Situations Vacant MAITRE D HOSTESS WAITERWAITRESS EXPERIENCED responsible persons required 3 to 5 nignts for small 8.Y.0. Exclusive Restaurant. Must be prepared to work as a team and take pride in our dining room. Phone 60-822 MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY APPLICATIONS are invited for the position of Service Station Manager at a modern, centrally situated location. The position would suit a person with ability to control daily organisation, and have a willingnes to assume responsibility for all facets of Service Station Management with a view of a future opportunity to extend the applicant’s knowlege of the trade, in the selling of Motor Vehicles. Honesty, Integrity and Reliability are the essential requirements for this position. Written applications detailing age. experience and other qualifications should be addressed to.— MANAGING DIRECTOR. P O. BOX 22524, CHRISTCHURCH. MANUFACTURING ENGINEER THE continued growth of our business has resulted in an opportunity for a Production Engineer. The work is varied, and involves maintenance of wood processing machinery and assisting in the development of new jigs and other time saving methods of production. Applicants must be self motivated and oe able to fully co-operate with all production staff, leading hands and factory management. Prospects are excellent particularly for someone keen in assisting with the development of new products and production methods. Contact: ASHFORD HANDYCRAFTS, LIMITED Ph. 89087 Ashburton. MASSAGE STAFF Top class masseuse wanted to take position as Working Manager, day shift. Also staff needed part-time night shift. Main requirements, maturity, dependaoility and initiative. Secure job with select clientele. Phone 61-826. MECHANIC We require an A grade mechanic capable of working wun minimum supervision, good wages and conditions. Apply: MIDDLETON SERVICE STATION, 324 Blenheim Road. Phone 487-206 a.h. 487-901. H| NORTH CANTERBURY HOSPITAL BOARD MEDICAL OFFICER SUNNYSIDE HOSPITAL APPLICATIONS, closing at 9 a.m. on Wednesday. November 4. 1981, are invited from registered medical practitioners lor the post of Medical Officer, Sunnyside Hospital. Sunnyside Hospital is a 790 bed psychiatric hospital and the appointee’s duties will include active involvement in the assessment. psychological problems associated with the consumption of alcohol. Assistance with general duties at the hospital, especially with the psycho-geriatric patients, would also be expected. Salary will be in accordance with the Hospital Service Determination applicable to medical officers on tne scales lor Medical Officers of Special Scale. Conditions of Appointment and a schedule of duties may be obtained from the Chief Executive, North Canterbury Hospital Board. Private Bag, Christchurch, to whom applications snould be addressed. Applications should contain full details of age. qualifications, experience etc., together with names and addresses of three referees. Please quote vacancy number 10/295. MODELS REQUIRED FOR WEA Art Classes, life and portrait. Please enquire al WEA Centre. Phone 60-696 or 64-530. MONASH UNIVERSITY COMPUTER SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE ENGINEER EXPERIENCED engineer for Computer Centre maintenance section to work on 8670 U <2;, VAXII/780 (7). PDP-11 (20) and ancilliary equipment. Experience with Burroughs 86000 and peripheral equipment an advantage, but an electronic and electromechanical engineer would be trained on specinc equipment. Salary: 5A15.043 - SA2L77O p.a. Enquiries: B. Seaman or P. Worth 541 0811. Applications including Ref. No. 402103 M. date of birth, qualifications, experience and telepnone number to the Staff □nicer. Monash University. Clayton. Vic. 3168. Australia by Octuoer 9. 1981. OUTWORK WHOLE garments sewing contract basis. Pick up and deliver. City centre workshop. Industrial machines essential. ■Phone for an appointment 61134. alter hours 266-238.
Page 48 Advertisements Column 6
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 48
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