Situations Vacant SOCIAL WORKER CO-ORDINATING CENTRE FOR GERIATRIC AND DOMICILIARY SERVICES APPLICATIONS are invited from qualified social workers, i.e. Masters Degree or Diploma in Social Work, for a period of six months for this temporary position. The Co-ordinating Centre is a Community Health project and provides an information and co-ordinating service on ail aspects of health care. The primary duties will be assessing patients receiving the meals of wheels service, as well as assisting in the development of other services of the Centre as may be required. This new position offers an opportunity for practising social work in a community setting and working in cooperating with professional and community services. A schedule of information is available from the Chief Social Worker. North Canterbury Hospital Board. Private Bag. Christchurch with whom applications close on Wednesday. September 30. 1981. Applications should contain full details. age. qualifications, experience. etc. together with names and addresses of two referees. Please quote vacancy number 10/100. ■ SPECIALIST PATHOLOGIST APPLICATIONS are invited from registered medical practitioners holding a higher qualificatlo necessary for Specialist Pathologist status. The position is to be whole time or part-time as negotiated. but at least 8/lOths. Sessional work in a private laboratory may be available to a suitable applicant, who wishes to undertake private practice. Conditions of Employment are in accordance with the N.Z. Hospital Service Determination for Medical Officers with the salary to be that pertaining to Specialists. Cook Hospital Board, comprises a 257 bed General Hospital. a 46 bed Maternity complex and a Memorial Home for the Aged. A new general hospital is presently under construction. Full particulars, application forms and details of assistance are available on airmailed request from the undersigned with whom applications close October 7. 1981. Medical Superintendent, COOK HOSPITAL BOARD. Private Bag. .GISBORNE. TEACHERS CHALLENGING EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY WITH JUST REWARDS IF you desire a change from the classroom, yet want to maintain your involvement in education to capitalise on your experience. Field Educational can probably offer you the opportunity you seek. Established in the educational field since 1917, we now have some unique and exciting programmes which will provide exceptional opportunities for experienced teachers. A guaranteed income of $lOOO is offered for the first month and $4500 for the first quarter. Thorough ongoing training is provided free. No investment necessary. Minimum age 24 years. Use of car and phone essential. For interview, phone Mr Pengelly. South Island Manager. Field Educational, Ent.. 291 Avonhead Road. 588-643 before noon or after 5 p.m. ©Ministry ol Agriculture SRsheries Invermay Agricultural Research Centre Mosgiel TECHNICIAN Deer Research A vacancy exists for a technician to assist with the Deer Research programme. Trials are carried out to investigate intensive deer farm management and production. Over 500 Red. Wapiti and Fallow Deer are run on the 75 ha property. Duties ' include technical responsibilites for some trials and assiting with others. A considerable amount of deer handling will be involved as will assistance with animal management. Experience in deer farming is not essential but would be an advantage as would a Diploma or Degree in Agriculture. Inquiries to Dr G. H. Moore, phone 5477 (bus.) Mosgiel. Applications on PSI7A (available at any Post Office) and supporting information givingfull details of experience and qualifications should be sent to: Regional Director, Invermay Agricultural Reserach Centre. Private Bag, Mosgiel Applications close September 25, 1981. & TEMPORARY FORKLIFT EXPERIENCE PREFERRED Our clients are seeking 2 temporary storemen for the six months to March 1982. The successful applicants win have to be responsible individuals capable of dealing with not only the usual .duties, but also processing large groups of people, working unusual hours, and adhering to a strict procedual routine. Salary offered is a fiat $220 pw. This is an unusual opportunity to be involved in a fascinating industry. Minimum age 22. For further details, contact John Dally. [iSSKEY kLEJ personnel 53 CATHEDRAL SQUARE ' P. 0. BOX 450 . . CHRISTCHURCH Tim ■■iiiiwii TIMBER MERCHANT REQUIRES an experienced stripper and grader ot timber I on contract basis. This position may or may not ■ be lull time. ’ Please write in the first mi stance giving details of age and i experience 7 to: THE MANAGER BOX 51 I BELFAST.
Page 50 Advertisements Column 4
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 50
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