Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED British textile finisher, fully qualified, enthusiastic, wishes employment within textile industry. Apply: Scott Graham. 32 Back Row, Selkirk. Scotland. EXPERIENCED Carpenter wants work on Saturdays, will do anything, doesn't have to he carpentry, please phone 498610. GERMAN married couple seeks employment as Administrators at an orphanage, youth hostel or day nursery. The man is an electrician and general handyman. The woman is a nurse. She has worked with children who are handicapped. Please write to: Erich Brehm Marktplatr. 7062 Rudersberg. West Germany. GIRL (20). 2‘s years experience on high country sheep and cattle stations in Central Otago.'domestic. outdoor and children. Phone Dunedin 737-695. MATURE woman requires position in forestry kitchen, station cook or any outdoor job. Strong, fit and able to lay a hand to most anything. Milking cows, chain sawing, wallpapering, painting, carpentry. Please reply to: "Try Anything," 13 Upham St. Havelock North, North Island. TWO 2nd year B.Ag. Sc. students require work on arable farm Nov.-Feb. Keen workers with previous farm experience. Refs available. Reply, I. Ray. 69 Florence Ave. Palmerston North. WANTED. Motorbody panel beater and spray painter. For details phone 56M Kaiapoi. WOMAN, thirties, requires position. Anything considered, part or full-time, temporary or permanent. Please apply. 6176 "Press.” YOUNG lady requires part-time evening work waitressing. Experienced. Please phone 529-006 Sunday evening. YOUNG lady 17 years. Conscientious and clean, keenly seeks position which will lead to cooking or working with food. 4 years experience home economics, secondary school. Ph. Ruth 389-103 or 88-567 Darfieid collect. I YOUTH, 15. very keen to work. seeks job associated with mechanics or engineering but will take anything. Please phone 527-750. YOUTH, 16. with drivers licence and keen to work seeks preferably driving job but will . consider anything. Please phone 886-215. YOUTH. 16 years with drivers i licence, keen worker, consider anything. Please ph. 7945 Kaiapoi. Rangiora - Kaiapoi district. 15 year old who wants to leave school seeks an interesting indoor full time job. Has work experience in shop work and hairdressing. I Please phone 791-522. 17-YEAR-OLD, 3 years secondary education, very presentable and keen to work, seeks job hairdressing or working with fashion. Has completed Polytech. Please phone 893- 1 978. 19 year old. left school last year, recently returned from ' tour of Australia, wishes to obtain trade or training in mechanic or electrical field. Has School Cert, and U.E. Excel, references. Phone 883520. TEMPORARY JOB REQUIRED by 16 yr old. factory. shop, waitressing. Please ph. 598-417. YOUNG MAN-MID 20s REQUIRES OUTDOOR WORK Experiences— Driving long distance work. Road training. Macks. Mercedes. Peterhuilts. Commers. Kenworths. Whites. Volvos. Fords. Mans. Leaders, etc. Driving front end loaders. Fiat Ellis. Cats and Mlchigans and Diggers. Atlas. Proclains and Hitachis. Face shovels. Bayclas. Skippering fishing .bpats. deck hand work. Bush work. Drilling, gold, mineral, oil. coal exploration. This young fellow is not afraid of hard work anywhere in N.Z.. Aussie and World for .anyone. Also, he is one of these fellows you can put anywhere in N.Z. or Australia and gets the job done right. The harder the work the rougher the place the more he likes it. Licences for all types of machinery. PHONE 486-501 ANY TIME URGENTLY Situations Wanted Farm EXPERIENCED dog and farm worker, requires position. Ph. 849-683. EXPERIENCED Plgman/G.F.W. married, seeks responsible position, any area considered. Ph. 60-794 evenings. FARMERS needing temporary experienced farm workers for one week or longer please contact Relief Farm Services. P.O. Box 146. Rangiora. Ph. 7312. STC GIRL aged 15 ! .. keen to work on dairv or mixed farm. Experienced with horses. Likes all animals. Ph. Christine. Belfast 8064. LINCOLN student requires work for one year on mixed cropping farm. Plenty of experience with stock and tractor work. Start Nov. Please write to J. Fegan, student. Lincoln College. Chch. MARRIED man with Lincoln degree seeks position on sheep or sheep/cropping farm to gain further practical experience. Ph. 478-131. PRE-LINCOLN student, 20 years old, requires position on sheep, cattle or mixed cropping farm from now. until March. Phone Carol. 489-731 after 5 p.m. collect. SHEARING wanted. Ph. 856-403. 17 year old girl, a little farm experience, requires job on farm. Please phone 898-589 evenings or week-ends. 19 vr old/equires work on farm o'r pony stud, 2 yrs experience at Kuraheka. Ph. 24-170 Oamaru. 20 yr old farm employee with some experience, requires position from early Nov. Please contact Don Pallerson. Southbridge 682. BLADE SHEARING CONTRACT gangs available all areas. Karson Shearing Co., Phone 831-284 P.O. BOX 30-038 CHRISTCHURCH. Farms For Sale AHAURA, Marshlands. 6.2853 hectares (15 acres) of market garden soli. At present 10 acres apple orchard and 5 acres market garden, as a going concern. Packing shed and shop for gate sales, cool store. Implement shed, with all implements, tractors etc plus 14 vear old grey Bolster ■ block home of 4. barms, lounge with open fire, kitchen dining area. Handy to all amenities $195,000. Ph. Keith Sopier 794-120. Kent. Pnoer Real Estate MREINZ a.h. 5550851.
Page 51 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 51
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