; Situations Vacant i PREBBLETON j PLAY CENTRE l SUPERVISOR urgently re- ; quirqd. Supervisor Certilicate j also required. Mopday and • Thursday morning. ; Contact Secretary: j 27 MARSHS ROAD. Templeton. j Phone 496-938. i pi J Hamilton i MGroup PRODUCTION PLANNER WE require a Production Planner to join our production services team. Duties will include issuing work orders, updating order records and compiling bills ol material. Experience with a computer based planning system would be an advantage but not essential. Phone R. Lancastle 44-179. QUEENSTOWN BOROUGH COUNCIL ARROWTOWN BOROUGH COUNCIL LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL POSITION OF HEALTH AND BUILDING INSPECTOR APPLICATIONS are invited tor the position of Health and Building Inspector with the Queenstown and Arrowtown Borough Councils and the Lake County Council. Applicants for the position ol Health and Building.lnspector shall be holders ol qualifications prescribed under the Health Inspectors Qualifications Regulations. 1975. and shall also possess a sound knowledge of the building trade at a standard to satisfy the Councils By-Laws ets. and the Plumbing and Drainage Regulations. The salary for the position is negotiable and will depend on qualifications and experience of the successful applicant but will generally be in the range of 514.400 to 519.000 per annum. Conditions of appointment and the Schedule of Duties may be obtained from the Queenstown Borough Council. P.O. Box 41. Queenstown. Applications adressed to the Chief Executive Officer. Queenstown Borough Council. P.O. Box 41. Queenstown and endorsed ''Health and Building Inspector'' will be received up to 4 p.m. on Friday. October 9. 1981. G. H. Bleakley. Chief Executive Olficer. Hi NORTH CANTERBURY HOSPITAL BOARD RECEPTIONIST/CLERK TYPIST PHYSIOTHERAPY DEPARTMENT THE PRINCESS MARGARET HOSPITAL THIS position is suited to a person aged 25 to 40 years, whose past experience demonstrates an ability to cope witli varied office routine. The appointee will be responsible to the Charge Physiotherapist for duties that shall include typing of Department reports, monthly/annual returns and other Department correspondence. Maintenance of Department records and filing. Reception of patients, arranging patient appointments, telephone notifications and inter Departmental communication. This is a Monday to Friday position. Hours of duly 0890 1630 hours. Salary depending on qualifications and experience will be in accordance with the North Canterbury. South Canterbury and Ashburton Hospital Boards' Clerical Award. Written applications setting out in full details of experience. qualifications, age. etc., together with copies of recent testimonials, should be addressed to: The House Manager. The Princess Margaret Hospital. Cashmere Road. Christchurch 2. by the closing date of Wednesday. September 16. 1981. : RESIDENTIAL TUTORS FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 1982 LINCOLN COLLEGE (UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE) APPLICATIONS are invited from suitably qualified persons for appointment asßesidenlial Tutors in the Halls of Residence at Lincoln college for the 1982 Academic Year. Duties involve assisting the Master of Halls with matters concerning Student welfare. Tutors are required to live in the Hails and assist with the supervisionofthe Halls. Conditions of Appointment available from the undersigned. with whom applications close September 25.1981. G. A. HAY. Registrar. Lincoln College. Canterbury. RETAIL PART-TIME DUE.to our recent expansion, a l flexible part-time position exists lor an experienced sales personto join our specialist sales team. We are an established company and retail an unsur- j passed range ol New Zealand's i natural products such as i leather suede and fur garments. wool, jade and other ■ associated lines. Hours: approximately 30 hours per week and will include some weekend work. Remuneration: Excellent income and staff benefits. All applications m strictest confidence to:- < Mr Jim Tabak. Phone 799-791 or 799-704. i ‘ OUTBAK LEATHERWARE h N.Z.. LTD. C.M.L. Building. I £ Cathedral Square. CHRi.STCHURCH. j ■ t RFTHiED BUILDER ( REQVIRf D. PHC'NF 5.Y1-U7l j
Page 49 Advertisements Column 6
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 49
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