPERTY 55 INNES ROAD. ON THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 24 AT 1 ,P.M. ANTIQUES CARD table with folding top. Edwardian spindle sola. Lipp piano (1906 exhibition). Mahogany lady's chair. Inlaid walnut footstool. 2 mahogany bedside tables, German porcelain fruit set (6 piece). Sunderland Lustre lea set. Harlequin coflee cups. Royal Doulton chain and liguriries. 2 Moorcroft vases. 1 doz. Sterling silver teaspoons. Sterling silver sugar castor, Pearl handled fish servers. Ginger jar. Cortioy. Oak wine cask. Water colour of Lake Como. Persian rug. Crystal Bowls. Etchings. Print picasso. 7 Steins. FURNITURE Sundry hardware. Garden tools. Wheel barrow. Extension ladder. Sundry timber. Oddments. Bicyice (20m frame). Garden seat. Copper incinerator. Preserving jars. Sundry china. 2 Heater lamps. Tennis racquet. Cricket pads. Guitar. Books. Childrens encyclopedias in case (Arthur Mee). National geographies. Gramaphone records (78s). Ice box. Carpet sweeper, 2 mirrors. Electric heater. Kitchen table. Oak dining table and 6 chairs. 2 Bentwood chairs. Standard lamp. Tapestry. Fire screen. Leather fire screen. Oak occasional table. Coffee table. Beech occasional table. Piano stool. 2 Book cases. 10 drawer filing cabinet, 2x4 drawer desks, Single bed and mattress. Compactum. Wardrobe. INSPECTION - 11 A.M. TERMS CASH AUCTIONEERS THE CANTERBURY (NZ), SEED CO. MGAANZ -- PHONE 382-199 PROPERTY FURNITURE AUCTION FENDALTON NORTH BRICK BUNGALOW WITH CONSIDERABLE POTENTIAL DELIGHTFUL 1229 SQ. M SECTION CLOSE SHOPS AND TRANSPORT 354 ILAM ROAD To be sold by Auction on Hie above premises WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 23 ' AT 12 NOON On Account ol MRS L. E. WINCHESTER THE BRICK bungalow which is most suitable for a small family or retired couple comprises 2 bearooms. a lounge witn an open fireplace, separate dining room, kitchen, bathroom and laundry. Other improvements include a garden shed and a single garage. This property is situated in a very desirable residential position close to the Ham-Clyde Road shopping complex. Full details of furniture in later papers. For further particulars and appointment to inspect phone the Auctioneer. Albert Sportt. 799-910 or a.h. 558-431. Solicitors for the vendor: T. D. HARMAN AND SON. PROPERTY AND FURNITURE AUCTION FENDALTON NORTH BRICK BUNGALOW WITH CONSIDERABLE POTENTIAL DELIGHTFUL 1229 SQ. M SECTION CLOSE SHOPS AND TRANSPORT 354 ILAM ROAD To be sold by Auction on the above premises WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 23 AT 12 NOON On Account ol MRS L. E. WINCHESTER THE BRICK bungalow which is most suitable lor a small family or retired couple comprises 2 bedrooms, a lounge with’an open fireplace, separate dinlug room, kitchen, bathroom and laundry. Other improvements include a garden shed and' a single garage. This property is situated m a very desirable residential position close to the Ilam-Clyde Road shopping complex. Full details of furniture in later papers. For further particulars and appointment to inspect phone the Auctioneer. Aluert Sportt. 799-910 or a.h. 558-431. Solicitors for tile vendor: T. D. HARMAN AND SON
Page 51 Advertisements Column 10
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 51
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