Situations Vacant SALES ORGANISER \E seek the services of an igent to co-ordinate sales of Memberships in a rapidly expanding discount buying jroup. Sales are generated by part-time phone canvassers Aho work from their own homes and the person we seek should be experienced in interviewing, training and motivating staff. A home-office area will be necessary for this purpose. Once the oganisers team has been established the daily attention required will be 2-3 hours and remuneration will be in excess of S3OO per week thus leaving ample time and scope to steer this closer to the four figure mark. Applicants should have a demonstrable track record as an organiser in a similar sales situation. Telephone Mr Cameron 798-088 Mon. SALES STAFF As a result of our recent expansion we have experienced an increase in sales which allows us to employ additional The position is based in Australia. Payment is by salary and a company vehicle is supplied. Applicants should be at least 24 years of age and have a keen interest in photography. Phone 897-183 for further details. COLOUR PRINT GROUP SAWYER AND TAILEROUT Wl- REQUIRE a Sawver and a Tailerou! who are experienced ir. native timber at om Iran?. •Inset Sawmill. As we are operu'mg an incentive bonus scheme, these positions would suit an established team seeking financial reward lor tneir skills. Accommodation available. WAIHO SAWMILLS LTD. P.O. Box 5017. Christchurch. Phone collect Christchurch 529-153 or A.H. 559-436 (alter Sunday). SENIOR CLERK V.T. REQUIRE a Senior Clerk m work in our Sydney office. 1 include Accounting, ■.icaiing with customer queries and some typing. Training Will be provided in Chrislcnurch before transfer to Australia. A competitive salary is Oitered plus accommodation. I'hone 897-183 tor further details. COLOUR PRINT GROUP SENIOR HAIRSTYLIST REQUIRED for top city salon, it you would like to work in a warm friendly atmosphere with the besi of todays facilities and would like to paid on a commission basis. Please enquire now. Phone 278-575. SHOP FITTER/ CARPENTER WE require an experienced person to fill the above position. The work is interesting and varied, with some out of town work involved. Please phone for an appointment : HALL SHOP FITTINGS. 78 Byron Street. CHRISTCHURCH. 2. Phone 66-829 or 66-828. SHORTHAND TYPIST NEW ZEALAND POLICE A VACANCY has orcured lor an experienced shorthand typist at the Christchurch Central Police Station. The suecesstul applicant will be required to periorm stiilt duties between trie hours of 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. Tne work involved is varied and interesting. Applicants must have TCB Grade . 1 or equivalent. Salary will be paid according to qualifications and experience. Please forward typewritten applications, including contact telephone number, to: Supervising Typist in Charge. CENTRAL POLICE STATION. P.O. Box 2109. CHRISTCHURCH.
r WORK STUDY Christchurch fl Owing to expansion an opening has been created for I a suitably qualified person to develop and install fl systems to further improve the success of this fl Christchurch based footwear manufacturer. I Candidates must be competent in work study skills I and although experience in the footwear industry I would be desirable it is not essential. The appointee will report to the Works Manager. Salary level is negotiable depending on experience and expertise. The opportunity to further advance within this organisation also exists. Initial confidential enquiries may be made by telephoning Craig O'Connell on 50-913 or by writing to him atP.O. Box 391, Christchurch. . /' dS Avouch LU
Page 50 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 50
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